Systems simulated by a simple percolation model using python

In summary, the conversation discusses the speaker's assignment to create a 2-D percolation model with randomly distributed disks and varying density to determine the percolation threshold. The worksheet also suggests extensions to make the model 3-D and include disks with different radii. The speaker is interested in using the model to simulate physical systems or phenomena and is looking for recommended books to learn more about percolation. They also mention their own work and the potential use of the model to compare results with literature values. The conversation concludes with a reference to a Wikipedia article on percolation theory and a mention of a simple model for Metal-Insulator transitions.
  • #1
I'm a first year physics student, and one of my assignment for my programming class is about percolation. I need to create some disks randomly distributed in an area (this is a 2-D), and then by varying the density of the disk, I need to figure out the percolation threshold such that the two sides of the square area is connected by the clusters of disks.
The worksheet also suggests some extension to the essential tasks, like making it 3-D and including disks with different radius, both of which I manage to do. But I'm wondering if there are some physical systems or phenomena that I can actually simulate using this simple model. Since I need to submit a report by the end, I expect I can use my model to simulate something to get some data (density, radius of disks, etc), then I can compare the results I get with some accepted value in literature to see how well my model does (which is similar to what I usually do for my first-year lab).
Are there any particular theories or models that I can test or simulate? Any recommended books for me to learn more about the basic of percolation?

The attached file is what I get using my program (300 disks with r=0.03 and 400 disks with r=0.02) for your reference.



  • r=0.02 n=400 + r=0.03 n=300.png
    r=0.02 n=400 + r=0.03 n=300.png
    58.6 KB · Views: 1,163
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  • #3
I know of some simple models describing Metal-Insulator transitions that use percolation.

I myself have, however, not found any decent references for this. The notes I have are quite useless without a reference.
If I do find something, I will link to it here.

Remember the model name (wasn't even in the nodes :-( )
It's about the "Mott Phase Transition in Doped Semiconductors"
Pretty simple model to justify for the specific substances its applied to.
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  • #5

Dear first year physics student,

It's great to hear that you are working on a percolation model using python for your programming class. Percolation is a widely studied phenomenon in physics and has applications in various fields such as material science, biology, and network theory.

Your project sounds like an interesting and valuable learning experience, and I'm sure you will learn a lot through it. As for potential physical systems or phenomena that you can simulate using your percolation model, there are many possibilities. Here are a few ideas that you can consider:

1. Conductivity of materials: Percolation theory is often used to study the electrical conductivity of materials. In this case, the disks in your simulation can represent conducting particles in a non-conducting medium. You can vary the parameters such as disk density and radius to see how they affect the overall conductivity of the system.

2. Porous materials: Similarly, percolation models can be used to study the permeability of porous materials. In this case, the disks can represent pores in a solid matrix, and you can investigate how varying the density and size of the pores affects the overall permeability.

3. Epidemic spread: Percolation models have also been used to study the spread of epidemics in a population. Here, the disks can represent individuals, and you can vary the parameters to see how it affects the rate of spread and containment of the epidemic.

4. Network connectivity: Percolation models can be applied to network theory to study the connectivity of networks. In this case, the disks can represent nodes in a network, and you can vary the parameters to see how it affects the overall connectivity and robustness of the network.

As for recommended books to learn more about percolation, I would suggest "Percolation" by Geoffrey Grimmett and "Introduction to Percolation Theory" by Dietrich Stauffer. These books cover the basics of percolation theory and its applications in various fields.

I hope this helps and wish you the best of luck with your project. Keep exploring and learning!


Related to Systems simulated by a simple percolation model using python

1. What is a percolation model?

A percolation model is a type of simulation model used in various fields such as physics, chemistry, and computer science to understand and analyze systems that involve interconnected networks or structures. It is based on the concept of percolation, where a substance or a flow moves through a porous medium.

2. How is python used in simulating percolation models?

Python is a popular programming language that is widely used in scientific computing and data analysis. It has various libraries and tools that make it suitable for simulating percolation models. These include packages such as NumPy, SciPy, and NetworkX, which provide efficient data structures and algorithms for working with large datasets and complex networks.

3. What types of systems can be simulated using a simple percolation model?

A simple percolation model can be applied to a wide range of systems, including physical systems such as fluids flowing through a porous material, electrical networks, and social networks. It can also be used to model phenomena such as the spread of diseases, information, and rumors.

4. What are some advantages of using a percolation model in simulations?

Percolation models offer a simplified representation of complex systems, making them easier to understand and manipulate. They also allow for the study of emergent behavior and the effects of small changes in the system on its overall behavior. Additionally, they can provide valuable insights and predictions about real-world systems.

5. Are there any limitations to using a simple percolation model in simulations?

While percolation models have many advantages, they also have some limitations. They are based on simplifying assumptions and may not accurately represent all aspects of a complex system. Additionally, they may require a large amount of data and computing power to simulate accurately, which can be a challenge for some researchers.

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