SWP - how do I use/install different LaTeX fonts?

  • LaTeX
  • Thread starter hitman47
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In summary, I'm looking for someone who could easily explain to me how some colleges have different styles of fonts and operators in their PDF math outputs, as I use a scientific workplace and would like to integrate different fonts and so on.
  • #1
I think the title says it all - believe me I have googled for days on end but is there anyone who knows how to easily explain how some colleges have different stlyes of fonts and operators in their pdf math outputs? I use scientific workplace, and I would like to know how to integrate different fonts and so on. please help me! :)
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  • #2
I don't know anything about SWP, but so far as the LaTeX is concerned, you use a "package" that redefines the fonts, e.g.

\usepackage{mathpazo} % Palatino text font with compatible math font

Hope that points you in the right direction to find what you have available.

There are plenty of free text fonts available, but not many have compatible maths fonts. The default CM maths fonts usually look strange mixed with a non-CM text font - e.g. maths digits 0-9 look different from text digits)
  • #3
Yeah, I knew about packages and so on and was looking into them, but the instructions for installation of a particular package are pretty daunting, with a whole load of latex commands that need to be run on them for integration into swp. my idea was to see where other packages' files were placed, but they just seem to be all over the place.

Perhaps you could give me an example of how you would install a new math font package in latex, and i could try taking it from there? :)
  • #4
I use MikTex, and it automatically installs packages that it knows about. If you try to latex a document that uses a package, and MikTex knows what the package is but you haven't got it, it downloads it and installs it automagically.

Sorry that doesn't answer your question, but I've never had to install anything manually yet.
  • #5
AlephZero said:
I use MikTex, and it automatically installs packages that it knows about. If you try to latex a document that uses a package, and MikTex knows what the package is but you haven't got it, it downloads it and installs it automagically.

Sorry that doesn't answer your question, but I've never had to install anything manually yet.

well i have tried installing miktex, and afterwards i added the SWP TciTeX folder to the Root paths of miktex settings, but to no avail. I keep getting Error, dvi not created. this is even having configured swp to use the miktex latex.exe and so on, after reading what seems to be the only miktex/swp installation guide on the net; not only that, but i had to read in google's cache because the site is down. is it just me, or am i the only one trying to do this? am i wrong in using swp with miktex - am i the only one trying to do it? what are other people using with it?


anyway I'm just sick and tired of it at this stage, the hours of searching on google and no results. makes me wonder why the trouble with math on a pc, when using a pen and paper is so easy, relatively speaking. I'm hoping someone will be able to tell me what or where i am mistaken, because i don't have all the necessary knowledge of how latex works. every time i look up something on it, i get ambiguous information. To show you what I mean, here is a lecture presentation on LateX itself, the pros and cons of SWP and other tools:

You will see in it that it is said (under MikteX and SWP), "You can edit the same document in both (simultaneously!)" - both of what? i thought MikTex is a compileer, not a gui...

Another example is what was said in the quote of the last post above, that "If you try to latex a document that uses a package, and MikTex knows what the package is but you haven't got it, it downloads it and installs it automagically." Well if this is the case then why do i get reports of missing fonts when i open previously compiled (with TrueTex in SWP) dvi files using Yap? (dcr12 and other variants were reported missing).

Overall, LateX for me just seems incredibly complicated - even though I know html and so on. As I said, I have tried looking at the TCITeX directory structure in SWP to see if I can find out how files are laid out, but there are fonts and files scattered in all different folders, so I can't make head nor tail of it. Google is useless, there's no info on how to add a package from the CTAN archives to it where it will work, and even the instructions on the Mackichan website are too complicated. Is there a simple tutorial on how to create LateX documents anywhere? If there isn't, I think it's about time there were. :)
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  • #6
Question about txfonts in Latex

Hi there!

I'm writing my dissertation in Latex and want to use the "txfonts" package. I am a physicist, and not very clued up with the more complicated computer stuff, and need some help. I first used TeXniCenter in Windows as an editor but when I compiled, I got the error message `txfonts.sty' not found. I made sure I had all the downloaded txfonts packages. When I got that error message, it was searching for the "txfonts.sty" file in the directory Program Files/MiKTeX 2.7/tex/latex/txfonts. I saved the folder with all the txfonts packages (also the txfonts.sty file) in exactly that directory. Then I increased the priority of this path under the "root" tab in the executable "mo.exe" (in the directory MikTex\miktex\bin). STILL I got the message that the "txfonts.sty" folder is not found.

I then decided to rather use Kile in Linux since I'm already doing my research there. On my laptop, I have Slackware, there I got no problem and none of these error messages, but on my desktop, I have Kubuntu. AGAIN I got the same error message. "File `txfonts.sty' not found. \usepackage".

I searched for the rest of the txfonts packages, and found it in the directory usr/share/texmf-tetex/fonts/afm/public/txfonts, then I saved the Linux version txfonts.sty file at exactly the same place, tried to compile again - same error.

This error occurs for nearly any package I am using, for example using the natbib package, I got the message that the natbib.sty file is not found, so it is not something related specifically to txfonts alone.

Can somebody PLEASE help?
I would appreciate it a lot ...

FAQ: SWP - how do I use/install different LaTeX fonts?

1. What is SWP and why would I need to use/install different LaTeX fonts?

SWP stands for Scientific Workplace, which is a software designed for scientific and technical writing. It uses LaTeX to create documents, and different fonts can enhance the appearance and readability of your document.

2. How do I install new fonts in SWP?

To install new fonts in SWP, you can either use the built-in font installer or manually add the font files to your system's font directory. The font installer can be accessed by going to "Tools" > "Fonts" > "Install New Font". Make sure to restart SWP after installing the fonts.

3. Can I use any font with SWP?

Yes, SWP supports any font that is installed on your system. However, not all fonts are optimized for use with LaTeX. It is recommended to use fonts that are specifically designed for use with LaTeX, such as Computer Modern or Times New Roman.

4. How can I change the font size in SWP?

To change the font size in SWP, you can use the "Font Size" drop-down menu in the toolbar. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + Shift + >" to increase the font size or "Ctrl + Shift + <" to decrease the font size.

5. Can I use different fonts for different sections of my document in SWP?

Yes, you can use different fonts for different sections of your document in SWP. This can be done by using the "Font" menu in the toolbar. Select the text you want to change the font of and then choose the desired font from the drop-down menu. You can also change the font for specific elements, such as titles, headings, and captions, by using the "Format" menu.

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