Talk on the group structure of elementary particles

In summary, the person is looking for resources to research the topic of the group structure of elementary particles, specifically focusing on the group theory aspects of it. They plan to give a talk on this topic for undergraduate mathematics students who may not have much knowledge about group theory. Some recommended resources include checking out textbooks from a local university library, reading an essay on John Baez's website, and looking at the appendix in Kaku's Quantum Field Theory for a treatment of SU(N) representations. Other suggested books include Howard Georgi's book and Halzen & Martin's book.
  • #1
The Background: I'm looking to put together a 40 minute talk on the group structure of elementary particles for a group of undergraduate mathematics students many of whom know little about group theory - sort of a math talk with a physics flavor (no pun intended). So the talk would include some basic group theory, how elementary particles are described using groups, leading up to the prediction of the Omega-minus. Being an undergraduate myself, I've never formally discussed SU(3) but have taken group theory and know a something about particle physics - so I believe I'm qualified to attack this problem. My intention is not to make a group of particle physicists out of them, but to show a neat example of math that some would describe as "cute but lacking practicality."

The Question: Can someone point me to some resources that would be good ways to start researching this topic, focusing on the group theory aspects of it?
Physics news on
  • #2
You should probably start by checking out a few textbooks from a local university library. Most books on particle physics, e.g. Griffiths, have a lot of material on the applications of group theory.

- Warren
  • #3
cleverless said:
The Question: Can someone point me to some resources that would be good ways to start researching this topic, focusing on the group theory aspects of it?

I hope we can help you, cleverless. May I suggest you start with this essay on John Baez's site?

If you haven't already discovered it, Baez's site and especially his "This week's finds" series, are one of the most valuable resources for anyone interested in the intersection of math and physics.

Also, looking over my books I find that the appendix to Kaku's Quantum Field Theory has a nice treatment of SU(N) representations. You will have gathered from the Baez essay that the particle physics is all about these group representations, and Kaku shows how to set them up. Young Tableaus should be enetertaining for your audience!
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  • #4
My first and favorite book on the subject was Howard Georgi's. I lost my (first edition) copy and got the latest edition a few years ago. It seems like there isn't as much information in the latest version, but that could be me.

What I liked about it was that it was easy to understand and very physical. Mathematicians spend way too much of their time trying to prove things that are obvious with as few assumptions as possible.

  • #5
remeber you are speaking here of SU(3)_flavour, the old approximate symmetry. I like the diagrams in Huang book, and also the short review of the quark model online at the particle data group website. Griffiths also is a good source, yep.
  • #6
cleverless said:
Can someone point me to some resources that would be good ways to start researching this topic, focusing on the group theory aspects of it?

Try Halzen & Martin book (Quarks & Leptons). You only need chapter 2.



Related to Talk on the group structure of elementary particles

What is the group structure of elementary particles?

The group structure of elementary particles refers to the way that particles interact with each other and the fundamental forces of nature. It is described by various mathematical models, including the Standard Model, which categorizes particles into different groups based on their properties and interactions.

How are particles classified within the group structure?

Particles are classified based on their spin, mass, charge, and interactions with other particles. They are divided into fermions and bosons, with fermions further divided into quarks and leptons. These classifications help to explain the behavior and properties of particles.

What is the significance of the group structure of elementary particles?

The group structure of elementary particles is significant because it provides a framework for understanding the fundamental building blocks of the universe and their interactions. It helps to explain the complex phenomena observed in particle physics, such as the behavior of subatomic particles and the forces that govern them.

How has our understanding of the group structure of elementary particles changed over time?

Our understanding of the group structure of elementary particles has evolved significantly over time, with new particles being discovered and new theories being developed to explain their interactions. The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 was a major breakthrough in our understanding of the group structure of particles.

Are there any open questions or challenges in understanding the group structure of elementary particles?

Yes, there are still many open questions and challenges in understanding the group structure of elementary particles. Some of these include the unification of all fundamental forces, the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and the existence of particles beyond the Standard Model. These questions continue to drive research and advancements in the field of particle physics.

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