Tension-Compression Asymmetry in FCC

In summary: I'll spare you the details. Suffice it to say I'm still learning and growing. Thanks for bearing with me!Thanks, -scottIn summary, tension-compression asymmetry is present in all FCC metals, although it varies depending on the material. This asymmetry can lead to different stress-strain curves, and may interfere with the performance of the metal.
  • #1

FCC metals experience significant tension-compression asymmetry because of the comparatively limited number of slip systems that act under compression, compared to tension, right?

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Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Let me rephrase my question: Is tension-compression asymmetry present in all FCC metals?

  • #3
scott, can you provide an example of what you mean by tension-compression asymmetry? Do you mean differences in tensile/compressive strength in different directions, or something else?

What is the state of the metal or alloy system - fully annealed (recrystallized), cold-worked (with or without stress relief) or partially recrystallized? That could introduce anisotropy.

FCC metal crystals have 12 slip systems.

BCC metal crystals have 12 main slip systems and 24 or 36 minor systems, which are more temperature dependent.

HCP have only 3 major slip planes, and 12 minor (prismatic and pyramidal planes) which are temperature dependent.
  • #4
Sorry, I was referring to the stress-strain curves in a single crystal FCC, or a textured polycrystal, under uniaxial tension or compression.

The jist of what sources say is that since there are more slip systems which exist in tension than in compression, there are more twinning planes which can detwin under tension than in compression, because twining planes roughly correspond with slip systems.

This changes the stress-strain curves.

So at a certain tensile stress, a sample of nitinol may still be undergoing elastic deformation by detwining, while that same sample under the same compressive stress would be undergoing deformation, because it was already fully detwinned.

Simply I was wondering if the same asymmetry of stress-strain curves under tensile compression and tension, exist in all other FCC metals, even without twinning.

  • #5
What are the sources - journal articles or texts? Please provide some references, if you have some.
  • #6
All right, here are a few I got from science direct:

"On the mechanical behavior of single crystal NiTi shape memory alloys and related ploycrystalline phenomenon."
K. Gall et al.

"Tension-Compression Asymmetry of stress-strain response in aged single crystal and polycrystalline NiTi."
K. Gall et al.

"Compressive response of NiTi single crystals."
H. Sehitoglu, K. Gall in here too

There are some other ones, but those are the most relevant.

  • #7
Thanks for the references, Scott. I'll check them out.

Regarding SMA - this might be of interest


Some additional background-

NiTi is interesting because it combines two very different elements in the sense of density and elemental cyrstallography. Ni has an FCC structure whereas Ti has HCP structure. With the two together, one also gets an intermetallic compound NiTi.

The amorphous phase thus formed decomposes upon heating first into the cubic B2 NiTi intermetallic compound; however, further heating promotes the precipitation of the intermetallics Ni3Ti and NiTi2.

The CsCl (B2) Structure - http://cst-www.nrl.navy.mil/lattice/struk/b2.html


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  • #8
Astronuc thanks, but I have figured mostly everything out and done extensive experiments already. I probably have read about 100 papers on the subject. I want to refine my understanding on certain points which are not totally clear. Besides the tension-compression asymmetry in nitinol, a more general issue is in my attempts to visualize what a dislocation does and how it could form such complex loops and structures within a metal. I suppose that is for another thread though...If you want to see a research paper I have done, on my understanding of the theory and several series of experiments I completed I could email it to you.

  • #9
Anecdotal digression :

In my younger, and more naive days, I thought I could understand the asymmetry in tensile-compressive yields through a simplistic idea that I had in my head (based on a 2-particle interaction). I even found my numbers agreed with a couple of materials that I looked up. Some coincidence, it was that I happened upon data for only materials that agreed with me. Most metals, I later discovered (much to my initial disillusionment and subsequent wisening) showed the opposite trend to what I was "predicting." My model was complete junk!

To this day, I only recognize that there must be more complex reasons for its failure (for instance, that the number of slip systems differed is something I was unaware of, and don't yet understand, as I haven't looked into the references).

The only thing that still puzzles me is why anyone would expect symmetry!
  • #10
Similarly, I thought I understood nitinol before I began my tests. How wrong I was! Several of my misunderstandings literally ate my Christmas break. I'll admit I am still learning things, but I understand 90-95% of the nonmath stuff in these papers. It was a very painful process getting to this point. All I have to do now is redo many of my tests and correct for certain errors in controls and methods. It is very sad that this sounds little. Hopefully I will not screw it up.


Edit: I should say Christmas and Beyond. I was working on this solid for a month after that and up to the first fair. I finally learned the significance of coffee.
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  • #11
FCC asymmetry

Hi there

There are quite a lot of articles which add the influence of other shear stresses than the 'Schmid stress'. The rationale is that these shear stresses act to increase or reduce the 'equilibrium distance' between the partial dislocations forming a superdislocation in Ni3Al type lattices, and similarly the 'equilibrium distance' between the stacking faults forming a dislocation in FCC type lattices, and this affects the dislocation motion.

Best regards

Magnus Hasselqvist

FAQ: Tension-Compression Asymmetry in FCC

What is tension-compression asymmetry in FCC?

Tension-compression asymmetry in FCC refers to the difference in mechanical properties, specifically yield strength and ductility, when a material is loaded in tension versus compression. This phenomenon is observed in face-centered cubic (FCC) materials due to differences in crystal structure and slip systems.

What causes tension-compression asymmetry in FCC?

The main cause of tension-compression asymmetry in FCC is the difference in atomic arrangement between the tensile and compressive loading directions. In tension, dislocations can easily move along the close-packed planes of the FCC structure, leading to higher ductility. However, in compression, the dislocations encounter more obstacles and have a harder time moving, resulting in lower ductility.

How does tension-compression asymmetry affect material properties?

Tension-compression asymmetry can significantly affect material properties such as yield strength and ductility. The yield strength in tension is typically higher due to the ease of dislocation movement, while the yield strength in compression is lower. Additionally, the ductility in tension is higher due to the ability of dislocations to move and redistribute stress, while the ductility in compression is lower due to dislocation pile-up and localized deformation.

Can tension-compression asymmetry be controlled or minimized?

Yes, tension-compression asymmetry can be controlled or minimized through various methods such as alloying, heat treatment, and mechanical processing. These methods can change the microstructure and crystallographic orientation of the material, altering the slip systems and reducing the asymmetry between tension and compression.

Are there any practical implications of tension-compression asymmetry?

Yes, tension-compression asymmetry has practical implications in various industries, such as aerospace and automotive, where materials are subjected to both tensile and compressive loads. Understanding and controlling tension-compression asymmetry is crucial for designing and predicting the mechanical behavior of materials in these applications.
