Take the Ultimate & Verbal IQ Tests - Results & Share Yours

In summary, the test is accurate and provides a measure of intelligence. It is fun to take and it is interesting to compare your results to others. The test is also affordable.
  • #1
Geoffrey F. Miller
I just finished taking this test. I scored 129 on the Ultimate IQ Test and 123 on the Verbal IQ Test.

Go ahead and take it. It's kinda fun.

Oh yes, and after you're done, please share your results with us. Be sure to specify the test you took also.

Good luck!
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  • #2
Woah... That was hard (and time-consuming!).

Ultimate IQ Test: 132
Verbal IQ Test: 130 (most were guesses :confused:)

[Edit] I took one more:
Culture-Fair IQ Test: 129 (4 of the final 5 sucked)
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  • #3
It's amazing, these people have such pride in their high IQ's. Being able to answer a bunch of random brainteasers does not make you Newton.

I also like the $60 membership fee.
  • #4
Ok, well after 3 beers and a couple of shots of vodka, 134 on the Ultimate. I'm tired..I'll do the verbal tomorrow.
  • #5
Culture-Fair Test: 135

How accurate are these tests? Can anyone who has an official IQ score please verify the validity of the tests?

EDIT: Just scored 130 on the Verbal Test! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! English is not even my second language!
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  • #6
recon, did you do #16? It looked like a random mess to me.
  • #7
Ulimate IQ: 120

Must be stupid.

The Bob (2004 ©)

P.S. This test is like the others. Strange. I have had 135 and 130 and 129 on some. This is my lowest yet. Only a mensa score is accurate.
  • #8
devious_ said:
recon, did you do #16? It looked like a random mess to me.

Nah, #16 on the Culture-Fair test looked random to me too. But I'm sure it's not. Can some people on the forum claiming to have an IQ of 180+ please come and help?
  • #9
Maxwell said:
It's amazing, these people have such pride in their high IQ's. Being able to answer a bunch of random brainteasers does not make you Newton.

I also like the $60 membership fee.

Did you check out their High-IQ merchandise?

A note to people with IQs of less than 126 (the cut-off point for entry):
You CAN also enter the society! Just do the tests multiple times, because it is guaranteed that even the dumbest person will improve their scores after a while. All you have to do is pay the $60 fee and you're a lifetime member!
  • #10
I can't believe people would actually pay for a membership. This thing seems like an ingenious scam targeted at the "smarter" people. Brilliant. :-p
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  • #11
i took the test, so did my friends and they didnt get outrageous IQ like 180+ like emode or tickle. I guess its more reliable oh and i got a 130 on the ultimate.
  • #12
Can you take a mensa certified IQ test online for free? :confused:
  • #13
I got 139 on the ultimate IQ test.

One thing I found interesting was that their chart corresponded almost exactly to my SAT score.

No, I will not be sending them $60 so I can stroke my own ego.
  • #14
Ultimate: 134
Verbal: 117
Culture Fair: 120
  • #15
Ultimate: 137, no time for the others :)
  • #16
The way I see it is if you're from Quebec, you're born smart, atheletic and amazingly sexy. No test in the world could measure our talents. :biggrin:

1. Montreal has the more post-secondary students per capita than any other city in North America
2. Montreal was voted the most sexiest city in Canada
3. Quebec is jammed full of atheletic people including Eric Gagne, Mario Lemieux, Patrick Roy and Jose Theodore to name a few
4. Most of us are completely bilingual like the Province
5. We have our own Federal Government that favours us...Bloc Quebecois!

We're so great, we're off the charts on any test. Just thought I'd let you all know. :redface:

Online IQ Tests - Full of Baloney.
  • #17
Alright, I was really bored last night, so tried a bunch of them (I like puzzles, and figured these tests have lots of puzzles to solve, so why not?). The one thing I noticed is that some of their questions do test what you've learned, not just some sort of "innate" intelligence, or whatever it is IQ tests are supposed to test. For instance, the vocabulary stuff were words you'd never encounter unless you owned one of those "word a day" calendars or found great entertainment in reading the dictionary. Plus, some of the verbal questions required knowledge of history! There were always two choices that fit the grammatical requirements and context, but only one that was historically correct. The other thing I noticed is I suck at taking tests on a computer...I'm glad I got through all my standardized testing in the days of paper and pencil! I noticed that bit about the $60 too. LOL! That's the real IQ test...if you're willing to pay the $60, the really smart people just laugh as they take your money :-)

Okay, drumroll please...
Timed test: 135 (I suspect I lost a few points though by clicking start accidentally and then momentarily panicking as the first question flew at me with a timer at the top of the screen...or maybe that's all part of the test).

