Tangent unit vector of a curve

In summary, the conversation is about finding the unit tangent vector and arc length of a curve. The first figure shows the vector \vec{r(t)} and the second figure shows the derivative of \vec{r(t)} and the attempt to find the magnitude of |\vec{v(t)}|. The conversation also includes a discussion about the difference between a vector and a point, and the correct formula for finding arc length.
  • #1

Homework Statement

See first figure.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

See second figure.

When I set [tex]t = 0[/tex] in [tex]\vec{r(t)}[/tex] I get [tex]0\hat{i} +2\hat{j} + 1\hat{k}[/tex].

I know this is a vector and not a point but it has the same "coordinates" as the point they are asking us to find the unit tanget at. Is there a reason for this?

So I took the derivative of [tex]\vec{r(t)}[/tex] to get [tex]\vec{v(t)}[/tex]. I tried to get the magnitude of [tex]|\vec{v(t)}|[/tex], but I end up with a pretty messy expression.

At this point I wasn't to sure how to proceed so I tried to make sense of things the best I could.

When I evaluate [tex]\vec{r(0)}[/tex] it brings me to the point (the tip of the vector [tex]\vec{r(0)}[/tex]) at which I want to find the unit tangent vector.

So if I evaluate [tex]\frac{\vec{v(0)}}{\vec{|v(0)}|}[/tex] I should be able to get the unit tangent vector at the desired point.

I have a feeling this is wrong because [tex]\vec{r(0)}[/tex] is still a vector and this is not the same as a point.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Or can correct my thought process?


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  • #2
jegues said:
When I set [tex]t = 0[/tex] in [tex]\vec{r(t)}[/tex] I get [tex]0\hat{i} +2\hat{j} + 1\hat{k}[/tex].

I know this is a vector and not a point but it has the same "coordinates" as the point they are asking us to find the unit tanget at. Is there a reason for this?
I have a feeling this is wrong because [tex]\vec{r(0)}[/tex] is still a vector and this is not the same as a point.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Or can correct my thought process?

You are wrongly interchanging the curve C and the vector r(t). Whereas r(t) is a different vector for different values of t, the curve C is the set of all points mapped by r(t). We are not finding a vector tangent to r(t) but rather to the curve C! In this case, we are finding the unit tangent vector to a specific point (0, 2, 1) on C.

So I took the derivative of [tex]\vec{r(t)}[/tex] to get [tex]\vec{v(t)}[/tex]. I tried to get the magnitude of [tex]|\vec{v(t)}|[/tex], but I end up with a pretty messy expression.

At this point I wasn't to sure how to proceed so I tried to make sense of things the best I could.

When I evaluate [tex]\vec{r(0)}[/tex] it brings me to the point (the tip of the vector [tex]\vec{r(0)}[/tex]) at which I want to find the unit tangent vector.

So if I evaluate [tex]\frac{\vec{v(0)}}{\vec{|v(0)}|}[/tex] I should be able to get the unit tangent vector at the desired point.

Yes, the unit tangent is [tex]\frac{\vec{v(0)}}{\vec{|v(0)}|}[/tex]. However, you made finding v(t) more complicated than necessary and I don't think you got it right in the end. Factor out a -e^(-t) from v(t) and then find its norm (magnitude). This gets rid of quite a bit of algebra. Inside the radical, the 2sintcost terms should cancel out and so there's no need to use the double angle identity. You should be able to finish the rest from here.
  • #3
...if I did the algebra right in my head (that's a noteworthy IF)... |v(0)| = sqrt(2).

As for part b, do you know the formula for arc length? If you don't, try to come up with it by yourself :D! It's quite obvious that it will be the integral of ds (where ds represents an infinitesimal portion of the curve just as dx is infinitesimal portion of x). Imagine ds as a tiny tangent line to a point on the curve. But we want to get ds in terms of t and dt. By the Pythagorean theorem, (ds)^2 = (dx)^2 + (dy)^2 + (dz)^2. I'll leave it to you from here!
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  • #4
...if I did the algebra right in my head (that's a noteworthy IF)... |v(0)| = sqrt(2).

I keep getting,

[tex] \vec{|v(0)|} = i\sqrt{2}[/tex]

Simplifying the expression,

[tex]\sqrt{-e^{-2t}(1 - sin(2t) + 1 +sin(2t)}[/tex]

If I set t = 0 then,

[tex] \sqrt{-2} = i\sqrt{2}[/tex]

Can someone double check this for me?

As far part b, I'll get to that when I finish part a.

