Temperature Variations of Ideal Gas in Gravitational Field

In summary, the temperature of an ideal gas varies on height in a homogeneous gravitational field in equilibrium.
  • #1
Could somebody tell me, how temperature of an ideal gas varies on height in homogeneous gravitational field in equilibrium?
I mean a gas column perfectly isolated from its environment.
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  • #2
The interesting in this question is, that a thermodynamic system in equilibrium has only one temperature: T=dU/dS, so our gas column has only one temperature.
But, if we divide our gas column into horizontal layers, then considering these layers as thermodynamic systems, they will have different temperatures, because the average speed of the molecules is greater on the lower layers as in the upper ones. It is a necessity, because every molecule moving upward loses from its speed.
On the other hand, neighboring layers are connected with each other thermally, and therefore they must have equal temperature in equilibrium, so we come again to the other consequence, that our system has only one temperature.
This is a contradiction. What is the solution?
  • #3
mma said:
Could somebody tell me, how temperature of an ideal gas varies on height in homogeneous gravitational field in equilibrium?
I mean a gas column perfectly isolated from its environment.

In non-extreme situations (i.e. planetary atmospheres), where there is also very little heat conduction, you can use the approximation of the adiabatic atmosphere.

This uses the "adiabatic gas law" for the rate of cooling as the gas expands, plus the usual hydrodynamic equilibrium equations.

See for instance


If you are interested in exotic situations, relativistic effects may become important.
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  • #4
pervect said:
If you are interested in exotic situations, relativistic effects may become important.
No, thank you, the non-relativistic approach is enough for me. But this adiabatic approximation seems too heuristic for my taste.
I've found an article for the single-particle distribution for an ideal gas in a gravitational field:
But how can I calculate the temperature distribution from this?
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  • #5
OK. Then what about this? :
If a vertical column
of an adiabatically enclosed ideal gas is in thermal
equilibrium, is the temperature the same throughout
the column or is there a temperature gradient along
the direction of the gravitational field? According to
Coombes and Laue, there are two conflicting answers
to the above question:
(1) The temperature is the same throughout because the
system is in equilibrium.
(2) The temperature decreases with the height because
of the following two reasons.
(a) Energy conservation implies that every
molecule loses kinetic energy as it travels
upward, so that the average kinetic energy of
all molecules decreases with height.
(b) Temperature is proportional to the average
molecular kinetic energy.
Coombes and Laue concluded that answer (1) is the
correct one and answer (2) is wrong.
What is surprising, that concrete mathematical analysis also shows that (1) is the correct answer in the thermodynamical limit.
Isn't it interesting?
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FAQ: Temperature Variations of Ideal Gas in Gravitational Field

1. What is an ideal gas?

An ideal gas is a theoretical concept used in physics and chemistry to describe the behavior of a gas at low pressure and high temperature. It is assumed to have particles with negligible volume and no intermolecular forces.

2. How does temperature affect the behavior of an ideal gas?

According to the Ideal Gas Law, an increase in temperature will cause an increase in the average kinetic energy of gas particles, leading to an increase in pressure and volume. This relationship is known as Charles' Law.

3. What is the relationship between temperature and volume for an ideal gas in a gravitational field?

In a gravitational field, the volume of an ideal gas will decrease as the temperature increases. This is because the gas particles gain kinetic energy and collide more frequently, leading to a decrease in volume due to increased pressure. This relationship is known as Boyle's Law.

4. How does the gravitational field affect the temperature of an ideal gas?

The gravitational field does not directly affect the temperature of an ideal gas. However, it does have an indirect effect by causing the gas to compress and expand, leading to changes in temperature due to changes in pressure and volume.

5. What is the significance of studying temperature variations of an ideal gas in a gravitational field?

Studying temperature variations of an ideal gas in a gravitational field can help us understand the behavior of gases in different environments, such as on other planets or in outer space. It also has practical applications in fields such as engineering and meteorology.

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