Tension on a capacitor from Laplace domain to time domain.

In summary, the problem ask me to find the tension on a capacitor after a switch has been opened. The author found I(s) and I know v(0)/s of the capacitor. Then they used this relation to find V(s) and compute its value in time: I(s)=C (sV(s)-v(0)). However, their equation is dimensionally wrong and so their answer was incorrect. They figured out the equation was wrong and solved for V(s) using the correct equation.
  • #1
The problem ask me to find the tension on a capacitor after a switch has been opened.

I have everything in terms of equations in s-domain and I'm sure they aren't wrong because I checked on the book. My unique problem is to understand a certain passage necessary to find the voltage knowing the current.

I found I(s) and I know v(0)/s of the capacitor. Then I just used this relation to find V(s) and compute its value in time: I(s)=C (sV(s)-v(0)). Here I solved for V(s) and I got the wrong answer. In fact, the book uses a different equation, actually just I sign changes, the following: V(s)= (1/sC) I(s) - v(0)/s. The first thing I thought was it was a Typing error, but checking other exercises showed it wasn't.

So, my question is: why do we use it?
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  • #2
If you could provide the entire problem and not just some of it?
  • #3
maCrobo said:
The problem ask me to find the tension on a capacitor after a switch has been opened.

I have everything in terms of equations in s-domain and I'm sure they aren't wrong because I checked on the book. My unique problem is to understand a certain passage necessary to find the voltage knowing the current.

I found I(s) and I know v(0)/s of the capacitor. Then I just used this relation to find V(s) and compute its value in time: I(s)=C (sV(s)-v(0)). Here I solved for V(s) and I got the wrong answer. In fact, the book uses a different equation, actually just I sign changes, the following: V(s)= (1/sC) I(s) - v(0)/s. The first thing I thought was it was a Typing error, but checking other exercises showed it wasn't.

So, my question is: why do we use it?

Your equation is dimensionally wrong!
You wrote sV(s)-v(0).
You have a voltage (v(0)) subtracted from the derivative of a voltage (sV(s)).
  • #4
CEL said:
Your equation is dimensionally wrong!
You wrote sV(s)-v(0).
You have a voltage (v(0)) subtracted from the derivative of a voltage (sV(s)).

His equation is not dimensionally wrong.

V(s) has units of volt-sec since V = ∫v*exp(-st)*dt, s has units of sec-1, so sV(s) has units of volts, just like v(0).

However, since the OP won't disclose the problem there is little else we can do for the chap or lass.
  • #5
Thank you, guys for the answer, but I have already figured it out.

FAQ: Tension on a capacitor from Laplace domain to time domain.

What is a capacitor?

A capacitor is an electronic component that stores energy in the form of an electric charge. It consists of two conductive plates separated by an insulating material called a dielectric.

How does a capacitor behave in the Laplace domain?

In the Laplace domain, a capacitor has an impedance that is inversely proportional to the frequency of the applied voltage. This means that as the frequency increases, the capacitor's impedance decreases, allowing more current to flow through it.

What is the relationship between tension on a capacitor and its charge?

The tension, or voltage, on a capacitor is directly proportional to the amount of charge stored on it. This relationship is described by the equation Q = CV, where Q is the charge, C is the capacitance, and V is the voltage.

How do you convert from Laplace domain to time domain for a capacitor?

To convert a capacitor's behavior from the Laplace domain to the time domain, you can use the inverse Laplace transform. This involves using complex algebra to manipulate the Laplace domain equation for a capacitor to its corresponding time domain equation.

What is the time constant of a capacitor?

The time constant of a capacitor is a measure of how quickly the capacitor charges or discharges. It is equal to the product of the resistance and capacitance in a circuit, and is denoted by the symbol τ (tau). It is typically measured in seconds.

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