Verbal: 138

Culturally fair: 135 (I just guessed on the last two without trying...was getting tired by then and those required really thinking in a way my brain didn't want to twist at that hour of the night, who knows, maybe I guessed right).

Ultimate: 125 (I got really bored about halfway through, so didn't try very hard on the tougher questions...okay, didn't try at all...quite a few questions that I just took random guesses rather than think, mostly those hideous spatial relations one...let me cut it out and fold it and I'll give you the answer...probably would have done better if I had a printer connected to the computer and tried that).

I wanted to try the last one, but really was far too tired by then and decided I couldn't possibly do that one without printing it out (they have a printable version, but as mentioned above, my computer isn't connected to a printer...at least not the computer I use for goofing around on this sort of thing).
  • #18
I've been doing tons of puzzles and online quizes lately. Mainly, I'm practicing for one of the IQ tests required to get into mensa.

Somewhere online, I read that IQ is 80% hereditary and 20% environmental. When I was 3.5 years old, I scored a 125 on the Wechler Child Scales. If I were to take the test again, I'd need to score 130+ to make into mensa, which I really want to do.

If 125 is 80% of my potential IQ, then do you think that if I were to work on tons of puzzles and logic games there might be a chance to realize my full IQ? Do any of you have suggestions for me?
  • #19
There are a lot of IQ threads/posts and anything related to intelligence in the Social Sciences section. You should check it out: https://www.physicsforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=85
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  • #20
Geoffrey F. Miller said:
I've been doing tons of puzzles and online quizes lately. Mainly, I'm practicing for one of the IQ tests required to get into mensa.

Somewhere online, I read that IQ is 80% hereditary and 20% environmental. When I was 3.5 years old, I scored a 125 on the Wechler Child Scales. If I were to take the test again, I'd need to score 130+ to make into mensa, which I really want to do.

If 125 is 80% of my potential IQ, then do you think that if I were to work on tons of puzzles and logic games there might be a chance to realize my full IQ? Do any of you have suggestions for me?
One question...why on Earth do you want to get into mensa?? It is so lame. I was warned years ago by a scientist I was dating at NASA (Houston) to stay away from it because it was a political snake pit. These people have their particular agendas and unless you are willing to buy into them, you're better off staying away.

Also, if you're struggling to get to the minimal acceptance level...give up now.
  • #21
Alright, I'm curious...

Does anyone know how to solve the


WORD3 ( _ _ _ _ ) WORD4

Problems? I can't for the life of me get any of them.
  • #22
I got 118 on the Ultimate. I just guessed on a few of them because I'm not patient enough sit here all night.

Yeah I got that one. The answer was SEAT for mine I believe. Anyone else get that one?
  • #23
Enigma, yeah, the middle word is composed of the third and second letters from the end of each of the other two words. I don't even know how I figured that one out...I think I only got that one because I was so tired I couldn't think too hard and try to force a pattern, so it just sort of popped out at me.
  • #24
Evo said:
One question...why on Earth do you want to get into mensa?? It is so lame. I was warned years ago by a scientist I was dating at NASA (Houston) to stay away from it because it was a political snake pit. These people have their particular agendas and unless you are willing to buy into them, you're better off staying away.

Also, if you're struggling to get to the minimal acceptance level...give up now.

