Teaching Physics to 8th Graders - Tips & Advice

In summary, Sunayana is taking a physics class for 8th graders and she says that they usually hesitate when answering questions and thinking on their own. She suggests using questions as checkpoints during the lecture and having each group come up with their best answer and report after five minutes. If the student doesn't answer the question, the teacher should try to find out why and then try to walk them through a few steps. If the student still can't answer the question, the teacher should back up to the beginning of the topic.
  • #1
Hi everyone,
I have to take a physics class for eigth graders in a couple of days. I have done this a couple of times before but I always find that they hesitate a lot when it comes to answering questions and thinking on their own. Any suggestions from anybody with/without teaching experience?
P.S. I wasn't sure where to post this...
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  • #2
I guess the reasons behind hesitating when answering the questions is either they are feeling shy or not having a good grasp of the idea/theory. U should encourage them to answer more even though the answers most likely are wrong. And from there, guide them to the correct path.

P.S. : Dont worry, you didnt post in a wrong section.
  • #3
One new teaching technique here in the states, is to use group brainstormin among the students.

Assign groups of 3 - 4, pose a question, have each group come up with their best answer and report (with their reasons) after five minutes.

That gives them (1) peer - led learning (a good thing) and (2) confidence that they aren't as dumb as they feel.
  • #4
Thinking on their own may take some time when learning a new subject, so you may need to spend more time guiding them through the thought processes required for something before you expect them to learn how to use their knowledge on their own.

As for them not answering questions, when are you asking them and how do you ask them? As darkar mentioned, sometimes they are just shy, and sometimes it's an indicator that they aren't understanding something.

I like to use questions as checkpoints while teaching. Each time a new term or concept is covered during the lecture, stop and ask a question about it. If you don't get any raised hands to answer, or you only get that one student in the front row answering every question, start calling upon students to answer the questions. Don't start off calling on the kid napping in the back, you don't want to use this as a way to embarrass the students, but to find out if those who are paying attention are understanding. If you call upon someone and they don't know, see if you can walk them through a few steps and if they can pick it up from there (never just respond with, "No" and move on to the next student; this only makes them more shy about answering next time; try to find something in their answer upon which you can expand, or a part they are right about, "You are correct when you say,'X.' Can someone else answer what's wrong with the explanation of 'Y'?" If you go through three or four students and they are all misunderstanding things or can't answer the questions, it means you'll need to spend more time on that topic before moving on. You can use the questions to find out how far back you need to go as well. If you ask about the most basic first parts of the lecture and they understand that, but then you ask about the next step and nobody can answer that, that's where you need to back up to.

Patty's suggestion of group exercises are good too, however, for those to work well, you need to first spend some time facilitating the groups and teaching them how to work together in that context. I've found that students can learn extremely well in groups as long as they have a group leader who directs discussion at first. I had great success leading groups of about 10 students at a time (too few, and it's more like one-on-one tutoring, too many and students can't all participate). After a few weeks of leading them through questions, prompting them to ask each other questions, etc, then I could start sitting back and just provide a nudge when they got really stuck or redirect them back to the subject if they got too far off on a tangent while they adopted roles of group leaders themselves. This is hardly a new teaching technique, but one that is rarely used well. It takes a lot of effort on the front end, but when the students catch on, it's wonderfully rewarding to sit back and watch them discuss a subject with real understanding.
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  • #5
The group thing is a great idea. I would further suggest that you begin with examples that directly relate to their everyday lives—acceleration down a playground slide, pendulum effect of a swing, leverage on a see-saw, bouncing balls, displacement of liquid when you drop in an ice cube, etc.. That way even if they don't absorb everything right away, they'll automatically think about it when engaged in one of the activities for fun.
  • #6
Thanks a lot everyone
This class I will be taking is a one-off thing. Its for the Talent Search for Physics being conducted for the World Year of Physics. But I intend to use Moonbear and Pattylou's suggestions. Thank you!

Related to Teaching Physics to 8th Graders - Tips & Advice

1. What is the best way to engage 8th graders in learning physics?

The best way to engage 8th graders in learning physics is to make the subject relevant and relatable to their daily lives. Use real-life examples and hands-on activities to help them understand abstract concepts. Additionally, incorporating multimedia such as videos and interactive simulations can make the learning experience more enjoyable and engaging.

2. How can I make physics fun for 8th graders?

One way to make physics fun for 8th graders is to incorporate games and competitions into your lessons. This can help create a sense of friendly competition and make learning more enjoyable. Additionally, incorporating fun and interactive demonstrations can help keep students engaged and interested in the subject.

3. What are some common misconceptions about teaching physics to 8th graders?

One common misconception is that 8th graders are not capable of understanding complex physics concepts. However, this is not true. With the right approach and teaching methods, 8th graders can comprehend and apply advanced physics principles. Another misconception is that teaching physics is only about solving equations and formulas, when in fact, it is also about understanding the underlying principles and concepts.

4. How can I encourage critical thinking in 8th grade physics students?

Encouraging critical thinking in 8th grade physics students can be achieved by asking open-ended questions and providing opportunities for students to think and solve problems on their own. This can help develop their analytical and problem-solving skills. Incorporating group discussions and debates can also help stimulate critical thinking and encourage students to think outside the box.

5. What are some strategies for effectively teaching physics to 8th graders?

Some strategies for effectively teaching physics to 8th graders include breaking down complex concepts into smaller, more manageable parts, incorporating real-life examples and hands-on activities, and providing opportunities for students to apply their knowledge in practical situations. It is also important to establish a positive and supportive learning environment and to regularly assess students' understanding to adjust teaching methods accordingly.

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