Taking D.E. and Applied Calculus for Engineers Together?

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential heaviness of taking two math courses, ENGR 213 and ENGR 233, alongside an E&M course and possibly Materials Science. The courses introduce engineering students to the theory and application of ordinary differential equations and advanced calculus. It is suggested that taking two math courses together is not generally an issue and can build a strong foundation. However, the success may vary depending on individual professors and workload.
  • #1
I would like to know if the following would be too heavy while taking E&M and possibly Materials Science.

ENGR 213 Applied Ordinary Differential
Equations (3 credits)
Prerequisite: MATH 204 (Cegep Mathematics 105)
previously or concurrently; MATH 205 (Cegep
Mathematics 203). This course introduces engineering students to the theory and application of
ordinary differential equations. Definition and ter‑
minology, initial-value problems, separable differential equations, linear equations, exact equations,
solutions by substitution, linear models, orthogonal
trajectories, complex numbers, form of complex
numbers: powers and roots, theory: linear equations, homogeneous linear equations with constant
coefficients, undetermined coefficients, variation of
parameters, Cauchy-Euler equation, reduction of
order, linear models: initial value, review of power
series, power series solutions, theory, homogeneous linear systems, solution by diagonalisation,
non-homogeneous linear systems. Eigenvalues
and eigenvectors. Lectures: three hours per
week. Tutorial: two hours per week.


ENGR 233 Applied Advanced Calculus
(3 credits)
Prerequisite: MATH 204 (Cegep Mathematics
105); MATH 205 (Cegep Mathematics 203). This
course introduces engineering students to the
theory and application of advanced calculus.
Functions of several variables, partial derivatives,
total and exact differentials, approximations
with differentials. Tangent plane and normal line
to a surface, directional derivatives, gradient.
Double and triple integrals. Polar, cylindrical,
and spherical coordinates. Change of variables
in double and triple integrals. Vector differential
calculus; divergence, curl, curvature, line
integrals, Green’s theorem, surface integrals,
divergence theorem, applications of divergence
theorem, Stokes’ theorem. Lectures: three hours
per week. Tutorial: two hours per week.

Please note that I have taken (and am rather comfortable with) Linear Algebra.

Bottom line: would the semester be too heavy?

Thanks in advance for any responses.
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  • #2
Without knowing what else you are taking, no one will be able to tell you if the schedule will be too much (additionally, no one will ever be able to tell you if something is too much for you personally -- this is something that you need to measure for yourself).

That being said, taking two math courses along side one another is not generally an issue. It is also relatively common for people to take these two courses together (intro diffeQs, and calculus III -- this is presumably what these two courses are. Copying and pasting a course description is rather vague, given that the prerequisite numbers mean nothing out of context. That's what they look like, though).
  • #3
Last Fall I took both Differential Equations and Calculus III at the same time and judging from these course descriptions it looks like that is what you're planning on taking also. I personally didn't consider the course load too heavy but it really depends on your professors and how much homework they assign.
  • #4
ZenOne said:
I would like to know if the following would be too heavy while taking E&M and possibly Materials Science.

ENGR 213 Applied Ordinary Differential
Equations (3 credits)
Prerequisite: MATH 204 (Cegep Mathematics 105)
previously or concurrently; MATH 205 (Cegep
Mathematics 203). This course introduces engineering students to the theory and application of
ordinary differential equations. Definition and ter‑
minology, initial-value problems, separable differential equations, linear equations, exact equations,
solutions by substitution, linear models, orthogonal
trajectories, complex numbers, form of complex
numbers: powers and roots, theory: linear equations, homogeneous linear equations with constant
coefficients, undetermined coefficients, variation of
parameters, Cauchy-Euler equation, reduction of
order, linear models: initial value, review of power
series, power series solutions, theory, homogeneous linear systems, solution by diagonalisation,
non-homogeneous linear systems. Eigenvalues
and eigenvectors. Lectures: three hours per
week. Tutorial: two hours per week.


ENGR 233 Applied Advanced Calculus
(3 credits)
Prerequisite: MATH 204 (Cegep Mathematics
105); MATH 205 (Cegep Mathematics 203). This
course introduces engineering students to the
theory and application of advanced calculus.
Functions of several variables, partial derivatives,
total and exact differentials, approximations
with differentials. Tangent plane and normal line
to a surface, directional derivatives, gradient.
Double and triple integrals. Polar, cylindrical,
and spherical coordinates. Change of variables
in double and triple integrals. Vector differential
calculus; divergence, curl, curvature, line
integrals, Green’s theorem, surface integrals,
divergence theorem, applications of divergence
theorem, Stokes’ theorem. Lectures: three hours
per week. Tutorial: two hours per week.

Please note that I have taken (and am rather comfortable with) Linear Algebra.

Bottom line: would the semester be too heavy?

Thanks in advance for any responses.

Do you mean E&M as in Electromagnetism(upper level physics) or Electricity and Magnetism(intro E&M)? This really hinges on my advice. I'm going to assume its the latter because I doubt you would be able to enroll(or would even have a chance of surviving) if you aren't versed in vector calculus and differential equations.

Anyway, I would take both of those math courses. I am surprised the differential equation course doesn't have Laplace transforms in its description though...I'll also assume this is covered in the course because you can basically say goodbye to having to solve many of those equations with their each individualized method.

The Advanced calculus course sounds exactly like Calc 3. This class along with differential equation will build a strong foundation for you. I say go for it!
  • #5
You are correct--it IS introductory E&M. I will go for it--thank you all.

Related to Taking D.E. and Applied Calculus for Engineers Together?

1. What is the difference between D.E. and Applied Calculus for Engineers?

Differential Equations (D.E.) and Applied Calculus for Engineers are both advanced mathematics courses that involve the use of calculus, but they have different focuses. D.E. is primarily concerned with solving equations involving derivatives, while Applied Calculus for Engineers applies calculus concepts to real-world engineering problems.

2. Can I take D.E. and Applied Calculus for Engineers at the same time?

Yes, it is possible to take both courses simultaneously. However, it is important to consider the workload and time commitment required for each course. It is recommended to consult with your academic advisor before enrolling in both courses in the same semester.

3. Do I need to have a strong background in calculus to take these courses?

Yes, a strong foundation in calculus is necessary for success in both D.E. and Applied Calculus for Engineers. These courses build upon the fundamental concepts of calculus, such as derivatives and integrals. It is recommended to have completed Calculus 1 and 2 before taking these courses.

4. How will D.E. and Applied Calculus for Engineers benefit me as an engineering student?

These courses are essential for any engineering student as they provide a strong understanding of mathematical concepts and their applications. D.E. and Applied Calculus for Engineers are often prerequisites for higher-level engineering courses and are necessary for solving complex engineering problems.

5. What are the career opportunities for students who have taken D.E. and Applied Calculus for Engineers?

Students who have taken D.E. and Applied Calculus for Engineers have a wide range of career opportunities in various engineering fields. These courses provide a solid foundation in mathematical principles, which are crucial for many engineering careers, such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and civil engineering. They are also beneficial for students pursuing graduate studies in engineering or related fields.

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