Temperature dependence of relaxation time T1 vs T2

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between temperature, dynamics, and relaxation times in NMR studies of Relaxor ferroelectrics. It is established that as temperature increases, the longitudinal relaxation time T1 decreases due to increased dynamics. Additionally, it is suggested that the transversal relaxation time T2 also decreases with increasing dynamics, although there is some uncertainty about the contribution of j(100MHz). The overall consensus is that increased dynamics lead to lower T1 and T2 values in NMR studies of Relaxor ferroelectrics.
  • #1
when we assume a obejct with increasing dynamics with increasing temperature, the longitudinal relaxation time T1 should decrease. Since we have, let's say at a frequency 100 MHz , more fluctuations of B0.

Ok, then the transversal relaxation time T2 must increase with increasing temperature, right? Because T2 depends on the spectral density at j(0) (zero frequency). so when there is a increasing dynamic, the zero-frequency-motion-ometer (=T2) must decrease. Is it right?

I know there is also a j(100MHz) contribution within T2, but let's assume that's negligible.

Thanks a lot, sorry for bad english!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Could you please give the context of your question?
  • #3
Hi, DrClaude,

Its about the investigation of Relaxor ferroelectrics with NMR relaxation time.
  • #4
qwerasadf said:
so when there is a increasing dynamic, the zero-frequency-motion-ometer (=T2) must decrease.
I don't understand the argument here.
  • #5

In this picture we can see the spectral density with different frequencies. If there are are high dynamics => shorter correlation time => frequency distribution becomes broader. the dashed lines is referred to the T1 relaxation time. T2 is at 0Hz. Thus, increasing dynamics lead to low T2, right?
  • #6
The energy density for every frequency increases with temperature.

FAQ: Temperature dependence of relaxation time T1 vs T2

What is the temperature dependence of relaxation time T1 vs T2?

The temperature dependence of relaxation time T1 and T2 refers to how the relaxation times of a substance or system change as the temperature is varied. Relaxation time is a measure of how quickly a system returns to equilibrium after being perturbed.

How does temperature affect relaxation time T1 and T2?

In general, as the temperature increases, both T1 and T2 decrease. This is because at higher temperatures, the molecules in the system have more energy and are moving around more quickly, which makes it easier for them to return to equilibrium after being disturbed.

What factors can influence the temperature dependence of relaxation time T1 vs T2?

Several factors can affect how T1 and T2 change with temperature, including the type of substance or system, the strength of intermolecular interactions, and the presence of impurities or defects. Additionally, the presence of external magnetic or electric fields can also impact the temperature dependence of T1 and T2.

Why is understanding the temperature dependence of relaxation time T1 vs T2 important?

The temperature dependence of T1 and T2 is important for many scientific and technological applications. For example, in medical imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), knowledge of T1 and T2 can help researchers and doctors obtain accurate and high-quality images. In materials science, understanding the temperature dependence of T1 and T2 can aid in the characterization and design of materials for various applications.

Can the temperature dependence of relaxation time T1 vs T2 be predicted?

While the exact temperature dependence of T1 and T2 cannot always be predicted, there are theoretical models and experimental techniques that can provide insights into how these relaxation times may change with temperature. However, due to the complexity of many systems, it is often necessary to measure T1 and T2 experimentally at different temperatures in order to fully understand their temperature dependence.
