Tablecloth Trick: Explaining Newton's Laws

In summary, during the tablecloth trick using Newton's Laws, the quick removal of the tablecloth is crucial. This is because a longer time of acceleration will result in a greater Impulse, which is equal to the change in momentum of the object. Therefore, by pulling the cloth quickly, the Impulse is reduced, causing the plate to have less horizontal momentum and decreasing the chances of it falling off the table. Additionally, the coefficient of kinetic friction plays a role in this trick, as a longer contact time can increase the sideways force and disrupt the trick. In conclusion, the speed of the cloth and the contact time are important factors in successfully performing the tablecloth trick.
  • #1
I have my students doing a lab where they have to do and explain the tablecloth trick using Newton’s Laws. The problem I am having is that the one question asks why the quick removal of the tablecloth matters. I know friction is not affected by speed and yet this is the only force acting on the plate/cup in the direction of acceleration. So if speed doesn’t affect friction why can the trick not be done slowly? I have racked my brain thinking about it and I just can’t seem to come up with a good explanation. Any ideas on why this works this way? I know inertia makes the plate/cup “want” to stay at rest but that doesn’t explain why the friction doesn’t always cause the objects to fall.
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  • #2
Skrphys said:
I have my students doing a lab where they have to do and explain the tablecloth trick using Newton’s Laws. The problem I am having is that the one question asks why the quick removal of the tablecloth matters. I know friction is not affected by speed and yet this is the only force acting on the plate/cup in the direction of acceleration. So if speed doesn’t affect friction why can the trick not be done slowly? I have racked my brain thinking about it and I just can’t seem to come up with a good explanation. Any ideas on why this works this way? I know inertia makes the plate/cup “want” to stay at rest but that doesn’t explain why the friction doesn’t always cause the objects to fall.

1) If the acceleration is too low, static friction will never break.

2) The longer kinetic friction acts, the more horizontal momentum is transferred.
  • #3
There is a quantity called Impulse, which is the relevant factor here. Impulse is Force X time and Impulse is equal to the change in momentum of the object it's applied to.
When you whip away the table cloth, the friction force pulling the plate will be much the same, once the cloth is actually slipping, whatever the speed of the cloth is. The quicker you pull the cloth, the shorter the time and so the less the Impulse is. So the mass X velocity (momentum) of the plate will be less in the end. Once the cloth has gone, the plate may be sliding a bit on the table but it will soon slow down.
If you fail to pull fast enough, the plate will not slip and it will be pulled over the edge. Ripples and ridges in the cloth can upset the trick by increasing the sideways force.
  • #4
sophiecentaur said:
There is a quantity called Impulse, which is the relevant factor here. Impulse is Force X time and Impulse is equal to the change in momentum of the object it's applied to.
When you whip away the table cloth, the friction force pulling the plate will be much the same, once the cloth is actually slipping, whatever the speed of the cloth is. The quicker you pull the cloth, the shorter the time and so the less the Impulse is. So the mass X velocity (momentum) of the plate will be less in the end. Once the cloth has gone, the plate may be sliding a bit on the table but it will soon slow down.
If you fail to pull fast enough, the plate will not slip and it will be pulled over the edge. Ripples and ridges in the cloth can upset the trick by increasing the sideways force.
Awesome! This is how I was trying to explain it too but my explanation got lost after the definition of impulse. I was having trouble connecting it to the speed. So I’m the end, and correct me if I’m wrong, it’s because acceleration is dependent on time so we can still say f=ma applies because acceleration is dependent on time. So a longer time of acceleration still gives the same force.
  • #5
Skrphys said:
Awesome! This is how I was trying to explain it too but my explanation got lost after the definition of impulse. I was having trouble connecting it to the speed. So I’m the end, and correct me if I’m wrong, it’s because acceleration is dependent on time so we can still say f=ma applies because acceleration is dependent on time. So a longer time of acceleration still gives the same force.
The acceleration is a bit secondary in this. What counts is making sure that the Impulse is small, by keeping the contact time short. If the final speed of the plate is low enough you can say that the acceleration is almost zero. It is very counter intuitive that the faster you pull the cloth, the less the plate is affected. That assumes that the coefficient of kinetic friction is independent of tangential speed but high speed contact can even reduce the friction force in some cases, just beyond the slipping condition.
Impulse is often not stressed enough at School level. I don't remember anyone bringing it in during my early A Level Dynamics course but it is really good for solving many problems. PF gets many questions about "The force of the collision" between two objects, when it can often be totally ignored in many problems.
  • #6
Skrphys said:
it’s because acceleration is dependent on time so we can still say f=ma applies because acceleration is dependent on time. So a longer time of acceleration still gives the same force.
Acceleration is relevant in the initial phase, to start the sliding (overcome static friction). Velocity is relevant during the sliding, to minimize the duration of force application (impulse or transferred momentum). Obviously, the more acceleration throughout, the higher the average velocity, so acceleration is relevant for minimizing the impulse as well.
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  • #7
sophiecentaur said:
The acceleration is a bit secondary in this. What counts is making sure that the Impulse is small, by keeping the contact time short. If the final speed of the plate is low enough you can say that the acceleration is almost zero. It is very counter intuitive that the faster you pull the cloth, the less the plate is affected. That assumes that the coefficient of kinetic friction is independent of tangential speed but high speed contact can even reduce the friction force in some cases, just beyond the slipping condition.
Impulse is often not stressed enough at School level. I don't remember anyone bringing it in during my early A Level Dynamics course but it is really good for solving many problems. PF gets many questions about "The force of the collision" between two objects, when it can often be totally ignored in many problems.
Thanks for your reply. Maybe my conceptual understanding of impulse is lacking. You are right, it definitely isn’t talked enough about. Even in college I only recall briefly discussing it.
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  • #8
A.T. said:
Acceleration is relevant in the initial phase, to start the sliding (overcome static friction). Velocity is relevant during the sliding, to minimize the duration of force application (impulse or transferred momentum).
The relevant acceleration is of the cloth and it needs to be great enough to make the force greater than the static friction. The acceleration of the plate is as low as you can manage to get it. This problem is one sage harder than your average SUVAT style question. I guess it's an early introduction to non linear forces.
  • #9
Skrphys said:
Thanks for your reply. Maybe my conceptual understanding of impulse is lacking. You are right, it definitely isn’t talked enough about. Even in college I only recall briefly discussing it.
You must have heard of momentum. Impulse is just a fancy name for momentum transferred via a force:
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  • #10
Skrphys said:
Maybe my conceptual understanding of impulse is lacking.
Not really. It is probably more a matter of familiarity than understanding. It's almost too good to be true that you can ignore the details of the motion and just look at the Momentum before and after the event. We did the billiard ball problems and ignored the actual event of collision by talking of Coefficient of Restitution. A bit of sleight of hand there for the sake of the student, I think and we accepted it rather than looking too closely at our assumption. :wink: Quick and dirty often works.
  • #11
A.T. said:
You must have heard of momentum. Impulse is just a fancy name for momentum transferred via a force:
I would call it 'shorthand', rather than "fancy". It is an elegant way to package a description of something that does away with needing to know which force and for how long. it acknowledges that the nuts and bolts of the interaction need not be considered. It wasn't taught to me and, when I heard it used, many years later, it was immediately an attractive concept.
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FAQ: Tablecloth Trick: Explaining Newton's Laws

