Tensile stress, and youngs modulus.

In summary, tensile stress is the pulling force per unit cross-sectional area, and it is given in N/m^2 when you are stretching a material. The cypher you are given may indicate the pulling force acting on one edge of the material. Young's modulus is a material property that relates stress to the amount of stretch the material will undergo, and it remains constant up to the point where the material deforms permanently. While the material's dimensions do affect the amount of deformation, the Young's modulus is inherent to the material itself. The change in length of a material is not the key parameter when calculating Young's modulus, and at a strain of 1, most materials are beyond the region of linear elasticity.
  • #1
I'm studying elasticity right now in my chemistry class, and I'm confused as to what exactly tensile stress (and maybe compression stress too ) might mean. It's given in N/m^2. And you're stretching the material.

Is the cypher I'm given indicative of what's happening only one side? Indicative of the pulling force acting on one edge of the material?

Also, I'm curious as to why Young's modulus is independent of an objects dimensions? This is interesting because elasticity does depend on this kind of things (the object's dimensions).
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  • #2
Tensile stress is the pulling force per unit cross-sectional area. In other words, it is the "pressure" pulling an object apart.
  • #3
davidbenari said:
I'm studying elasticity right now in my chemistry class, and I'm confused as to what exactly tensile stress (and maybe compression stress too) might mean. It's given in N/m^2. And you're stretching the material.

Is the cypher I'm given indicative of what's happening only one side? Indicative of the pulling force acting on one edge of the material?

Also, I'm curious as to why Young's modulus is independent of an objects dimensions? This is interesting because elasticity does depend on this kind of things (the object's dimensions).

Young's modulus is a property of the material. It is roughly analogous to the spring constant of the material, in that it relates the stress applied to the material to the amount of stretch which the material will undergo as a result. For a material like steel, the Young's modulus remains constant up to the point where the steel deforms permanently. In this region, called the elastic region, if you double the stress, the amount of stretch doubles. When the stress is removed, the material returns to its original length. When steel is stressed beyond the elastic limit, the relationship between applied stress and the resulting stretch is no longer simple, and when the stress is removed, the material retains a certain amount of the stretch.

I don't know what your cypher is.
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  • #4

Suppose I hang a fiber from some type of roof. I hang a 1kg weight from it. The cross sectional area of the fiber is 1mm2. Then the tensile stress is ##9.8N/1mm^2## ?


I know how the modulus is defined however, I read that if a material is twice as long then it experiences less deformation, etc (similar relationships like that). If this is the case (that deformation depends on dimensions) then why is it that Young's modulus is inherent to the material? Thanks.
  • #5
davidbenari said:
Suppose I hang a fiber from some type of roof. I hang a 1kg weight from it. The cross sectional area of the fiber is 1mm2. Then the tensile stress is ##9.8N/1mm^2## ?
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  • #6
davidbenari said:
I know how the modulus is defined however, I read that if a material is twice as long then it experiences less deformation, etc (similar relationships like that). If this is the case (that deformation depends on dimensions) then why is it that Young's modulus is inherent to the material? Thanks.
Actually, if the material is twice as long, then it experiences more deformation. But, the change in length of the sample is not the key parameter. The Young's modulus is defined as the stress in the material divided by the strain. The strain is equal to the change in length divided by the original length. If the original length is twice as long, the change in length will also be twice as large, the strain will be unchanged; and, as a result, the Young's modulus will be unchanged.

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  • #7
By the way, I have to calculate Young's modulus from a Strain-Stress graph, but I'm not given the initial length. I'm only given the extension of the material. This is impossible to calculate right? I need to have the initial length.
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  • #8
davidbenari said:
By the way, I have to calculate Young's modulus from a Shear-Stress graph, but I'm not given the initial length. I'm only given the extension of the material. This is impossible to calculate right? I need to have the initial length.
This is a homework problem. Please post it in the Homework forums, and be sure to use the homework template. Also, please provide a precise statement of the problem (which is obviously missing here), and please make some effort to show us how you have doped out the problem so far.

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  • #9
DaleSpam said:
Tensile stress is the pulling force per unit cross-sectional area. In other words, it is the "pressure" pulling an object apart.

If young’s modulus of a material, E = 2 x 10^5 and also the stress also reaches to 2 x 10^5, then it means strain, e = stress/E which means strain is 1. Then strain, e = change in length / original length. Therefore, change in length = strain x original length.


Change in length = 1 x original length
change in length = original length.

How is it possible if the stress of the material is reached to its safe stress and there is no change in length??
  • #10
santu8888 said:
If young’s modulus of a material, E = 2 x 10^5 and also the stress also reaches to 2 x 10^5, then it means strain, e = stress/E which means strain is 1. Then strain, e = change in length / original length. Therefore, change in length = strain x original length.


Change in length = 1 x original length
change in length = original length.

How is it possible if the stress of the material is reached to its safe stress and there is no change in length??
You yourself wrote, and I quote, "change in length = original length" So the new length = 2 x (original length).

Incidentally, at a strain of 1, most materials are way beyond the region of linear elasticity where Hooke's law applies.


Related to Tensile stress, and youngs modulus.

What is tensile stress?

Tensile stress is the amount of force per unit area that is placed on a material when it is stretched or pulled.

What is Young's modulus?

Young's modulus is a measure of the stiffness or rigidity of a material. It is defined as the ratio of tensile stress to tensile strain within the elastic limit of the material.

How is tensile stress calculated?

Tensile stress is calculated by dividing the force applied to a material by its cross-sectional area. It is typically expressed in units of newtons per square meter (N/m²) or pascals (Pa).

What is the relationship between tensile stress and Young's modulus?

Tensile stress and Young's modulus are directly related. As the tensile stress on a material increases, the material will experience a greater amount of strain, and this relationship is described by Young's modulus. A higher Young's modulus indicates a stiffer material that is able to withstand higher amounts of tensile stress before breaking.

Why is understanding tensile stress and Young's modulus important?

Understanding tensile stress and Young's modulus is important for designing and engineering materials that can withstand different types of forces. It is also important for predicting the behavior of materials under different loads and for determining their maximum safe operating limits.

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