Talking points in Commutative Algebra, please

In summary, integrality refers to the property of an element being a root of a monic polynomial with coefficients from a subring. It plays a crucial role in the study of commutative algebra and its connections to other subjects such as modules, fields, prime ideals, and the Krull dimension. Understanding the concept of integrality is essential in exploring the relationships between these subjects and their implications in the broader context of commutative algebra.
  • #1
< Mentor Note -- thread moved to HH from the technical math forums >

My final assignment in graduate algebra is to write an essay about the relationship among the subjects we have learned so far this semester:

(1) Module

(2) The Field of Fractions of an Integral Domain
(3) Integrality
(4) Integrality and Fields
(5) Prime Ideals
(6) The Krull Dimension
(7) Noetherian Modules
(8) Noetherian Integral Domain
(9) Dedekind Domain

I know they belong to the Commutative Algebra, but here is my problem: My present math maturity level is capable of seeing only the nuts and bolts of those subjects, but not the whole overall picture. I would appreciate if somebody out there gives me the ideas about the big picture, their inter-connection, or any online resources that I can turn to.

Thank you very much for your time and help.
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  • #2
Thoughts of a non-expert:

From a literary point of view, i would be nice to have a grand unifying theme - like "The quest to break things up into simpler pieces". (meaning things like "generators" , "bases", "factors" ). Things described only by the definition of a module are problematic in that regard. Modifying the assumptions improves the prospects (at least according to the PDF ). Perhaps "The quest to break things up into simpler pieces" can be expressed in category theory, but that might not be to your teacher's taste.

Another grand theme is "The quest to see a thing as a part of a bigger thing" ( like "covering groups" for things, "spans" of things, the thing generated by a thing. I don't know enough about modules to see how that applies to your topics.
  • #3
@Stephen Tashi : Thanks! Since I am supposed to write an essay about the unifying big picture of all these terms, since up to this moment I still did not see any unifying thread out of them except that they all belong to Commutative Ring, I think I am going to write an essay about the history of Commutative Algebra, at least I can show there is thread connecting some of the terms. Thanks again for your time.
  • #4
A.Magnus said:
< Mentor Note -- thread moved to HH from the technical math forums >

My final assignment in graduate algebra is to write an essay about the relationship among the subjects we have learned so far this semester:

(1) Module

(2) The Field of Fractions of an Integral Domain
(3) Integrality
(4) Integrality and Fields
(5) Prime Ideals
(6) The Krull Dimension
(7) Noetherian Modules
(8) Noetherian Integral Domain
(9) Dedekind Domain

I know they belong to the Commutative Algebra, but here is my problem: My present math maturity level is capable of seeing only the nuts and bolts of those subjects, but not the whole overall picture. I would appreciate if somebody out there gives me the ideas about the big picture, their inter-connection, or any online resources that I can turn to.

Thank you very much for your time and help.

I am still struggling with this assignment. I had thought of writing a history of Commutative Ring, but it is not a good idea after a second though.

Let's narrow this question down like this: Instead of asking you on relationship among the above subjects, I am going to sharpen it into asking you on the relationship between any two or three of the above subjects. I think now it is now an easier question. Thank you again for your time and help.
  • #5
What is "integrality"?
  • #6
@Stephen Tashi : Here is the formal definition:

Let ##S## be a subring of ##R##. An element ##r## of ## R## is called integral over ##S## if there exist elements ##s_0, s_1, ..., s_{n-1} ## in ##S## with 1 ##\le n## and

## r^n + s_{n-1}r^{n-1} + ... + s_1r + s_0 = 0. ##

So basically, ##r## is the root of a monic polynomial, monic means the leading coefficient is 1. Here is one example of ring element which is integral over a subring: We have ##(\sqrt2)^2 - 2 = 0##, thus the element ##\sqrt2## of ##\mathbb R## is integral over ##\mathbb Z##. So, integrality is the noun of being integral over a ring.

Hope it helps and thank you very much for your time.

FAQ: Talking points in Commutative Algebra, please

1. What is Commutative Algebra?

Commutative Algebra is a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of commutative rings and their ideals. It deals with algebraic structures where multiplication is commutative, meaning that the order of multiplication does not affect the result. It has applications in many areas of mathematics, including algebraic geometry, number theory, and cryptography.

2. What are talking points in Commutative Algebra?

Talking points in Commutative Algebra are key concepts and ideas that are commonly discussed and used in the field. These may include topics such as polynomial rings, modules, homomorphisms, prime and maximal ideals, and algebraic varieties.

3. Why is Commutative Algebra important?

Commutative Algebra is important because it provides a foundation for many other areas of mathematics, such as algebraic geometry and number theory. It also has applications in other fields, such as physics and computer science. Additionally, it helps to understand and solve problems in algebraic equations and systems.

4. How is Commutative Algebra related to other branches of algebra?

Commutative Algebra is closely related to other branches of algebra, such as abstract algebra and linear algebra. It builds upon the fundamental concepts and techniques from these branches and applies them to the study of commutative rings and their properties. It also has connections to other areas of mathematics, such as topology and algebraic geometry.

5. Are there any real-world applications of Commutative Algebra?

Yes, there are several real-world applications of Commutative Algebra. For example, it is used in cryptography to develop secure encryption algorithms. It is also used in coding theory to study error-correcting codes. Additionally, it has applications in algebraic geometry, which has numerous real-world applications, such as image processing and robotics.

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