Taylor's Theorem in simple english

In summary, Taylor's Theorem explains the process of computing a Taylor series and determining its convergence. It also introduces the concept of a remainder, which is the difference between the Taylor polynomial and the original function. The algebraic notation of the remainder can be confusing, but it can be understood as a way to bound the error in using the Taylor polynomial to approximate the function. For alternating Taylor series, the maximum possible error is the next term from the approximation, while for nonnegative series, the Lagrange error bound is used. However, it is important to note that even if a function has derivatives of all orders, its Taylor series may not necessarily converge to that function, unless the function is analytic at that point.
  • #1
Hi guys, I'm having trouble conceptualizing Taylor's Theorem. I understand how to compute a taylor series, as well as figure out whether it converges or not. I also realize that since it is an approximation that there is a remainder that is the difference between it and the original function. I understand all that. My main issue of concern is with the algebraic notation of the remainder. In my book, which is written very poorly, it gives the remainder in two dfferent forms:
"If a function f is differentiable through order n+1 in an interval I containing c, then, for each x in I, there exists z between x and c such that
f(x) = f(c) + f'(c)(x-c) + ... + Rn(x)


Rn(x) = (fn+1z)/(n+1)! (x-c)n+1."
Forgive me for not knowing the coding and such. So, the equation(s) might look a bit sloppy.
The book goes on to say:
"One useful consequence of this theorem is that |Rnx| [tex]\leq[/tex] |x-c|n+1/(n+1)! max |fn+1z|"
This part does not make sense to me. Again, sorry for making the formulas appear sloppy. I do not quite understand what that last inequality means. And, in addition, I do not know what max |fn+1z| refers to. Thanks for any help, and for even reading this.
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  • #2
By max |fn+1z| I guess they mean the maximum value of |fn+1z| for z in the interval I. The usefulness of the inequality is that it gives a bound on the error in using a Taylor polynomial to approximate the function f.

Quick example: Take f(x) = exp(x), which has Taylor series 1 + x + x2/2 + ..., and let I be the interval [-1, 1]. The 2nd Taylor polynomial is T2(x) = 1 + x + x2/2, and the remainder is bounded by |R2(x)| ≤ (|x|3 / 3!) max |f3(z)|. Now f3(z) = exp(z), which has maximum value e on the interval I. Thus, |R2(x)| ≤ e/6 |x|3 for all x in I.

Since |x| ≤ 1 on I, you get a uniform bound |R2(x)| ≤ e/6 = 0.453.
  • #3
To add to that,

When its an alternating taylor series, the maximum possible error is the next term from your approximation (the first term you dropped.).

When its nonnegative, you use the lagrange error bound. Where you need to find the max value and stuff.
  • #4
Be careful about one thing: if a function has derivatives of all orders, we can, of course, form its Taylor series. but even if that series converges for all x, it does not necessarily converge to that function!

A function is said to be (real) analytic at a point if it is differentiable of all orders at that point (so its Taylor series exists at that point) and there exists some neighborhood of the point in which that series converges to the function.

An example of a function that has derivatives of all orders but is NOT analytic at a point is
[tex]f(x)= e^{-\frac{1}{x^2}}[/tex]
if [itex]x\ne 0[/itex], 0 if x= 0. It can be shown that all derivatives exist and are equal to 0 at x= 0 so its Taylor series at x= 0 is just 0, but clearly the function is not 0 except at x= 0.
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FAQ: Taylor's Theorem in simple english

What is Taylor's Theorem?

Taylor's Theorem is a mathematical tool used to approximate a function with a polynomial. It helps us find the value of a function at a particular point by using the values of the function and its derivatives at that point.

What is the significance of Taylor's Theorem?

Taylor's Theorem is important because it allows us to approximate complex functions with simpler polynomials, making it easier to perform calculations and solve problems.

How is Taylor's Theorem different from Taylor Series?

Taylor's Theorem is a general formula that applies to all functions, while Taylor Series is a specific representation of a function using an infinite sum of terms. Taylor Series is a special case of Taylor's Theorem.

What are the assumptions of Taylor's Theorem?

The assumptions of Taylor's Theorem include that the function must be differentiable at the point of interest, and that the interval of interest must contain the point of interest. Additionally, the function must have a finite number of derivatives at the point of interest.

How is Taylor's Theorem used in real-world applications?

Taylor's Theorem is used in various fields of science and engineering, such as physics, economics, and computer science. It is used to approximate complex functions and make predictions, and it is also used in numerical methods for solving differential equations and optimization problems.
