Symmetry of Young's Tableaux with conjugate representation

In summary, the conversation discusses the Young's tableaux for two SU(3) representations, specifically the representation of 3 \otimes 3 = 6 \oplus \bar{3}. The 6 representation is symmetric and the 3 bar is anti-symmetric. The conversation also mentions the representation of \bar{3} \otimes \bar{3} = \bar{6} \oplus 3, where the 6 bar is represented by X X X X and the 3 is represented by X X X. The (p,q) values for these representations are (2,0) and (0,1) respectively. The question is then posed whether the (0,2) representation has
  • #1
This isn't an assigned problem, just a popular forum I was hoping someone here would be able to help or move it to where it should be...

Homework Statement

I was working out the Young's tableaux for two SU(3) representations where
[tex]3 \otimes 3 = 6 \oplus \bar{3}[/tex], where the 6 is symmetric and the 3 bar is anti-symmetric.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Now, we can also do [tex]\bar{3} \otimes \bar{3} = \bar{6} \oplus 3[/tex] but the diagrams are not pure row or columns. Here the 6 bar representation is

and the 3 is

So, in the case of [tex]3 \otimes 3[/tex] we have (if you refer to Sakurai p.~370 where he gives the definition of p,q) the 6 representation as (p,q) = (2,0) and the 3 bar as (0,1). In the case of [tex]\bar{3} \otimes \bar{3}[/tex] we obtain a (0,2) and (1,0), as expected (?).

Anyways, would the (0,2) representation have the same symmetry as the (2,0) rep?
Physics news on
  • #2
Would the (1,0) rep have the same symmetry as the (0,1)? Or do they both just have no symmetry?The (2,0) and (0,1) representations are both symmetric under exchange of the two indices, while the (0,2) and (1,0) are both anti-symmetric.

FAQ: Symmetry of Young's Tableaux with conjugate representation

What is the definition of symmetry in Young's Tableaux with conjugate representation?

Symmetry in Young's Tableaux with conjugate representation refers to the property of a tableau to remain unchanged when its rows and columns are interchanged.

How is symmetry related to conjugate representation in Young's Tableaux?

In Young's Tableaux, conjugate representation is a way of representing a partition of a number by flipping the tableau along its main diagonal. This flip preserves the symmetry of the tableau, making it a useful tool in studying the symmetry properties of Young's Tableaux.

What are some applications of symmetry in Young's Tableaux with conjugate representation?

Symmetry in Young's Tableaux with conjugate representation has various applications, such as in the study of symmetric polynomials, representation theory, and combinatorics.

How is symmetry used in the construction of Young's Tableaux with conjugate representation?

The concept of symmetry is used in the construction of Young's Tableaux with conjugate representation to ensure that the tableau is a valid representation of the partition, and to simplify calculations and proofs in various applications.

Can symmetry in Young's Tableaux with conjugate representation be generalized to other mathematical objects?

Yes, symmetry is a fundamental concept in mathematics and can be extended to various other objects, such as matrices, groups, and graphs. The study of symmetry has many important applications in different branches of mathematics and science.
