Tension (and Frequency) with Change in Temperature

In summary, Chet of the University of Utah found that if the string is tuned to a certain frequency before a change in temperature, the tension will retune the string to the desired frequency.
  • #36
Chestermiller said:
You did a very impressive analysis for a guy who is doing music education. Dazzling in fact.

I have a few comments. It is not necessary to take into account the change in the cross sectional area because that is negligible. So this should simplify things considerably.

The G doesn't belong in the equation for the fundamental frequency (since gravity has nothing to do with this). The equation should read:
where L is the clamped length of the string, F is the tension in the string, and μ is the linear density of the string (mass/length).

The equation for the change in tension is:

$$ΔF = -αEAΔT$$
where α is the coefficient of thermal expansion, E is the Young's modulus, and T is the temperature.

So if f is the frequency at temperature T0 and tension F0 and f + Δf is the frequency at temperature T0+ΔT and tension F0+ΔF, then
If we linearize this with respect to the temperature change ΔT, we obtain:
The fractional change in frequency is:

According to these equations, when you increase the temperature, the frequency decreases (because the string expands and "slackens").

It’s been at least a few years since I’ve added to this thread. Starting with the linearized equation you gave earlier for ##Δf## and substituting in the unconverted equation for initial tensile force $$F_0 = {μ\left(2Lf_0\right)^2}$$ as well as $$Δf = f - f_0$$ we can obtain $$f_0 = \frac {EAα} {2μL^2f_0} {ΔT} + f.$$ With a little rearranging we obtain the quadratic form $$f_0^2 - f f_0 - \frac {EAα} {2μL^2} {ΔT} = 0$$ $$\left(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\right).$$ By setting our variables as
$$x = f_0 , a = 1 , b = -f , c = -\frac {EAα} {2μL^2} {ΔT}$$ we can obtain the equation $$f_0 = \frac f 2 + \sqrt{ \left( \frac f 2 \right)^2 + \frac {EAα} {2μL^2} {ΔT} }.$$ Now whenever ##ΔT = 0, f_0 = f##.

…How did I do?
Science news on Phys.org
  • #37
I see a few of us questioned being able to mathematically predict this based on formulas for the string tension/frequency versus temperature (almost 7 years ago!). Well, it's still interesting, and I still feel the same.

I agree that the double-locking tremolo probably can be ignored as a factor, but I don't think you can ignore the body/neck of the guitar - they will change length with temperature (but in the opposite direction, and ~ 1/3rd that of steel?), but that change in wood length might not (probably not?) be perfectly aligned with the strings. IOW, the body/neck might expand more/less on one side than the other, causing the neck to curve, and changing the tension on the higher/lower strings differently.

But another factor that I don't see discussed - the three lower pitched strings on an electric guitar are wound strings (typically the lower pitched 3 of the 6). Lower pitched strings are wound to add mass to achieve the lower pitch, w/o needing such a large diameter, stiff string. Only the core is really under tension, and (I'm not an ME) I'd think this makes the Young's Modulus different for each of these 3 wound strings (the ratio of wound mass to core mass is likely different for each?).

I'd think that much of this would need to be determined empirically, which l think just gets back to measuring the delta-F across a few typical expected delta-T and creating a table or formula from those measurements.

But if this is really just an interesting math exercise, carry on! :)
  • #38
That reminded me - this may be interesting to anyone following this thread:


Once the bridge is set up to the desired tuning by the user, it will stay in tune -- regardless of extreme playing techniques, huge bends, heavy picking, or drastic temperature or humidity changes.
It accomplishes this by applying a regulated tension to each string, rather than just stretching a string to a specific tension, and locking that tension.

  • #39
NTL2009 said:
IOW, the body/neck might expand more/less on one side than the other, causing the neck to curve, and changing the tension on the higher/lower strings differently.
On a good quality instrument I expect more of the twisting or warping will arise from particularly lopsided tension on the neck owing to the strings, the current tuning, and how the instrument has been setup. (On a related note, I’m curious to engineer a truss rod with a lateral axis of adjustment at the bottom of the neck to help more precisely balance torsional forces, be it for lower quality/strength woods or such as with multi-scale guitars and/or when strings have been selected for ‘progressive tension’.)

Anyway, there are plenty of guitar forums talking about neck twisting, like here:

Performing a 3D scan of the instrument and having the computer analyze it as if it’s a neck-thru construction would get most of the non-string ambiguity out of the way, no? From there we can just about plug in our ΔT string frequency equation.

NTL2009 said:
But another factor that I don't see discussed - the three lower pitched strings on an electric guitar are wound strings (typically the lower pitched 3 of the 6). Lower pitched strings are wound to add mass to achieve the lower pitch, w/o needing such a large diameter, stiff string. Only the core is really under tension, and (I'm not an ME) I'd think this makes the Young's Modulus different for each of these 3 wound strings (the ratio of wound mass to core mass is likely different for each?).
I’m well aware of the wound strings. They’re actually part two of the string analysis I want to run; bare strings were always the starting point.

I remember reading that wound strings typically have a hexagonal core. I suspect that the wrapping wire(s) are under at least a low magnitude of tension when being wrapped around the core. I’m sure it results in the wound strings having their own effective values of A, E, and even α.
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  • #40
It's all interesting stuff. When I did a little deeper look into changing strings on my guitar, and the tension differences from tuning a semi or whole note lower, I learned that the tension on each of the 6 strings is about the same (there are tables and calculators on-line). The pitch differences come from the mass of the string. So that does help keep the forces equal from side to side.

Obvious I guess, I just had never thought about it before.
  • #41
NTL2009 said:
It's all interesting stuff. When I did a little deeper look into changing strings on my guitar, and the tension differences from tuning a semi or whole note lower, I learned that the tension on each of the 6 strings is about the same (there are tables and calculators on-line). The pitch differences come from the mass of the string. So that does help keep the forces equal from side to side.

Obvious I guess, I just had never thought about it before.
Look up what ‘progressive tension’ is and why it is (because it’s the motivation behind the construction of multi-scale guitars). By comparison the tension is very unbalanced.