Tegmark, Multiverse/Greene/Intelligent Design etc.

  • Thread starter GaryCGibson
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In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of multiverses and the concept of synthetic selection, where intelligent design influences the creation and dominance of certain universes. The participants also touch on the potential existence of wormholes and the role of the Higgs Field and extra dimensions in limiting the speed of light and the behavior of mass. They caution against over-speculation and emphasize the importance of testable, falsifiable theories in the scientific community.
  • #1

Max Tegmark, Brian Green and others have written about the possibility of multiverses as a continuity from this Universe and the general field of creation. Any comments about that?

If it is possible in theory to create a wormhole to another space-time and 'birth' a pre-designed universe one-day, or if such was already done and universes created by intelligent design came to dominate a finite number of universes through a process of natural selection perhaps better known as synthetic selection (because of the intelligence factor), how would those synthetically designed universe fit into the overall field on universes comprising the natural endowment of universes?

Would synthetic universes displaces pre-exisiting universes potentially?

On a derivative question...

Is the Higgs Field underlying the Universe, or are the extra dimensions believede to form a contiguous substratum for it, the cause for the limit on light speed for mass that?

Does mass accellerating to light speed completely detach from the extra dimensions and then become infinitely heavy by associating with the dimensions of this universes soley while temporarily severing ties with the extra dimensions, or vice versa?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Welcome to Physics Forums Gary!

I, for one, think multiverses are bunk, but there are times in QM when that approach can be heuristically useful, at least.

There is absolutely no evidence for wormholes, and anyone can make up any theory they want. The theory it seems as if your grasping at "Cosmic Natural Selection" is not an intelligent design theory. Intelligent design has absolutely no scientific validity.

We don't know if there is or is not a Higgs field, or if there are or are not extra dimensions. A Higgs field would be mathematically convenient in the current formulation of the standard model of particle physics. Extra dimensions are necessary if M-theory exists. The reason for the Higgs field is to establish inertial mass. The reason for the extra dimensions is primarily to explain why gravity is so weak. Neither have a necessary or obvious relationship to the Lorentz transformation of special relativity which put a speed limit on everything in the univerese.

Mass does not and cannot accellerate to light speed, although it can come asymtoptically close.

Not only does string theory/M-theory require extra dimensions, it also doesn't make any meaningful predictions right now, which has caused it to wane in popularity. Certainly, there is no established theory of which I am aware in which your last question is even meaningful.
  • #3
GaryCGibson said:
Max Tegmark, Brian Greene and others have written about the possibility of multiverses as a continuity from this Universe and the general field of creation. Any comments about that?

hi Gary, welcome to the discussion forum here
It sounds like you are well on your way to developing your own theory or theories about the universe, and more power to you in this.

My impression is that Tegmark and Greene are each capable of two distinctly different kinds of writing:

A. speculative pop-sci
B. scientific articles

If you want to get thoughtful comment from people on something of Tegmark/Greene that is online, as recent peer-review journal articles tend to be, then you could provide a link to it so people could have something definite to respond to.

Regarding your own ideas, I might mention falsifiability. I believe the customary scientific process---the way science has progressed in the past 400 years or so---involves people coming up with testable theories. That means falsifiable theories: ones that make definite numerical predictions and can be rejected if observations do not confirm those predictions.

That is a lot to ask. Today there are a bunch of still halfbake theories out there, unfinished theories still under construction, that nobody has yet squeezed an unequivocal hard prediction out of so that the thing can actually be tested. the predictions that popularizers TALK about some of these making are still kind of mushy. Like, it would be NICE if supersymmetry were observed at a certain definite energy but, hey, if it isn't we will still adapt and go merrily on.

So it is setting pretty high standards for you to live up to, I realize, but you might be thinking, as you develop your theories about spacetime and things uncoupling from the extra dimensions and getting very massive and so on, you might be thinking HOW CAN I TEST THAT? What prediction can I derive as a consequence which, if it were not observed experimentally, would allow the theory to be discarded.

Scientific theories may survive tests but are never ultimately proven true,
they can only be proven false
and therefore testability means falsifiability.
To be considered a scientific theory, a model must be testable,
and that means falsifiable.

[EDIT, I just saw ohwilleke post] yeah I tend to agree with ohwilleke on several of his points, just didnt say it quite as crisply
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  • #4
GaryCGibson said:

Max Tegmark, Brian Green and others have written about the possibility of multiverses as a continuity from this Universe and the general field of creation. Any comments about that?

If it is possible in theory to create a wormhole to another space-time and 'birth' a pre-designed universe one-day, or if such was already done and universes created by intelligent design came to dominate a finite number of universes through a process of natural selection perhaps better known as synthetic selection (because of the intelligence factor), how would those synthetically designed universe fit into the overall field on universes comprising the natural endowment of universes?

Would synthetic universes displaces pre-exisiting universes potentially?

On a derivative question...

Is the Higgs Field underlying the Universe, or are the extra dimensions believede to form a contiguous substratum for it, the cause for the limit on light speed for mass that?

Does mass accellerating to light speed completely detach from the extra dimensions and then become infinitely heavy by associating with the dimensions of this universes soley while temporarily severing ties with the extra dimensions, or vice versa?

Please be VERY careful about making over-speculative, "buzz-word" association, and especially about bringing in "intelligent design" in THIS part of the forum. This is the only warning you will get.


Related to Tegmark, Multiverse/Greene/Intelligent Design etc.

1. What is Tegmark's Multiverse theory?

Tegmark's Multiverse theory, proposed by physicist Max Tegmark, suggests that there are multiple universes or "parallel" universes that exist alongside our own. This theory is based on the idea that our universe is infinite and constantly expanding, leading to the possibility of other universes existing beyond our observable universe.

2. What is the connection between Brian Greene and the Multiverse theory?

Brian Greene is a theoretical physicist who has written extensively about the Multiverse theory in his book, "The Hidden Reality". He explains how the Multiverse theory is a possible explanation for the "fine-tuning" of our universe and how it relates to the laws of physics.

3. How does the concept of Intelligent Design relate to the Multiverse theory?

Intelligent Design is a controversial theory that suggests the complexity and order in the universe can only be explained by the existence of an intelligent creator. However, the Multiverse theory offers an alternative explanation for the apparent design of our universe, stating that it is simply one of many possible universes that randomly emerged from the "multiverse soup".

4. Can the Multiverse theory be proven?

At this point, the Multiverse theory remains a theoretical concept and has not been proven or disproven. While there is some evidence and mathematical support for the idea, it is still a highly debated topic in the scientific community and requires further research and evidence to be fully accepted.

5. What are the implications of the Multiverse theory?

The Multiverse theory has profound implications for our understanding of the universe and our place in it. It raises questions about the uniqueness of our own universe and the possibility of other versions of ourselves existing in different universes. It also has implications for the search for extraterrestrial life and the ability to travel between universes.

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