Tech drawing - ellipses in perspective

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of drawing an ellipse within a square in perspective using a computer-aided design program. There is a formula for offsetting the angle of the ellipse's axes to make it sit properly in the same plane as the square. However, it can be complex and it is recommended to eyeball the placement based on the ellipse's tangency with the square's midpoints. It is also mentioned that a circle in perspective is actually an ellipse.
  • #1
Gold Member
I'm doing some 2D pencil diagrams (CUD - computer-unaided design).

So I've got a square in perspective (2 point perspective but 1 point perspective is good enough). Now I want to draw an ellipse within it, so that the ellipse is properly tangential to all four midpoints of the square. I have an ellipse template to help draw the ellipses.

I know that you can't just align the long axis and short axis of the ellipse to the diagonals of the square (especially since it will be impossible - the square's diagonals are not perpendicular).

I know you have to offset the angle to the ellipse so that it looks right (lies in the same plane as the square).

Is there a formula for what angle one would offset an ellipse's axes to get it to sit right? (A long calculation would not be much good - I'm looking for a shortcut.)

Any takers?


  • ellipse.gif
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  • #2
DaveC426913 said:
I'm doing some 2D pencil diagrams (CUD - computer-unaided design).

So I've got a square in perspective (2 point perspective but 1 point perspective is good enough). Now I want to draw an ellipse within it, so that the ellipse is properly tangential to all four midpoints of the square. I have an ellipse template to help draw the ellipses.

I know that you can't just align the long axis and short axis of the ellipse to the diagonals of the square (especially since it will be impossible - the square's diagonals are not perpendicular).

I know you have to offset the angle to the ellipse so that it looks right (lies in the same plane as the square).

Is there a formula for what angle one would offset an ellipse's axes to get it to sit right? (A long calculation would not be much good - I'm looking for a shortcut.)
If four equally spaced points in a straight line are seen in projection, their cross-ratio is conserved. See
If we take two vertices of the square and their midpoint as z1, z3, z2 respectively, and put z4 at infinity it gives a x-ratio of 2. In the projected form, z4 is the vanishing point of the line. This should allow you to plot the midpoints of the sides. Is that enough to fit the ellipse (whih I assume was a circle before projection)?
  • #3
You miss the point.
haruspex said:
If four equally spaced points in a straight line are seen in projection, their cross-ratio is conserved. See
If we take two vertices of the square and their midpoint as z1, z3, z2 respectively, and put z4 at infinity it gives a x-ratio of 2. In the projected form, z4 is the vanishing point of the line. This should allow you to plot the midpoints of the sides. Is that enough to fit the ellipse (whih I assume was a circle before projection)?
I've got the midpoints of the square. How do I fit the ellipse? Eyeball it?
  • #4
Since it's a square before projection, the inscribed shape was a circle before projection, right? After projection, the major axis of the ellipse will be parallel to the horizon line, no?
That doesn't look right in your thumbnail, but then the square doesn't either.
  • #5
haruspex said:
Since it's a square before projection, the inscribed shape was a circle before projection, right

haruspex said:
After projection, the major axis of the ellipse will be parallel to the horizon line, no?
No. Why would it?

haruspex said:
That doesn't look right in your thumbnail, but then the square doesn't either.

Attached is a better pic.

There's no way an ellipse will fit into a perspective square without being rotated.


  • ellipse.png
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  • #6
Ah yes, they do tilt. Quite subtle: in a line of circles straight across left to right, the one in the middle is level, and they must tend back to level at infinity, but they tilt in between.
I tried this, but the algebra gets heavy:
- start with ax2+by2=1
- apply a rotation through theta
- apply a shift of origin; we now have 5 unkowns
- use some combination of the 8 equations based on knowing the ellipse passes through the midpoints of the square's sides and is tangential to the square at those places.
- solve for theta (!)
  • #7
Yeah, I solved it for theta some time ago (using the matrix representation of an ellipse).
It gets heavy.
I couldn't find a clear construction method to find the long and short axes, or the angle.

So I recommend eyeballing it, using the fact that the ellipse has to "touch" the square at its midpoints.

At least a circle in perspective is an ellipse.
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  • #8
Progress, perhaps.
I considered a simple example. Circle radius c at (a,b) in the XY plane. Observer at (0,0,z). Viewing pane at (*,1,*), i.e. parallel to XZ plane.
I get tan of the axis angle satisfies
t2 - kt = 1
k = (z2 - a2 - b2 - c2)/(za)

There's a sign wrong somewhere. Put negative z to view from above.
I plotted this up on a spreadsheet for 5 adjacent circles, i.e. stepping a by 2c. it looks right.
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FAQ: Tech drawing - ellipses in perspective

1. How do I properly draw an ellipse in perspective?

To draw an ellipse in perspective, first start by defining the horizon line and vanishing points. Next, draw a rectangle with the desired height and width, with one side touching the horizon line. From the corners of the rectangle, draw diagonal lines to the vanishing points. These lines will intersect the rectangle and form the major and minor axes of the ellipse. Finally, draw the ellipse by lightly sketching in the curved lines within the rectangle, following the intersecting lines as a guide.

2. What is the difference between a circular and an elliptical shape in perspective drawing?

While a circular shape appears the same from any viewpoint, an elliptical shape appears differently depending on the angle it is viewed from. In perspective drawing, a circular shape will appear as a perfect circle, while an elliptical shape will appear as an elongated or compressed circle depending on the angle of the viewer.

3. How do I determine the size and shape of an ellipse in perspective?

The size and shape of an ellipse in perspective is determined by its distance from the viewer and its position in relation to the horizon line and vanishing points. The closer the ellipse is to the viewer, the larger and more circular it will appear. If the ellipse is positioned closer to one vanishing point than the other, it will appear more compressed or elongated in that direction.

4. Can I use a compass to draw an ellipse in perspective?

It is not recommended to use a compass to draw an ellipse in perspective, as it can be difficult to accurately position the compass over the vanishing points. It is better to use the intersecting lines method described in question 1, or to use a template specifically designed for drawing ellipses in perspective.

5. Are there any shortcuts or tricks for drawing ellipses in perspective?

One helpful shortcut for drawing ellipses in perspective is to use a string or elastic band attached to the vanishing points to guide the hand while sketching in the curved lines. Additionally, using a template or guide specifically designed for drawing ellipses in perspective can also make the process easier and more accurate.

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