Telepathy works but where is scientific evidence?

In summary, telepathy, the ability to communicate thoughts and feelings without physical means, has been studied and documented for centuries. While many people claim to have experienced telepathy, there is currently no scientific evidence to support its existence. Despite this lack of evidence, research and experiments continue to be conducted in order to better understand this mysterious phenomenon. Some scientists suggest that telepathy may be possible through quantum entanglement, but more research is needed to fully understand and prove its validity. Until then, the existence of telepathy remains a topic of debate and speculation.
  • #1
1. Vinko Rajic is talking about in his videos on YouTube that he can use telepathy all the time and 100% correct on few kilometer.
Uri Geller could give evidence for telepathy at Stanford University.

2. At Edinburgh University, experts conducted controlled experiments to see if telepathy is possible.
The Edinburgh University Koestler Lab could never confirm if telepathy works but they never did any experiment on Vinko Rajic
or Uri Geller, maybe they do not want to find that what are they looking for.

3. James Randi offer 1000000$ for any paranormal evidence, but Vinko and Uri can use telepathy or maybe NOT?

4. CIA's "remote viewing" , "Stargate Project", the ability to psychically "see" events, sites,
or information from a great distance.
Actually there is not evidence that this would be possible. Telepathic people like Vinko Rajic never know who is
sending to them. Human brains have not any number and is maybe impossible to know from which head you are receiving and to
which head you are sending. Theoretical this is impossible to localize someone on very long distance and connect it.

5. Grigori Rasputin , "the Mad Monk". There is evidence that he could use paranormal mind control.
Rasputin's influence over the royal family was used against him and the Romanovs by politicians and journalists who
wanted to weaken the integrity of the dynasty, force the Tsar to give up his absolute political power and separate the
Russian Orthodox Church from the state.
On November 19, 1916, Purishkevich made a rousing speech in the Duma, in which he stated,
"The tsar's ministers who have been turned into marionettes, marionettes whose threads have been taken firmly in hand by Rasputin
and the Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna , the evil genius of Russia and the tsaritsa .

6. What is Schizophrenia? Schneider's symptoms of the first rank:

- Audible thoughts
- Voices heard arguing
- Voices heard commenting on one’s actions
- The experience of influences playing on the body
- Thought withdrawal and other interference with thought
- Diffusion of thought
- Delusional perception
- Feelings, impulses and volitional acts experienced as the work or influence of others

Using telepathy you can create most of "Schneider's symptoms of the first rank" on Vinko Rajic.

Why they do not do research on Vinko Rajic or on some other telepath and publish that?
Also telepathy is possible??
Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to the forum and thank you for your post!

It should probably belong in the skepticism and debunking thread, as it's going to be problematic verifying anything about paranormal or psi abilities according to the rules of this forum.

Respectfully yours,
  • #3
I was thinking it would be interesting to find out what kind waves transmit telepathy,
  • #4
Creating a sockpuppet to reopen a locked thread is not allowed.
  • #5

I understand the curiosity and interest in the concept of telepathy and its potential implications. However, it is important to approach these claims with a critical and scientific mindset. While there may be individuals who claim to possess telepathic abilities, it is crucial to have solid evidence and rigorous research to support these claims.

The examples provided in the content do not provide sufficient scientific evidence for the existence of telepathy. The YouTube videos and experiments conducted at Edinburgh University do not offer conclusive evidence of telepathy. Furthermore, the offer of a large sum of money by James Randi for any paranormal evidence speaks to the lack of scientific evidence for telepathy.

The mention of CIA's "remote viewing" and Grigori Rasputin also do not offer solid scientific evidence. The lack of evidence for these claims may be due to the difficulty in controlling and replicating telepathic abilities in a controlled setting, as well as the potential for other factors such as suggestion or manipulation.

In regards to schizophrenia, it is important to note that telepathy has not been recognized as a symptom or cause of the disorder. The symptoms listed may be present in individuals who believe they have telepathic abilities, but this does not necessarily prove the existence of telepathy. Additionally, it is unethical and irresponsible to use telepathy to create symptoms of a serious mental disorder in someone like Vinko Rajic.

In conclusion, while the concept of telepathy may be intriguing, it is important to approach it with a critical and scientific mindset. Without solid evidence and rigorous research, claims of telepathy cannot be accepted as a scientific fact. As scientists, it is our responsibility to conduct thorough and unbiased research to determine the validity of such claims.

Related to Telepathy works but where is scientific evidence?

1. How does telepathy work?

Telepathy is the ability to communicate thoughts, feelings, or information without using physical senses. It is believed to work through the transfer of electromagnetic signals between individuals, similar to how we use technology to communicate wirelessly.

2. Is there any scientific evidence for telepathy?

There have been many studies and experiments conducted to test the existence of telepathy, but the results have been inconclusive. While some studies have shown evidence for telepathy, others have not been able to replicate these findings. Therefore, telepathy is not currently considered a scientifically proven phenomenon.

3. Can anyone develop telepathic abilities?

There is currently no scientific evidence to suggest that telepathy can be learned or developed. Some individuals may claim to have telepathic abilities, but without scientific proof, it is difficult to determine the validity of these claims.

4. Are there any potential explanations for telepathy?

Some scientists believe that telepathy could possibly be explained through quantum entanglement, which is the phenomenon where particles can become connected and affect each other regardless of distance. However, this is still just a theory and has not been scientifically proven.

5. What are the potential implications of telepathy if it were scientifically proven?

If telepathy were proven to be a real phenomenon, it could have significant implications for communication and understanding between individuals. It could also open up new possibilities for technology and advancements in our understanding of the human brain and consciousness.

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