Tensor components of a Hodge dual

Rightarrow (\star \mathm{d}y)_{1}=0and0\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y = (\star \mathm{d}y)_{2}\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y \Rightarrow (\star \mathm{d}y)_{2}=0
  • #1
This may not be a differential geometry question (and a posting of this in Linear & Abstract Algebra forum didnt help either) but Hodge dual is used in diff geom in a slightly different form. Hence posting here:

If A is a p-vector, then the hodge dual, [tex]*A[/tex] is a (n-p)-vector and is defined by:
[tex] A\ \wedge\ B = (*A,B)E \ \ ,\ \forall B\in \Lambda ^{(n-p)} [/tex]

[tex]\ where,\ \ E = e_1 \wedge\ ... \ \wedge e_n [/tex]

I am having trouble in deriving the tensor components of the dual (n-p)-vector - [tex]*A[/tex] in an orthonormal basis.
Specifically, I am getting stuck when I write down the components of the (n,0)-tensor on both sides and then comparing the coefficients - because, the LHS involves the antisymmetrization, [tex] A^{[i_1 ... i_p}B^{j_1 ... j_{n-p} ] }\ .[/tex]

I proceeded as follows, taking B to be a simple (n-p)-vector of orthonormal basis vectors...
[tex] i.e.\ \ Let\ B\ =\ e_{i_{p+1}}\ \wedge\ e_{i_{p+2}}\ \wedge\ ... \wedge\ e_{i_n}
\ =\ \frac{1}{n!} \epsilon^{i_{p+1}, ... ,i_n}\ e_{i_{p+1}} \otimes ... \otimes e_{i_n} [/tex]
where [tex] \epsilon [/tex] (epsilon) is the Levi-Civita symbol and [tex] e_{i_x} [/tex] (subscripted e) are the o.n. basis vectors.

[tex] LHS [/tex]
[tex]=\ A\ \wedge\ B\ [/tex]
[tex]=\ A^{[i_1 ... i_p}B^{j_1 ... j_{n-p} ] }\ e_{i_1}\otimes ... \otimes e_{i_p}\otimes e_{i_{p+1}} \otimes ... \otimes e_{i_n} [/tex]
[tex] =\ \left(\ \frac{1}{n!} \sum_\sigma\ (-1)^\sigma\ A^{i_{\sigma (1)} ... i_{\sigma (p)}}\ \epsilon ^ {i_{\sigma (p+1)} ... i_{\sigma (n)}}\ \right)\ \ e_{i_1}\otimes ... \otimes e_{i_p}\otimes e_{i_{p+1}} \otimes ... \otimes e_{i_n} [/tex]

[tex] RHS [/tex]
[tex] =\ (*A,B)\ E [/tex]
[tex] =\ (*A,B)\ e_1 \wedge\ ... \ \wedge e_n [/tex]
[tex] =\ \left(\ (*A,B)\ \frac{1}{n!}\ \epsilon^{i_1, ... ,i_p,i_{p+1}, ... ,i_n}\ \right) e_{i_1}\otimes ... \otimes e_{i_p}\otimes e_{i_{p+1}} \otimes ... \otimes e_{i_n} [/tex]
[tex] =\ \left(\ \frac{1}{n!}\ \left(\ (n-p)!\ *A^{j_1,...,j_{n-p}} \epsilon_{j_1, ... ,j_{n-p}}\ \right)\ \epsilon^{i_1, ... ,i_p,i_{p+1}, ... ,i_n}\ \right) e_{i_1}\otimes ... \otimes e_{i_p}\otimes e_{i_{p+1}} \otimes ... \otimes e_{i_n} [/tex]

Any pointers on how to proceed further to get the components of [tex]*A^{i_1,...,i_{n-p}}[/tex] ?
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  • #2

I am not an expert on the field, just starting.

But I think that a good approach is to try to find the Hodge dual of your basis p-vector (p-form), one by one. That is:

[tex]A \in \Omega^{p}[/tex]

The basis p-forms of [tex]\Omega^{p}[/tex] are for example [tex]\left\{\sigma^{i}\right\}[/tex] with [tex]i=1,\dots,\mathrm{dim}(\Omega^{p})[/tex]

Hence [tex]A=\sum_{i}A_{i}\sigma^{i}[/tex].

You have the same for the [tex]\star A \in \Omega^{n-p}[/tex] space, but the basis are [tex]\left\{\omega^{j}\right\}[/tex] with [tex]j=1,\dots,\mathrm{dim}(\Omega^{n-p})[/tex].

Hence [tex]\star A=\sum_{j}\star A_{j}\omega^{j}[/tex].

Hence if you know the duals of your basis given by a linear transformation H:


that is:

[tex]H:\sigma^{i}\rightarrow H\sigma^{i} = \sum_{j}(\sigma^{i})_{j}\omega_{j}[/tex]

Where your H, as a matrix is defined as:

[tex]H_{ji} = (\sigma^{i})_{j}[/tex]

That is, the columns of the matrix H are the vector representations of the duals of your basis of your p-forms in the (n-p)-form basis.

As for the computation of the dual of the basis element of [tex]\Omega^{p}[/tex], I think you can do it in the following way.