Thanks again!
  • #5
|v(0)| is sqrt(x'(t)^2+z'(t)^2). The quantity inside the square root CAN'T be negative. (-1)*(-1)=1. Check your algebra.
  • #6
jegues said:
I keep getting,

[tex] \vec{|v(0)|} = i\sqrt{2}[/tex]

Simplifying the expression,

[tex]\sqrt{-e^{-2t}(1 - sin(2t) + 1 +sin(2t)}[/tex]

You forgot to square the negative in front of e. [tex] (-e^{-t})^2 = +e^{-2t} [/tex]
  • #7
Raskolnikov said:
You forgot to square the negative in front of e. [tex] (-e^{-t})^2 = +e^{-2t} [/tex]

Whoops! :redface:

Alrighty so I'm finally convinced that,

[tex]\vec{|v(0)|} = \sqrt{2}[/tex]


[tex]\vec{T} = \frac{\vec{v(0)}}{\vec{|v(0)|}} = \frac{\hat{i} - \hat{k}}{\sqrt{2}}[/tex]

Hopefully this is correct now!
  • #8
Now for part b,


[tex] L = \int^{b}_{a} \vec{|r'(0)|}du[/tex]


[tex] L = \int^{2\pi}_{0} \sqrt{2}du = 2\pi\sqrt{2}[/tex]
  • #9
jegues said:
Now for part b,


[tex] L = \int^{b}_{a} \vec{|r'(0)|}du[/tex]

That's not right. Where'd you get that formula from? Refer back to my other post about finding ds in terms of dx, dy, and dz.
  • #10
jegues said:
Whoops! :redface:

Alrighty so I'm finally convinced that,

[tex]\vec{|v(0)|} = \sqrt{2}[/tex]


[tex]\vec{T} = \frac{\vec{v(0)}}{\vec{|v(0)|}} = \frac{\hat{i} - \hat{k}}{\sqrt{2}}[/tex]

Hopefully this is correct now!

A simple way to semi-check it is to find the magnitude of T. If [tex] |\vec{T}| = 1, [/tex] then you most likely have it right (unless you just get lucky and it works out to be 1 haha).
  • #11
Raskolnikov said:
That's not right. Where'd you get that formula from? Refer back to my other post about finding ds in terms of dx, dy, and dz.

I got it from the Stewart textbook.(see figure)

The point,
[tex](0,2,1)[/tex] is when [tex]t=0[/tex]

and the point,

[tex](0,2,e^{-2\pi}[/tex] is when [tex]t=2\pi[/tex]

So they are asking me to find the length from 0 to 2pi in terms of t right?

So why doesnt,

[tex] \int^{2\pi}_{0} \vec{|r'(0)|}dt[/tex] work?


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  • #12
That's not what you have. There's a HUGE difference between r'(t) and r'(0) :P!

But really, before using that formula, you should know how it was derived (refer back to my (ds)^2 = (dx)^2 + (dy)^2 + (dz)^2 post). All these results aren't just magical shortcuts to finding the answer. There's an important distinction between learning and memorizing.
  • #13
jegues said:
Now for part b,


[tex] L = \int^{b}_{a} \vec{|r'(0)|}du[/tex]


[tex] L = \int^{2\pi}_{0} \sqrt{2}du = 2\pi\sqrt{2}[/tex]

Another quick way to realize this can't be correct is that it would mean the arc length is independent of t and only dependent on the two limits. From this formula, you would be saying that the arc length from t = 0 to t = 1 is the same as that from t = 1 to t = 2 is same as...etc.
  • #14
Refer back to my other post about finding ds in terms of dx, dy, and dz.

This would be ds correct? (see figure)


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  • #15
[tex]S = \int^{t}_{0} \sqrt{2}dt = \sqrt{2}t[/tex]


[tex]t(S) = \frac{S}{\sqrt{2}}[/tex]

I don't know where I'm suppose to go from here.
  • #16
jegues said:
[tex]S = \int^{t}_{0} \sqrt{2}dt = \sqrt{2}t[/tex]

No...like I said, there's a difference between r'(t) and r'(0)! Whereas r'(0) is a constant vector, r'(t) is a vector dependent on t. r'(t) = v(t) from part a.

[tex]S = \int^{2\pi}_{0} |r'(t)| dt [/tex]
  • #17
In other words, [tex] |r'(0)| = \sqrt{2} [/tex] but [tex] |r'(t)| \neq \sqrt{2} [/tex].
  • #18

[tex]S = \int_{0}^{2\pi} \sqrt{2e^{-2t}}dt[/tex]

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  • #19
yep, though you forgot the dt at the end.

FAQ: Tangent unit vector of a curve

What is a tangent unit vector?

A tangent unit vector is a vector that is tangent to a curve at a specific point on the curve. It has a magnitude of 1 and points in the direction of the curve's tangent line at that point.

How is a tangent unit vector calculated?

A tangent unit vector can be calculated by finding the derivative of the curve at the specific point and then normalizing the resulting vector. This will result in a vector with a magnitude of 1 and pointing in the direction of the tangent line.

What is the purpose of a tangent unit vector?

A tangent unit vector is useful for determining the direction of motion of a curve at a specific point. It can also be used to calculate the curvature of a curve at that point.

Can a tangent unit vector be negative?

Yes, a tangent unit vector can have a negative direction. This indicates that the curve is moving in the opposite direction of the vector.

How is a tangent unit vector used in physics?

In physics, a tangent unit vector is used to calculate the velocity and acceleration of an object moving along a curved path. It can also be used to determine the direction of the force acting on the object at a specific point on the curve.
