Tennis ball gun, muzzle velocity

In summary: To estimate the range of your tennis ball gun, you will need to find the muzzle velocity and the amount of energy needed to accelerate the ball to that velocity. Then, you will need to determine the amount of energy that can be stored by the elastic in your design. With this information, you can see if your design will reach the desired 50m range. Remember to also consider the angle of the incline and any other factors that may affect the ball's trajectory. Good luck with your design! In summary, the speaker is designing a tennis ball gun and is trying to estimate its range. They plan to use elastic power and are seeking advice on how to calculate the necessary muzzle velocity and energy requirements for the gun to reach 50m.
  • #1
I am designing a tennis ball gun and am trying to work out the forces involved. It is essentially elastic powered but at this stage all I need to know at this stage is this: with the gun at a 20 degree incline what muzzle velocity would result in the ball traveling 50 metres?
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  • #2
Gavinp said:
I am designing a tennis ball gun and am trying to work out the forces involved. It is essentially elastic powered but at this stage all I need to know at this stage is this: with the gun at a 20 degree incline what muzzle velocity would result in the ball traveling 50 metres?
Are you familiar with the SUVAT equations?
  • #3
Sorry for delay, but no, however will google them after this reply, thanks for lead. My problem is this, I think I have a viable design for imparting a fair amount of velocity to the ball. It uses a dense coil of catapult elastic which is stretched using a geared crank. releasing the coil propels the ball via a bellows type arrangement which in effect is a large caliber pea-shooter. I want to estimate the range of the design as it stands to see if it will reach the minimum 50m range. To do this I guess I need to find muzzle velocity and then find the amount of energy needed to accelerate the ball to that velocity. Then I need to figure out the amount of energy that can be stored by the elastic. I am hoping the quantity of elastic in the design is sufficient to achieve the range. Any further hints welcome.
  • #4
Gavinp said:
Sorry for delay, but no, however will google them after this reply, thanks for lead. My problem is this, I think I have a viable design for imparting a fair amount of velocity to the ball. It uses a dense coil of catapult elastic which is stretched using a geared crank. releasing the coil propels the ball via a bellows type arrangement which in effect is a large caliber pea-shooter. I want to estimate the range of the design as it stands to see if it will reach the minimum 50m range. To do this I guess I need to find muzzle velocity and then find the amount of energy needed to accelerate the ball to that velocity. Then I need to figure out the amount of energy that can be stored by the elastic. I am hoping the quantity of elastic in the design is sufficient to achieve the range. Any further hints welcome.
It looks like you have the right idea.

Related to Tennis ball gun, muzzle velocity

1. What is a tennis ball gun?

A tennis ball gun, also known as a ball launcher or ball cannon, is a device used for launching tennis balls at high speeds for recreational or training purposes.

2. How does a tennis ball gun work?

Tennis ball guns use compressed air or springs to propel the ball out of the barrel at high speeds. The force of the air or spring is controlled by a trigger mechanism, similar to a firearm.

3. What is muzzle velocity?

Muzzle velocity is the speed at which the tennis ball is launched from the gun's barrel. It is measured in feet per second (fps) or meters per second (mps).

4. Why is muzzle velocity important for a tennis ball gun?

Muzzle velocity is important because it determines how far and how fast the tennis ball will travel. It also affects the accuracy and power of the shot.

5. How can I increase the muzzle velocity of my tennis ball gun?

To increase the muzzle velocity of a tennis ball gun, you can adjust the air pressure or spring tension, use lighter balls, or upgrade to a more powerful model. However, be sure to follow safety precautions and check the maximum velocity recommended by the manufacturer.

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