Symmetry transformation in Heisenberg vs Schrödinger Picture

In summary, symmetry transformations are changes in reference frames that preserve the possible outcomes of an experiment. In the Heisenberg picture, observables evolve according to a time-dependent operator, while in the Schrodinger picture, the state vector evolves according to a time-independent operator. However, when changing reference frames, the expectation values calculated in each picture are not equivalent. This is due to the fact that the time evolution operator itself changes in the new reference frame. In general, the Hamiltonian in the new frame is not the same as in the original, leading to a difference in expectation values.
  • #1
Symmetry transformations are changes in our point of view that preserve the possible outcomes of experiment:
$$\Psi \rightarrow U(\Lambda) \Psi$$
In the Heisenberg picture, observables in a fixed reference frame evolve according to:
$$P(t) = U^\dagger (t)PU(t)$$ while in the Schrodinger picture, the state vector evolves as $$\Psi (t) = U(t) \Psi$$
Now at a time t, we change our reference frame. The expectation value of the observable in the two pictures is then
$$(U(\Lambda) \Psi, P(t)U(\Lambda) \Psi) $$ in the Heisenberg picture and $$(U(\Lambda) \Psi (t), PU(\Lambda) \Psi (t)) $$ in the Schrodinger picture. However, these do not give equivalent values. Can someone point out where my reasoning is wrong?
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  • #2
Is your symmetry transformation time-independent? I'm guessing it probably is and, if so, then ##U(\Lambda)## commutes with ##U(t)##, leading to equivalent expectation values, afaics.

  • #3
strangerep said:
Is your symmetry transformation time-independent? I'm guessing it probably is and, if so, then ##U(\Lambda)## commutes with ##U(t)##, leading to equivalent expectation values, afaics.

No it is a general Lorentz transformation. I believe my mistake was the the time evolution operator itself changes in the new reference frame since the Hamiltonian as seen in this new frame is in general not the same as in the original.
$$U(t) \to U(\Lambda)U(t)U^{-1} (\Lambda)$$

Related to Symmetry transformation in Heisenberg vs Schrödinger Picture

1. What is the difference between Heisenberg and Schrödinger picture in symmetry transformation?

In the Heisenberg picture, operators are time-dependent while states are time-independent. This means that physical quantities are observed to change over time, but the underlying system remains constant. In the Schrödinger picture, operators are time-independent while states are time-dependent. This means that the system itself is observed to change over time, but physical quantities remain constant.

2. How do symmetry transformations behave in the Heisenberg picture?

In the Heisenberg picture, symmetry transformations are represented by unitary operators that act on the operators of the system. This means that the operators themselves undergo a transformation, while the states remain unchanged.

3. How do symmetry transformations behave in the Schrödinger picture?

In the Schrödinger picture, symmetry transformations are represented by unitary operators that act on the states of the system. This means that the states themselves undergo a transformation, while the operators remain unchanged.

4. How are symmetry transformations related between the Heisenberg and Schrödinger picture?

In general, symmetry transformations in the two pictures are related by a similarity transformation. This means that the operators and states in one picture can be obtained from the other by applying a unitary transformation.

5. Can symmetry transformations be used to simplify calculations in quantum mechanics?

Yes, symmetry transformations can be extremely useful in simplifying calculations in quantum mechanics. They allow us to transform a problem into a different picture where the equations of motion may be easier to solve or interpret. Additionally, symmetries can often reveal underlying patterns and relationships in physical systems.

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