Tennis serve bounce - spin doubles, speed halfs, why?

In summary, the conversation discusses the decrease in speed and increase in spin of a tennis ball after it bounces on the court. This is due to aerodynamic drag and the type of court surface. The advancement in string technology has also affected the speed and spin of serves in tennis. The comparison to table tennis is also mentioned.
  • #1
First of all, can someone delete my table tennis post? Second, why does a tennis ball in a serve right after it bounces reduces its speed to half and increases its spin to double?
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  • #2
The speed isn't lost by half, but it does slow down a lot. I remember reading that a tennis ball from a flat high speed serve leaving the racket at 130mph, is down to 70mph by the time it's struck by the returning player, aerodynamic drag is part of this, and the bounce off the court is the rest. A "slow" court surface slows the ball down more than a "fast" court surface.

With the new string technology, serves have more topspin than before, especially second serves, and the speed loss from the bounce is not as great. Unlike table tennis, the surface speed of the ball from spin won't be faster than the speed of the ball, except for backspin (slice) shots.

I responded to your table tennis post, it might be interesting to some here.
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  • #3

I can offer a possible explanation for the phenomenon described. When a tennis ball is served, it is hit with a specific amount of force and spin. As it travels through the air, it experiences air resistance which causes it to slow down. However, when the ball bounces on the ground, it compresses and deforms, storing some of the energy from the initial force. This energy is then released as the ball rebounds off the ground, giving it a boost in speed.

At the same time, the spin of the ball is affected by the surface it bounces on. A rougher surface, such as a tennis court, will cause the ball to grip and spin more, increasing its spin. This increased spin, coupled with the added speed from the rebound, results in a ball that appears to have doubled its spin and halved its speed after the bounce.

This phenomenon is not unique to tennis serves, as it can also be observed in other sports such as table tennis. The specific mechanics and physics behind the ball's behavior may vary slightly, but the overall concept of energy transfer and surface interaction remains the same.

I cannot delete your previous table tennis post, as I am only able to provide scientific explanations and not perform moderation tasks. I suggest reaching out to the appropriate platform or forum for assistance with deleting your post.

FAQ: Tennis serve bounce - spin doubles, speed halfs, why?

1. What is the purpose of spin on a tennis serve?

The purpose of spin on a tennis serve is to make the ball curve in a specific direction after it bounces on the opponent's side of the court. This can make it more difficult for the opponent to return the serve and create an advantage for the server.

2. How does spin affect the speed of a tennis serve?

The type of spin used on a tennis serve can affect the speed of the ball. Topspin adds extra speed to the ball as it bounces and travels through the air, while slice or underspin can slow down the ball. The speed of a serve can also be affected by the angle and trajectory of the ball, in addition to the spin.

3. What is the difference between a half speed serve and a full speed serve in tennis?

A half speed serve in tennis is a serve that is hit with less power and speed than a full speed serve. This can be used as a tactic to surprise the opponent or to increase the chances of the serve going in. A full speed serve is hit with maximum power and speed, and is typically used to try to ace the opponent or create a difficult return.

4. How does playing doubles in tennis affect the serve bounce and spin?

In doubles tennis, the serve bounce and spin can be affected by the position of the server's partner. If the partner stands close to the net, the serve may need to be hit with less spin to avoid hitting the partner. Additionally, the type of spin used may vary depending on the type of return the server's team is trying to set up.

5. Why is the tennis serve bounce important in doubles?

The tennis serve bounce is important in doubles because it can determine the type of return the opponent's team can make. A high bounce may allow for a more aggressive return, while a low bounce may make it more difficult for the opponent to hit a powerful return. The server's team can also use the bounce to their advantage by setting up specific plays or strategies based on the height and speed of the bounce.

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