Taking Multiple Surface Integrals

In summary, the conversation involves a discussion of a difficult problem involving different parts and parametrization of a cylindrical piece of a surface. The solution involves three different regions, Q1, Q2, and Q3, and the use of integrals and the divergence theorem. The solution is eventually simplified to 3*pi.
  • #1

Homework Statement


The Attempt at a Solution

I thought this was pretty hard and involved a number of different parts. Here's my work:

Let x=cosθ and z=sinθ, also let 0≤y≤2-x=2-cosθ. I parametrize Q1, which I define to be the cylindrical piece of the surface. Then, r(y,θ) = <cosθ,y,sinθ>, 0≤θ≤2*pi

ry = <0,1,0>, rθ = <-sinθ,0,cosθ>

<0,1,0> x <-sinθ,0,cosθ> = <cosθ,0,sinθ>

[tex]\int \int_{Q_1} <cosθ,y,5> • <cosθ,0,sinθ> d{Q_1}[/tex]
[tex]\int_0 ^{2π} \int_0 ^{2-cosθ} cos^{2}θ + 5sinθ dydθ = π[/tex]

Let x=rcosθ, z=rsinθ in the plane y=0. Also, let 0≤r≤1, 0≤θ≤2*pi. Let Q2 be the circle in the plane y=0. r(r,θ) = <rcosθ,0,rsinθ>

rr = <cosθ,0,sinθ>, rθ = <-rsinθ,0,rcosθ>

<cosθ,0,sinθ> x <-rsinθ,0,rcosθ> = <0,-r,0>

[tex]\int \int_{Q_2} <rcosθ,0,5> • <0,-r,0> d{Q_2} = 0[/tex]

Let x=rcosθ, z=rsinθ, y=2-rcosθ. Also let 0≤r≤1, 0≤θ≤2*pi. Let Q3 be the region enclosed by the intersection of the cylinder with the x+y=2 plane. This surface is parametrized by r(r,θ) = <rcosθ,2-rcosθ,rsinθ>

rr = <cosθ,-cosθ,sinθ>, rθ = <-rsinθ,rsinθ,rcosθ>

<cosθ,-cosθ,sinθ> x <-rsinθ,rsinθ,rcosθ> = <-r,-r,0>

[tex]\int \int_{Q_3} <rcosθ,2-rcosθ,5> • <-r,-r,0> d{Q_3}[/tex]
[tex]\int_0 ^{2π} \int_0 ^1 -r^2cosθ - 2r +r^2cosθ drdθ[/tex]
[tex]\int_0 ^{2π} (-1/3)r^{3} * cosθ -r^2 + (1/3)r^{3}*cosθ| ^{r=1} _{r=0} dθ = -2π[/tex]

But I change the sign due to orientation. So 2*pi. Adding all the piece together, I have 3*pi.
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  • #2

Thank you for sharing your solution! It looks like you have approached the problem correctly and have parametrized the different regions accurately. One thing to note is that in your second integral for Q2, the limits of integration should be from 0 to 1 instead of 0 to 2. Other than that, your solution looks good.

Another approach to this problem could be to use the divergence theorem and convert the surface integral into a volume integral. This may simplify the calculations and make the solution more efficient. However, your method is also valid and a good way to approach the problem.

Thanks again for sharing your solution and keep up the good work in your studies!A fellow scientist

FAQ: Taking Multiple Surface Integrals

What is a surface integral?

A surface integral is a mathematical tool used to calculate the total amount of a function over a two-dimensional surface. It can be thought of as finding the area under a curve in three-dimensional space.

Why is taking multiple surface integrals important?

Taking multiple surface integrals allows us to calculate the total amount of a function over a more complex surface, such as a curved or irregular shape. It is an important tool in many fields of science and engineering, including physics, chemistry, and engineering.

What is the difference between a single and multiple surface integral?

A single surface integral involves finding the total amount of a function over a single two-dimensional surface. Multiple surface integrals involve finding the total amount of a function over multiple surfaces, which can be more complex and require different methods of calculation.

What types of surfaces can be used in multiple surface integrals?

Multiple surface integrals can be used on a variety of surfaces, including flat planes, curved surfaces, and surfaces with holes or irregular boundaries. The type of surface will determine the specific method used to calculate the integral.

What are some real-world applications of multiple surface integrals?

Multiple surface integrals have many practical applications, including calculating the mass and volume of three-dimensional objects, finding the force exerted by a fluid on a curved surface, and determining the electric field around a charged object. They are also used in fields such as computer graphics, weather forecasting, and fluid dynamics.

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