T: "Exploring the Possibility of a Theoretical Center in a Finite Universe

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In summary, the universe is not finite and does not collapse to a singular point of infinite density. The universe is expanding and will continue to do so until it reaches a point of infinite density. This is the "big bang" singularity.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Size and center question
Unless the universe is infinite, and I don’t see how if the Big Bang is true…

There must be a finite point beyond which the universe has yet to expand. It seems if measured from side to side we could determine it’s general diameter, allowing for undulations that result in a possibly non-perfect sphere.

And if that sphere can be determined then shouldn’t there be a theoretical center to that sphere? We may never know where it is but shouldn’t it exist?

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  • #2
In Big Bang cosmology there can be no empty space into which matter expands, similar to an explosion. The observed expansion is predicted by general relativity for a distribution of matter that never ends - it has to be roughly the same everywhere, and a central lump with an edge beyond which there is no matter is obviously not such a distribution.
The two possible ways for such distribution to exist is if the universe is either spatially infinite, or is closed, similar to how the surface of a sphere is closed (i.e. you can go forever in any direction on the surface of a sphere, and never fall over the edge). In either case there is no edge, and no centre.
  • #3
thetexan said:
Unless the universe is infinite, and I don’t see how if the Big Bang is true
Our best current model of the universe does indeed say the universe is spatially infinite. This is perfectly compatible with an FRW spacetime geometry with an initial singularity. It should be noted, though, that our best current model of our actual universe does not claim that there was an initial singularity; the term "Big Bang" in that model is properly used to refer to the hot, dense, rapidly expanding state that is the earliest state for which we have good evidence. In inflationary cosmology, that "Big Bang" state occurs at the end of inflation.

thetexan said:
There must be a finite point beyond which the universe has yet to expand.
No, there mustn't. There is no requirement in geometry that any manifold must be embedded in a higher dimensional manifold. In particular, there is no requirement that our universe, with its curved spacetime geometry, must be embedded in some higher dimensional space into which it is expanding. The physics of our universe can be formulated entirely in terms of its intrinsic geometry, with no embedding at all.
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  • #4
thetexan said:
Unless the universe is infinite, and I don’t see how if the Big Bang is true…
This is likely because you are under the impression that the universe erupted from a single spatial point and expanded outwards from there. This is not true. Or at least it's not what the big bang theory and modern cosmology postulates.

The key is to look at what we have now and to extrapolate backwards. If we do so, we find that the average density of space increases as the universe 'collapses'. As we go further and further back in time the density and temperature increases everywhere, and at some point in time we find that the density everywhere goes to infinity. Not the density at a single point, the density everywhere. In other words, the universe doesn't collapse to a single point of infinite density. It collapses until the entire universe has infinite density. This is the big bang singularity.

Note that I mentioned nothing about the size of the universe. It could be either finite or infinite and this could happen. The reason we believe it is infinite is that a finite universe has some potentially problematic 'boundary conditions' and we use a healthy dose of "we can't see an edge, our model doesn't require an edge, edges introduce some unnecessary problems, so let's not assume there is one".
  • #5
One analogy for the universe is the three dimensional equivalent of the surface of a balloon (no center and finite in extent).

Related to T: "Exploring the Possibility of a Theoretical Center in a Finite Universe

1. What is a theoretical center in a finite universe?

A theoretical center in a finite universe is a hypothetical point or location that is considered to be the center of the universe. It is a concept that has been explored by scientists and philosophers for centuries, but there is currently no scientific evidence to support the existence of a specific center in our universe.

2. How is the possibility of a theoretical center being explored?

The possibility of a theoretical center in a finite universe is being explored through various scientific theories and observations. These include the study of the cosmic microwave background radiation, the distribution of matter in the universe, and the expansion of the universe. Scientists also use mathematical models and simulations to explore the concept of a theoretical center.

3. Why is the existence of a theoretical center important?

The existence of a theoretical center in a finite universe is important because it can help us better understand the structure and origins of the universe. It can also provide insights into the fundamental laws of physics and the nature of space and time. Additionally, the existence of a theoretical center could have implications for our understanding of the universe's ultimate fate.

4. Is there any evidence for a theoretical center in our universe?

Currently, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of a theoretical center in our universe. However, some theories, such as the Big Bang theory, suggest that the universe may have originated from a single point, which could be considered a theoretical center. But more research and evidence are needed to confirm this possibility.

5. What are the implications if a theoretical center is found in our universe?

If a theoretical center is found in our universe, it would have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and our place within it. It could also provide a deeper understanding of the laws of physics and the nature of space and time. Additionally, it could lead to new discoveries and advancements in scientific research and technology.

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