Temperature Outside Without Thermometer

In summary, it is impossible to determine the temperature outside without using a thermometer, as any device or method used to measure temperature is considered a thermometer. However, there are alternative methods or devices that can be used instead of a conventional thermometer, such as measuring the ground color, using a spectrometer, or observing the behavior of animals. These methods may not be as precise as using a thermometer, but they can still provide an estimate of the temperature. Ultimately, more information is needed to fully answer the question and determine the most accurate method for measuring the temperature.
  • #1
Is there a way to determine the temperature outside without using a thermometer? Any formulas I could use?
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
It's a bit like asking if there's a formula for how tall something is,

You just have to go and measure it.
(Maybe there are other things you could measure, and apply a formula to, that would tell you. I don't know much thermodynamics though. Is this what you were asking?)
  • #3
You could look at the ground - if it is sort-of whitish, then the temperature estimate is "cold" and if it is totally white then it is "very cold". OTOH if it is glowing orange, then it is "very hot".

You could put your hand on the window for a bit, then plunge it in bioling (or freezing) water - ans so estimate the temperature on a pain pain scale. As in: "It is excruciatingly cold today... but not as excruciating as it was 10mins ago can someone call me an ambulance thanks."

I suppose: you could use a spectrometer and point it at an object outside - the spectrum is related to the temperature.

Part of the point of PF is to help people learn to talk to scientists.
In science, any device (or combination of devices) which is used to find out the temperature of something is called a "thermometer". That is what the word means.

So you have pretty much asked if there is a thermometer that is not a thermometer...

But if you mean to ask if there is a way of determining the temperature without measuring something, the answer is "no".
  • #4
  • #6
Simon Bridge said:
You mean: get someone else to use the thermometer?

I thought you pretty much covered all of the other options, and I couldn't resist.
  • #7
Chris914 said:
Is there a way to determine the temperature outside without using a thermometer? Any formulas I could use?

Are you allowed to use a thermometer indoors? Do you know anything about the insulation properties of the building?

Perhaps you could measure the power required to keep the inside at say 20C and calculate the implied temperature gradient. It wouldn't be very accurate because heat loss also depends on wind and solar gain.
  • #8
Chris914 said:
Is there a way to determine the temperature outside without using a thermometer? Any formulas I could use?

Do you have access to any crickets? There's a formula you could use if you have chirping crickets.

  • #10
  • #11
TumblingDice said:
I thought you pretty much covered all of the other options, and I couldn't resist.
... I'm just amazed nobody has suggested using a barometer.

There is also watching a sleeping cat - the tighter it curls the colder it is.
Unless it's trying to psyche you out and wants you to think it's cold...

(If the cats look like Dahli clocks, then it is pretty warm.)

There is looking at a calendar and estimating the outside temperature via a table of mean seasonal variations.
That would be - taking advantage of the fact that others have used thermometers for a long time.
  • #12
I've heard that the colour of blotting paper soaked and dried in a solution mixture of cobalt chloride and sodium chloride, depends on temperature. Much of chemistry in gen. phy.
  • #13
By definition, a thermometer is a device used to measure temperatures. It is therefore impossible to determine a temperature without using a thermometer, although perhaps not a conventional one. All of the suggestions above are just different (and more or less precise) thermometers. I particularly fancy the cat-thermometer, even though it would seem to me that it would require extensive calibration before use.
  • #14
Orodruin said:
By definition, a thermometer is a device used to measure temperatures. It is therefore impossible to determine a temperature without using a thermometer, although perhaps not a conventional one. All of the suggestions above are just different (and more or less precise) thermometers. I particularly fancy the cat-thermometer, even though it would seem to me that it would require extensive calibration before use.

It also depends on how fat the cat is. Fat cats tend to be more content and feel less need to curl tightly, even if it is cold. They are also less reliable because they are often off at the bank counting their money.
  • #15
All of the suggestions above are just different (and more or less precise) thermometers.
... or a way of getting someone else to use the thermometer.

I suspect this observation will be made several more times before the thread finally peters out.
Anyone suggested turning on the radio or the TV?

There's also a varient of the weather rock - if it has snow on it, it's "cold" and if it is melting, it's "hot".

To tell the temperature outside without going outside: put the thermometer outside and watch it through a window... if you mean not to use a thermometer like you get in a store, then use a thermometer you didn;t get in a store, and if you mean not to use the thermometer yoursef then get someone else to do it.

I think that covers all the bases.

An enormous amount of science lies in asking the question - once a question is asked properly, most of them are automatically answered. As written, the problem is under-specified - more information needed. I could have just put that at the start but that would have been boring.
  • #16
Simon Bridge said:
if you mean not to use a thermometer like you get in a store, then use a thermometer you didn;t get in a store.

As written, the problem is under-specified - more information needed. I could have just put that at the start but that would have been boring.


FAQ: Temperature Outside Without Thermometer

1. How can I tell the temperature outside without a thermometer?

There are several ways to estimate the temperature outside without a thermometer. One method is to observe the behavior of animals, such as birds and insects. If they are more active and flying lower to the ground, it is likely that the temperature is warm. Another method is to look at the leaves of trees and plants. If they are wilted and drooping, it could indicate a high temperature. Additionally, you can also feel the temperature on your skin and compare it to previous experiences to get an estimate.

2. Is it possible to determine the temperature outside without a thermometer?

While it may not be possible to get an exact temperature reading without a thermometer, it is possible to get a rough estimate using alternative methods. These methods may not be as accurate as a thermometer, but they can still provide a general idea of the temperature outside.

3. How do I calculate the temperature outside without a thermometer?

To calculate the temperature outside without a thermometer, you can use the "hand method." This involves holding your hand out in the air and counting how many seconds it takes for your hand to start feeling uncomfortable. If it takes less than 10 seconds, it is likely above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. If it takes between 10-15 seconds, it is likely between 90-100 degrees Fahrenheit. If it takes between 15-25 seconds, it is likely between 80-90 degrees Fahrenheit. And if it takes more than 25 seconds, it is likely below 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Can I use my phone to determine the temperature outside without a thermometer?

Yes, there are several weather apps available for smartphones that use GPS and data from weather stations to provide accurate temperature readings. However, keep in mind that the temperature may vary depending on your location and the accuracy of the data from the weather station.

5. What are some signs that the temperature outside is hot without a thermometer?

Some signs that the temperature is hot outside without a thermometer include sweating, feeling thirsty, and experiencing heat exhaustion or heat stroke. You may also notice that the ground is dry and cracked and that there is little to no breeze. Additionally, if you see people or animals seeking shade, it could be an indication that the temperature is hot outside.
