Synchronizing Shed Clocks w/Leading Clock Lag: Explained

  • Thread starter Kawaii
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In summary, the conversation discussed the problem of synchronizing two clocks fixed to the front and back of a moving shed. When viewed from the shed's frame of reference, the clocks appear to be synchronized. However, when viewed from the frame of reference of an observer stationary relative to the moving rod, the front clock appears to lag behind the trailing clock due to the time it takes for light to travel between the two clocks in the direction of motion. This results in a time difference of l_0 v / c^2 between the two clocks. While the explanation can be proven quantitatively using mathematics, the qualitative reasoning is that the moving clocks experience time dilation, causing the front clock to appear to run slower than the trailing clock.
  • #1
This is rod and shed problem (rod is moving with v towards shed)
Length of rod measured when the rod is stationary = L0
Length of shed measured when the shed is stationary l0 = 0.5 L0

Two clocks are fixedd to the front and back of the shed. Explain how these clocks may be synchronised.
I did this. (Emitting two photons from the middle of the shed. Triggering the clocks at the back and front of the shed simultaneously)

According to the Special Theory of Relativity, observers stationary relative to the rod judge that the two shed-based clocks are not synchronised, but that in fact the leading clock lags the trailing clock by the amount l0v/c^2. Explain qualitative why this should be so.

I can explain this quantitatively.
Here is my answer. The colcks fixed to the front and back of the shed are synchronised in the shed's frame of reference but from the rod's frame of reference shed is moving which result in observers from the rod's f.o.r (frame of reference) seeing the photon going in the direction of motion of the shed arrive later to one clock (say clock at the front of shed) then the photon going in the different direction of motion arrive to the other clock (say clock at the back of shed). So the clock at the back is triggered before the clock at the front which result in time difference between two clocks and therefore them being not synchronised anymore. The amount of time lag by the front clock is l0v/c^2
let say point f is front of shed, point b is back of shed, and point m is the middle of the shed. Shed's velocity is v.

clock f is at f, clock b is at b. f and b are moving along x-axis with speed v, so fm = mb = l0/2Gamma, being shortened by lorentz contraction.
tf = time at front clock
tb = time at back clock
c = speed of light

ctf = l0/2Gamma + vtf
ctb = l0/2Gamma - vtb

time difference = tf - tb = l0 / (2Gamma*(c-v))
but moving clocks run slow so actual time difference is (tf-tb) divided by Gamma which is l0v/c^2
(I skipped some algebra here for simplicity)

So the question from me is that. I don't know how to say it qualitatively. I can prove it by using Maths. So please anybody help me :(

ps. Apologies for wrong spellings and bad grammar.
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  • #2
The first paragraph in your explanation is the qualitative reasoning. You simply and conceptually explain why it is that the front clock should lag the trailing one. The fact that you then go on and quantitatively derive the [itex]l_0 v / c^2[/itex] relationship is extra credit as far as I'm concerned :)

Related to Synchronizing Shed Clocks w/Leading Clock Lag: Explained

What is the purpose of synchronizing shed clocks with leading clock lag?

The purpose of synchronizing shed clocks with leading clock lag is to ensure that all clocks in a particular area or system are displaying the same time. This is important for maintaining accuracy and efficiency in operations, as well as for coordination and communication between different individuals or processes.

How does synchronizing shed clocks with leading clock lag work?

Synchronizing shed clocks with leading clock lag typically involves adjusting the time on clocks with a known source of accurate time, such as a GPS clock or a central clock system. The clocks with leading clock lag, or those that are running slower than the accurate source, are adjusted to match the time on the leading clock.

What are the benefits of synchronizing shed clocks with leading clock lag?

There are several benefits to synchronizing shed clocks with leading clock lag. These include improved accuracy and consistency in timekeeping, better coordination and communication among individuals or processes, and increased efficiency in operations.

What are some common challenges or issues with synchronizing shed clocks with leading clock lag?

One common challenge is ensuring that all clocks in a system or area are connected to the same source of accurate time. Another challenge is accounting for any variations or discrepancies in the clocks' ability to keep time. Additionally, regular maintenance and updates may be necessary to ensure continued synchronization.

Are there any alternative methods for synchronizing shed clocks with leading clock lag?

Yes, there are alternative methods for synchronizing shed clocks with leading clock lag. Some systems may use radio signals, internet time servers, or other methods to keep clocks synchronized. However, the principle of adjusting the time on slower clocks to match a leading clock or accurate source remains the same.

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