Taking the average of a formula

In summary, the equation for the average of something is different than the equation for the potential energy of that something. You need to replace the r in the equation for the potential energy with uncertainty principle to get the equation for the average.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have the total energy of a hydrogen atom E and need to take the average. The uncertainty in deltax=r so the uncertainty in deltap=hbar/2r The average values of x^2 and p^2 can be identified with the squares of the corresponding uncertainties, and the constant value of E is by definition the same as its average (what does this mean, <E^2>=(E)^2?), take the average of E and use it to estimate the minimum value of E and the minimizing value of deltap, and the corresponding value of r.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I do not know how to take the average, i know that when i take the average of <E> the potential energy term U has an r at the bottom, and that <1/r> is not the same as 1/<r>, so I believe i must replace the r first. i know that deltar=(hbar)/(2deltap) but I am not sure what taking the average is doing to the equation. Is it changing the variables in any way? I originally took the derivative of E with respect to r and set it equal to zero, giving me r=(hbar^2)/(me^2), this is bohr's radius=.5 angstroms, and E=-13.6 eV. The kinetic energy can be rewritten as K=(hbar^2)/(2mr^2). I tried latexing the preview showed all the writing though sorry.
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  • #2
I have the total energy of a hydrogen atom E and need to take the average.
Average of what over what?

Is this the way the problem statement was written when you got it?
What is the context? i.e. what part of physics are you currently supposed to be learning?

Taking some guesses:
##\renewcommand{\ex}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle}##
Usually: ##\Delta A^2 = \ex{A^2}-\ex{A}^2## but you seem to have a situation where ##\ex p = 0## so ##\Delta p^2 = \ex{p^2}##. Same with x. Is this hydrogen atom a particle in a box?

Note: the classical equations are the averages of the quantum ones.
i.e. $$\ex{E_K} = \frac{\ex{p^2}}{2m}$$
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  • #3
E is the total energy of the hydrogen atom in my equations above (E=K+U) , i need to take the average of E. I know the first term is (deltaP^2)/2m, but the second term (U) has 1/r in it. The average of 1/r is not the same as 1 over the average of r. Do i replace r using uncertainty principle? deltxdeltap=hbar/2, where deltax=r. How do i take the average of the equation E.
  • #4
taking the average of the second part of E=K+U, i don't know how to. U=ke^2/r, what is the average of this part
  • #5
I cannot advise you properly because I don't have enough information.
i.e. could you take <U> as the value of the potential energy when the kinetic energy is <EK>?
It seems likely since you know E but I don't really know because you have not told me what you are doing this for.
Check your notes for similar calculations. Good luck.

FAQ: Taking the average of a formula

What is the purpose of taking the average of a formula?

Taking the average of a formula allows us to summarize a set of data and make generalizations about the values. It also helps to identify trends and patterns within the data.

How do I calculate the average of a formula?

To calculate the average of a formula, you need to add up all the values in the data set and then divide by the total number of values. This will give you the mean, or average, of the data set.

What is the difference between mean, median, and mode?

The mean is the average of a set of numbers, the median is the middle number when the numbers are arranged in order, and the mode is the number that appears most frequently in the data set.

Why is taking the average of a formula important in research?

Taking the average of a formula is important in research because it allows us to summarize and analyze large amounts of data in a meaningful way. It helps us to make predictions and draw conclusions based on the data.

What are some potential limitations of taking the average of a formula?

Some limitations of taking the average of a formula include outliers (extreme values that can skew the results), unequal sample sizes, and non-normal distributions. It is important to consider these factors when interpreting the average of a formula.
