Tailoring Pure Math Ph.D experience for jobs outside of academia after

In summary, if you're looking for internships or jobs, you might want to focus on learning programming, data science, and machine learning. You might also want to look into financial companies, like Bell labs and AT&T Labs Research, or Microsoft Research or Google.
  • #1
Hey guys!

Let me throw in who I am before I introduce my question. I finished my year of graduate school last May, figured out an advisor and a field (something related with Brownian motion on manifolds), and I'm overall happy with it all. No plans of dropping out, I enjoy the company of my peers, and excited to learn more!

Nevertheless, after much pondering, I think that I probably don't want to pursue work in academia, at least in the usual postdoc --> assistant professorship --> tenure. I'm totally okay with only minimally using (if at all) the pure math knowledge I obtained during my Ph.D . I see the Ph.D as my 'me time' and I'm ready to not use any of it if it comes to that point once I have a career
Given these facts, what should I do in grad school in order to not be unemployed once I graduate? From reading old threads, I understand learning programming is a good choice. How would I go about that, and most importantly, how do I go about proving that I have the knowledge, all while in grad school? What other things should I do? Where should I look for if I want to find internships? Most math jobs if I find seem to require the Ph.D and they are all academia. Not quite sure how to look for interships, haha. If it matters at all, I go Northwestern University. I'm open to any and all jobs. I just want to be ready so once my Ph.D is over, I have a nice job ready. I figure given that I have 4 more years, I should be able to succeed in this regard.

My hope is that if I ask early enough, the opportunities for the incoming year won't be missed!
Thanks for the help!
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  • #2
Hi there, and welcome to PF!

If you wish to pick up programming, my advice to be to either take courses offered at Northwestern, or study programming on your through online courses offered through EdX or Coursera. As for proving that knowledge, you could try working on existing open source software out there or by creating simple applications that you can save as part of your coding portfolio (in the same way that graphic designers keep a portfolio of their work).

BTW, your research field (Brownian motion on manifolds) sounds like it's a part of probability theory. Am I correct about this, and if so, how much of a background do you have in statistics? If you do, that may open up opportunities in areas like data science/data mining. Internships for financial companies may also be an option for you, if you are willing to work in New York or London. As for internships, have you tried applying to places like Bell labs or AT&T Labs Research? Or how about Microsoft Research or Google? I know of math PhD students obtaining internships there.

Hopefully I've been of some help to you. Best of luck on your studies and research!
  • #3
Hey, I've actually been here for a while, I'm just...uh...I guess inactive lately haha. I've been here through all parts of my math career, even since I was a freshman in college!

I really like these ideas for programming. Currently, I plan on taking this intense course on Python in two weeks (it's some part of this 'Big Data' initiative. A week long course, 9 hours a day), but I do hope to be able to somehow keep applying it so I don't forget it!

My research field does indeed have to do with Probability theory. Unfortunately, I have 0 background in Statistics. I would love to do financial stuff, are there internships for that? How would I go about obtaining those interships/jobs? I will look at the places you have suggested. I didn't even know they had stuff for graduate students. Thanks for the names and information!

You've been a lot of help!
  • #4
Nevertheless, after much pondering, I think that I probably don't want to pursue work in academia, at least in the usual postdoc --> assistant professorship --> tenure.

Congratulations on steering clear of that.

You might want to supplement Python with C++ and/or Java, and R is good for data science stuff. You might just want to focus on fewer things and not try to do too much, since grad school is kind of intense. For a company like Google, they are going to want more computer science theory, particularly data structures and algorithms. Machine learning is another thing that's big in industry right now. There are courses for that on Coursera and MIT's opencourseware. Another interesting online resource that's really easy to learn from is Codecademy. I always felt like I should focus on learning math in grad school, but really, if you are learning stuff that is going to get you a job and gives you a safety net, it might not be such a bad thing if it slows you down, particularly if your goal isn't academia, anyway.

Some of the best mathematical jobs are the ones you get with advanced degrees in engineering or computer science, I think.

If NSA is your thing, they hire a lot of mathematicians.
  • #5
There are also tons of tutorials on youtube and text-based websites for learning the basics of Java or C++. As far as continuing to use it, you can always come up with fun things to experiment with in programming. If you are interested in game programming, it's hard to ever run out of ideas for that once you get going.
  • #6
Oh, and another thing. I'd recommend books like Effective C++, Effective Java, and Design Patterns: Elements of Re-usable Object-oriented Software, once you get the syntax down. That may help to avoid being seen as more of a hack who will write bad code, and interview questions having to do with that. There are also books and websites devoted to programming interview questions.

Related to Tailoring Pure Math Ph.D experience for jobs outside of academia after

1. What types of jobs are available for Pure Math Ph.D graduates outside of academia?

There are a variety of job options for Pure Math Ph.D graduates outside of academia, including data analysts, statisticians, financial analysts, software developers, and consultants. These jobs often require strong analytical and problem-solving skills, which are essential for a math Ph.D.

2. How can I tailor my Ph.D experience to make myself more competitive for non-academic jobs?

One way to tailor your Ph.D experience is to gain practical skills and experience through internships, research projects, and workshops outside of your academic program. You can also highlight any teaching, mentoring, or leadership experience that you have gained during your Ph.D program, as these skills are highly valued in many industries.

3. Do I need to have a specific area of expertise within math to be marketable for non-academic jobs?

No, having a broad knowledge of math and strong analytical skills are often more important than having a specific area of expertise. However, if you do have a specific area of interest, you can highlight it in your job search and target industries or positions that align with that expertise.

4. What are some common misconceptions about transitioning from academia to non-academic jobs with a Pure Math Ph.D?

One common misconception is that non-academic jobs are not as prestigious or intellectually stimulating as academic jobs. However, many non-academic jobs offer challenging and fulfilling work, and can also offer competitive salaries and benefits. Another misconception is that a math Ph.D is only useful in academic research, when in fact the skills and knowledge gained in a math Ph.D program are highly applicable to many industries.

5. Are there any resources or programs available to help Pure Math Ph.D graduates with job search and transition to non-academic careers?

Yes, there are many resources and programs available to help Ph.D graduates with their job search and transition to non-academic careers. These include career counseling services, networking events, job fairs, and workshops focused on developing transferable skills. Additionally, many universities have dedicated career centers and alumni networks that can offer support and guidance in the job search process.

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