System of linear equations (Finding Real numbers in a Unique Solution)

In summary, the system has a unique solution when the determinant of coefficients is nonzero. Otherwise, it does not.
  • #1

Homework Statement

For which real numbers  does the following system have a unique solution?
[tex]14x - 6y + 18z = 2\lambda z[/tex]
[tex] x = \lambda x[/tex]
[tex] 3x - 8y = -\lambda y[/tex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

hi, I rearranged the equations so that becomes:

[tex] x + 0y + 0z = \lambda x[/tex]
[tex] 3x - 8y + 0z = -\lambda y[/tex]
[tex]14x - 6y + 18z = 2\lambda z[/tex]
then I put it in Augmented shape and letting lambda to be 1:

[1 0 0 | 1]
[3 -8 0 |-1]
[14 -6 18 | 2]

After that, I kept trying real numbers from -5 to 5 and everyone of them gave me a unique solution, which is what i want.

In this case are the values should be Real numbers?

But I am still confused about letting lambda = 0, in this case x = y = z = 0;

is this looks a unique solution? if no, then obviously I will have R-{0}

Please help me understand this question.

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  • #2
This must have come from an eigenvalue problem. Your system of equations can be rewritten:

1-\lambda & 0 & 0\\
3 & -8 + \lambda & 0\\
14 & -65 & 18-2\lambda
\end{array} \right)
\end{array} \right)=

\end{array} \right)[/tex]

This homogeneous system of equations will have a unique solution if the determinant of coefficients is nonzero and otherwise not. Look at that.
  • #3
mlk771 said:

Homework Statement

For which real numbers  does the following system have a unique solution?
[tex]14x - 6y + 18z = 2\lambda z[/tex]
[tex] x = \lambda x[/tex]
[tex] 3x - 8y = -\lambda y[/tex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

hi, I rearranged the equations so that becomes:

[tex] x + 0y + 0z = \lambda x[/tex]
[tex] 3x - 8y + 0z = -\lambda y[/tex]
[tex]14x - 6y + 18z = 2\lambda z[/tex]
then I put it in Augmented shape and letting lambda to be 1:

[1 0 0 | 1]
[3 -8 0 |-1]
[14 -6 18 | 2]
No, this would be correct only if the equations were x+ 0y+ 0z= 1, 3x- 8y+ 0z= -1, 4x- 6y+ 18z= 2, not with x, y, and z on the right side.

After that, I kept trying real numbers from -5 to 5 and everyone of them gave me a unique solution, which is what i want.

In this case are the values should be Real numbers?

But I am still confused about letting lambda = 0, in this case x = y = z = 0;

is this looks a unique solution? if no, then obviously I will have R-{0}

Please help me understand this question.

  • #4
Sorry all, there was a mistake

1. Homework Statement
For which real numbers λ does the following system have a unique solution?
  • #5
Please any help here,
  • #6
If you don't know how to calculate determinants then that's not necessary in this problem.

You can look at the equations one at a time, starting with the one that only contains x.

Now, depending on λ, x may be forced to have certain values. If x,y and z isn't forced to have certain values, then you will have a lot of solutions to the system.

You will want to split up this problem into the case when x is forced to a certain value and the case where x is free to take any value. x taking any value would mean many solutions to the system, so you want to select λ so that this case won't happen. Now, if you write the equation down on a piece of paper and think a bit I think you'll understand how to continue with y and z.
  • #7
well, thanks

I'm still confused..

I tried to solve it be making λx, λy and λz as parts of right side vector b like: b1, b2, b3..

then found rref of the augmented matrix and I came up with these vaues for λx, λy and λz:

λx = λ
λy = (1/8)λy + (3/8)λx
λz = -2λx -(3/8)λy

I have a similar prob but don't know if it related or no..I attached it


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FAQ: System of linear equations (Finding Real numbers in a Unique Solution)

1. What is a system of linear equations?

A system of linear equations is a set of two or more equations that involve the same variables. Each equation in the system can be represented graphically as a straight line on a coordinate plane and the solution to the system is the point where all the lines intersect.

2. What is a unique solution?

A unique solution means that there is only one set of values for the variables that satisfies all the equations in the system. In other words, there is only one point of intersection for all the lines on the coordinate plane.

3. How do I find the real numbers in a unique solution?

To find the real numbers in a unique solution, you can use different methods such as substitution, elimination, or graphing. These methods involve manipulating the equations to eliminate one variable and solve for the other.

4. Can a system of linear equations have more than one solution?

Yes, a system of linear equations can have no solution, one solution, or infinitely many solutions. It all depends on the relationship between the equations and the variables.

5. Why is it important to find the real numbers in a unique solution?

Finding the real numbers in a unique solution is important because it allows us to solve real-world problems and understand the relationships between different variables. It also helps us make predictions and make informed decisions based on the given equations.