How does everyone else feel about this?
  • #25
Geoffrey F. Miller said:
How does everyone else feel about this?

i took the test and could get a membership if i wanted to... that was good enough for me... cause why the hell pay money to get a diploma or whatever? isn't the main thing that you've made the bar? or is it for bragging puposes? :wink: believe me, it won't score you any chicks anyway and many employers will prolly consider it arrogant to show it off, and would rather hire for experience anyway...
  • #26
I'm sixteen, not after chicks (already got one :wink: ), and looking for extracurricular activities. I think mensa would be a great since I like pretty much anything relating to math, science, English, art, philosophy, and history. This is what mensa's about, right? Does someone here know for sure?
  • #27
132 in ultimate... couldn't really be bothered to sit through all of those polyeder questions...

anyway... learning about all of the stuff you mentioned is much more rewarding by studying... mensa is about making it cool to be clever, and once in a while they gather around in a big circle and shares knowledge of what some clever people have done...
and then they do some more tests :biggrin: ... basically...

it's pretty much what they say in their program...

maybe one day, if i suddently find i have more money than i know how to spend, i might join...
  • #28
Moonbear said:
Enigma, yeah, the middle word is composed of the third and second letters from the end of each of the other two words. I don't even know how I figured that one out...I think I only got that one because I was so tired I couldn't think too hard and try to force a pattern, so it just sort of popped out at me.

Ah. I was stuck thinking that the middle word was some sort of a link between the two words - like it turns the first into the third using some sort of pattern.

I didn't even think that it was drawing components from either word to make itself.
  • #29
Geoffrey F. Miller said:
How does everyone else feel about this?

Never appealed to me. I can find intelligent people to converse with who don't have overinflated egos, so no need to join a group where I know they put so much emphasis on an IQ score. If you like all those subjects and just want to meet people, you can tutor, or join a book club. Besides, people don't have to have a super-high IQ to be interesting to talk to.
  • #30
enigma said:
Ah. I was stuck thinking that the middle word was some sort of a link between the two words - like it turns the first into the third using some sort of pattern.

I didn't even think that it was drawing components from either word to make itself.

Yep, I think that's what they wanted you to think, that the words somehow were linked together in context, not just some pattern that had nothing to do with the words chosen. Like I said, if I had been less tired, I'd have probably missed it since I'd have probably put more effort to finding something in common among the words instead of just staring blankly at it and spotting those letters by chance...since it wasn't the first or last letters, it wasn't that easy to spot.
  • #31
To all closet Mensans at Physics Forums, you now see why 'coming out' and declaring that you're a Mensan is a soul searching decision. Each Mensan must make that decision for him or her self. I understand the consternation. While in the closet, you witness the Mensa bashers from a distance but once you're 'out' you become the target. There are many brave Mensa brothers and sisters who have been subjected to the abuse of these Mensaphobics all their lives. These Mensans are the venerated few who have made it somewhat easier for us. Yet, the majority of Mensans still suffer. Be brave fellow Mensans, for the bashers are cowards in disguise. Most Mensaphobics have a strong desire engage in mensa activity. Their latent mensa arousal is manifested in a desire to bash what they hate in themselves. To those bashers all I can say is "don't knock it till you try it."

No – I’m not gay.
  • #32
Geoffery - what I meant to say is don't join unless you plan to engage in the social part of Mensa. Mensa is at its beginning and at its end - a social organization.
  • #33
Then it is what I'm looking for. Thank you Tigers2B1.

FAQ: Take the Ultimate & Verbal IQ Tests - Results & Share Yours

What are the benefits of taking the Ultimate & Verbal IQ Tests?

The Ultimate & Verbal IQ Tests can provide valuable insight into your cognitive abilities and can help identify areas of strength and weakness. Additionally, taking the tests can improve critical thinking skills and provide a sense of accomplishment.

How accurate are the results of the Ultimate & Verbal IQ Tests?

The accuracy of the results may vary depending on the test taker's level of focus and concentration. However, the tests are designed and validated by experts in the field of psychology and intelligence testing, so the results are generally considered reliable.

Can I improve my IQ score by taking the Ultimate & Verbal IQ Tests multiple times?

The Ultimate & Verbal IQ Tests are designed to measure a person's innate cognitive abilities, so taking the tests multiple times may not significantly impact the overall score. However, practicing and familiarizing oneself with the types of questions may improve performance on similar tests in the future.

How do I interpret my IQ score from the Ultimate & Verbal IQ Tests?

The IQ score from the Ultimate & Verbal IQ Tests is a numerical representation of a person's cognitive abilities compared to the general population. The average score is 100, and scores above or below this indicate above or below average intelligence, respectively.

Can I share my results from the Ultimate & Verbal IQ Tests with others?

Yes, you can share your results with others. However, it is important to remember that IQ scores do not define a person's worth or intelligence, and it is not recommended to use them as a measure of comparison between individuals.

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