Tennis ball crossbow calculations

In summary, the homework statement states that a group of mechanical engineering students are trying to create a device that will launch a tennis ball 20-40 feet. They are using a design similar to a crossbow, and need to make sure the bungee cords they use are strong enough. They have determined that Vx and Vy are the velocity components of the tennis ball, and they should do some checking. There is a quadratic equation that needs to be solved to determine t, and the ball will only travel 11.3 feet when it is released. The average force needed to propel the ball that far is 6.292 Newtons, and the initial force is 2.83lbs.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Ok, for my Mechanical engineering class we have been assigned to make a 2ft ^3 5kg device that will launch a tennis ball 20-40 ft. My group decided to use a design more or less like a crossbow, so I was hoping someone would look over my calculations and make sure they're right. I'm doing a rough calculation to make sure the bungee cords we use are strong enough to reach the max distance.

Here's what I've got.
Assume a tennis ball ways about 57g, will be accelerated over 1.75 ft at 45 degrees from horizontal, on a vertical flat surface

Homework Equations

Vf= [itex]\sqrt{2a \Delta X}[/itex]
-Vx and Vy make a right triangle with V

Vy+ g*t= -Vy
since it's height is the same at launch and impact it's velocity should be the opposite of it's initial.
2Vy = -g*t

The Attempt at a Solution

sorry, the itex started breaking on me, and I couldn't figure out where...
Vf=sqrt(2(F/56.7g) * 1.75ft)= sqrt(Vx^2 + Vy^2)
t = 40ft/Vx

Vy^3=-(-9.81m/s^2)*40ft /2
F=1.626 Newtons, and this would need to be the average force over the time of acceleration, so the initial force would be 2x because at the end position it would be 0 force so (2x +0)/2= x, thus 3.2 N ?

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Seems like that is not enough...

using these equations I would solve each for v,
2Vy = -g*t
t = 40ft/Vx

then plug them into Vx=Vy(also I would convert everything to the same unit system, i.e. N, m, kg) you could then get t and plug it back in for v
  • #3
You have determined the Vx and Vy velocity components. You should do some checking.

Vx = 3.911 m/s = 12.83 ft/s

For the time of flight (up and down from launch point) you have the following quadratic. Solve it for t. The -1.237 comes from the fact the ball lands that far below where it was released.

-1.237= 12.83*t-16.1*t*t

With the t value, plug into Sx=Vx*t to see if the ball has traveled the 40 feet. If you don't get 40 feet, you have an error.
  • #4
ok, using the quadratic you set up I set it as -1.237= Vy*t -16.1 t^2, and t=40ft/Vy, and I got Vy=25ft/s, Vf=sqrt(2*(25ft/s)^2)=35.35ft/s
V^2 /2.5 = a = 499.7ft/s^2
F=ma = 499.7ft/s^2 * 57g = 8.6816N = 1.95lbs
Am I correct in assuming I should double this to find the initial force because as the spring returns to it's natural state the force it is applying will go to zero, right? So the initial force should be about 3.9 lbs because F(avg) = (Fi+Ff)/2 = (Fi+0)/2

Thanks again for your help, I didn't think of looking at it that way, and also didn't consider the height of the ball when it's released.
  • #5
Runaway said:
ok, using the quadratic you set up I set it as -1.237= Vy*t -16.1 t^2, and t=40ft/Vy, and I got Vy=25ft/s, Vf=sqrt(2*(25ft/s)^2)=35.35ft/s
V^2 /2.5 = a = 499.7ft/s^2
F=ma = 499.7ft/s^2 * 57g = 8.6816N = 1.95lbs
Am I correct in assuming I should double this to find the initial force because as the spring returns to it's natural state the force it is applying will go to zero, right? So the initial force should be about 3.9 lbs because F(avg) = (Fi+Ff)/2 = (Fi+0)/2

Thanks again for your help, I didn't think of looking at it that way, and also didn't consider the height of the ball when it's released.

When I solve the above quadratic, I get .88 seconds for the positive root. The tennis ball will have only traveled 12.83 * .88 = 11.3 feet. To go 40 feet, you'll need a velocity greater than 35 ft/sec.

You will have to construct a device, like a crossbow, that can store enough potential energy when compressed to propel a 57 gram ball at a speed greater than 35 ft/sec in a distance of 1.75 feet. But your are not done yet. The ball is being accelerated up the ramp so you must account for the potential energy change in the ball as well.

The energy required will be .5mv^2+mgdh where dh is the rise of the ramp.
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  • #6
ok, so
1/2 * 57grams * (35ft/s)^2 + 57grams*sqrt(1.75ft^2)/2*9.81m/s/s = 3.4562 joules
so to release this amount of energy as the ball travels the 1.75ft barrel length, the avg. force applied will need to be 6.292 Newtons, and then the initial force would be 12.58 Newtons or 2.83lbs? (neglecting friction, and the Force of gravity on the spring, and assuming the spring is at it's natural length when the ball reaches the end of the crossbow.)
  • #7
Runaway said:
ok, so
1/2 * 57grams * (35ft/s)^2 + 57grams*sqrt(1.75ft^2)/2*9.81m/s/s = 3.4562 joules
so to release this amount of energy as the ball travels the 1.75ft barrel length, the avg. force applied will need to be 6.292 Newtons, and then the initial force would be 12.58 Newtons or 2.83lbs? (neglecting friction, and the Force of gravity on the spring, and assuming the spring is at it's natural length when the ball reaches the end of the crossbow.)

That's numerically close. I compute 6.46 N. I do not agree that the height is 1.75 feet. Use trigonometry to determine the correct height for your change in potential energy. While in this problem it is a small portion of the total energy imparted to the ball, it nevertheless should be corrected. You are mixing units and I suspect this leads to your inaccuracy.

Related to Tennis ball crossbow calculations

1. How do you calculate the velocity of a tennis ball fired from a crossbow?

The velocity of a tennis ball fired from a crossbow can be calculated using the formula v = √(2gh), where v is the velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²), and h is the height from which the ball is fired.

2. What factors affect the distance a tennis ball can travel when fired from a crossbow?

The distance a tennis ball can travel when fired from a crossbow is affected by several factors, including the angle at which it is fired, the velocity of the ball, and air resistance. The weight and size of the ball can also have an impact on its distance.

3. How do you determine the angle at which a tennis ball should be fired from a crossbow for maximum distance?

The optimal angle for firing a tennis ball from a crossbow for maximum distance is typically between 45-60 degrees. This angle can vary depending on the specific crossbow and its power, so it is best to experiment and adjust the angle accordingly.

4. Can you calculate the force needed to launch a tennis ball from a crossbow?

Yes, the force needed to launch a tennis ball from a crossbow can be calculated using the formula F = ma, where F is the force, m is the mass of the ball, and a is the acceleration. However, the force needed may also depend on the design and mechanics of the crossbow.

5. How accurate are calculations for a tennis ball fired from a crossbow?

The accuracy of calculations for a tennis ball fired from a crossbow will depend on the accuracy of the input data and the accuracy of the mathematical model used. It is important to note that there may also be other variables and factors that can affect the actual trajectory and distance of the ball.

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