What is the "Tablecloth Trick" and how does it demonstrate Newton's Laws?

The "Tablecloth Trick" is a popular demonstration of Newton's First Law of Motion, which states that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an external force. In this trick, a tablecloth is quickly pulled out from under a set table, leaving the dishes and silverware undisturbed. This demonstrates Newton's First Law because the objects on the table want to remain at rest due to inertia, the resistance to change in motion, and are not affected by the force of the tablecloth being pulled away.

How does the "Tablecloth Trick" relate to Newton's Second Law?

The "Tablecloth Trick" also demonstrates Newton's Second Law of Motion, which states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. In this case, the mass of the objects on the table remains constant, but the net force acting on them (the force of the tablecloth being pulled) is much smaller than the force needed to move the objects. Therefore, the objects experience very little acceleration and remain at rest, as predicted by Newton's Second Law.

Can the "Tablecloth Trick" be performed with any type of tablecloth?

No, the success of the "Tablecloth Trick" relies on the type of tablecloth used. A smooth and heavy tablecloth, such as a polyester or satin one, will likely result in a successful trick. However, a rough or lightweight tablecloth, such as a cotton or linen one, will likely cause the dishes and silverware to move due to the increased friction and/or less inertia.

What other real-life examples can demonstrate Newton's Laws of Motion?

There are many real-life examples that demonstrate Newton's Laws of Motion. Some common examples include a car accelerating on a flat road (Newton's First and Second Laws), a ball rolling down a hill (Newton's Second Law), and a person jumping off a diving board (Newton's Third Law). Everyday experiences, such as opening a door or riding a bike, also involve the principles of Newton's Laws.

Are there any limitations to the "Tablecloth Trick" as a demonstration of Newton's Laws?

While the "Tablecloth Trick" is a fun and visually appealing demonstration of Newton's Laws, it is important to note that it is a simplified version of the laws and does not account for all factors. For example, the trick assumes a perfectly flat and frictionless surface, which is not always the case in real-life situations. Additionally, the trick only demonstrates the laws in one direction (horizontal), whereas in reality, the laws apply in all directions (including vertical). Therefore, the "Tablecloth Trick" should be viewed as a basic representation of the laws rather than an exact depiction.

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