Remember that in an n-dimensional space the space [tex]\Omega^{n}[/tex] of n-forms has dimension 1, hence it has only one element for the basis, say [tex]\left\{\nu\right\}[/tex] which means that every n-form is represented as a number times the basis n-form. That is:
[tex]\phi\in\Omega^{n} \Rightarrow\phi = c\, \nu[/tex].

1- start with the definition of the Hodge dual for the basis element:

[tex]\sigma^{i}\wedge\omega^{j} = (-1)^{s}g(\omega^{j},\star \sigma^{i})\nu[/tex]

Where s is the signal of you metric g (I think) and [tex]g(\omega^{j},\star \sigma^{i})[/tex] is the inner product between [tex]\omega^{j}[/tex] and [tex]\star \sigma^{i}[/tex].

[tex]\sigma^{i}\wedge\omega^{j} = (-1)^{s}g(\omega^{j},\star \sigma^{i})\nu[/tex]

2- express the Hodge dual of your basis element [tex]\sigma^{i}[/tex] in the basis of [tex]\Omega^{n-p}[/tex]:

[tex]\star\sigma^{i} = \sum_{k}(\star \sigma^{i})_{k}\,\omega^{k}[/tex]

Where basically [tex](\star \sigma^{i})_{k}[/tex] is just the j component of the p-form [tex]\star \sigma^{i}[/tex] on the [tex]\left\{\omega^{k}\right\}[/tex] basis.

With this you can rewrite the last equation in point 1 as:

[tex]\sigma^{i}\wedge\omega^{j} = (-1)^{s}g(\omega^{j},\sum_{k}(\star \sigma^{i})_{k}\,\omega^{k})\nu[/tex]

And using the linearity of the inner product you can pass to the outside the summation and the constants:

[tex]\sigma^{i}\wedge\omega^{j} = (-1)^{s}\sum_{k}(\star \sigma^{i})_{k}\,g(\omega^{j},\omega^{k})\nu[/tex]

Then using the fact that the basis is orthonormal, you have that:


And putting this in the previous equation yields:

[tex]\sigma^{i}\wedge\omega^{j} = (-1)^{s}\sum_{k}(\star \sigma^{i})_{k}\,\delta_{ik}\nu= (-1)^{s}\sum_{k}(\star \sigma^{i})_{i}\nu[/tex]

3- if for each [tex]\sigma^{i}[/tex] you compute this equation for all possible [tex]\omega^{j}[/tex] you will get a set of [tex]\mathrm{dim}(\Omega^{n-p})[/tex] equations, which is just what you need because your unknowns for each [tex]\sigma^{i}[/tex] are the [tex]\mathrm{dim}(\Omega^{n-p})[/tex] constants: [tex](\star \sigma^{i})_{k}[/tex].

I was trying to be general, maybe I made some mistakes in the middle. Also I always prefer to see examples after a general definition , they always give a better view. Hence I will try to give you an example in [tex]\mathrm{R}^{2}[/tex].

On all this examples I assume that s is such that [tex] (-1)^{s}=1[/tex]. Because it is simpler and I do not know exactly what has to happen to the metric.

Example [tex]\mathrm{R}^{2}[/tex]:

In this case [tex]n=2[/tex] hence [tex]\nu = \mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y=-\mathm{d}y\mathm{d}x[/tex].

Lets start with 0-forms, p=0, n-p=2, n=2:

The basis functions of your 0-forms can be 1. Hence the basis of your (n-p)-forms (2-forms) is for example: [tex]\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y[/tex]:

So let's express our Hodge dual in terms of this basis:
[tex]\star 1 = (\star 1)_{1} \mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y[/tex]

Remember again what as done above, [tex](\star 1)_{1}[/tex] is just the component of [tex]\star 1[/tex] relative to the basis element 1 of the (n-p)-forms space (2-forms). In this case this looks very trivial since the dimensions are both, for 0-forms and 2-forms in 2-dimensional space, equal to 1.

Hence, using the last equation in 2 (on the general explanation):

[tex]\sigma^{i}\wedge\omega^{j} = \sum_{k}(\star \sigma^{i})_{i}\nu[/tex]

That reduces to:

[tex]1\wedge\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y = (\star 1)_{1} \mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y[/tex]

The wedge product is quite simple and reduces to [tex]1\wedge\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y = \mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y[/tex] hence:

[tex] \mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y = (\star 1)_{1} \mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y \Rightarrow(\star 1)_{1} = 1[/tex]

As expected.

For 1-forms p=1,n-p=1, n=2:

our [tex]\left\{\sigma^{i}\right\}[/tex] are [tex]\left\{\mathm{d}x,\mathm{d}y\right\}[/tex] and the same for [tex]\left\{\omega^{j}\right\}[/tex] as they are [tex]\left\{\mathm{d}x,\mathm{d}y\right\}[/tex]. [tex]\nu=\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y=-\mathm{d}y\mathm{d}x[/tex] again

The Hodge dual of [tex]\mathm{d}x[/tex]:

Represent the dual on the dual basis: [tex]\star\mathm{d}x=(\star\mathm{d}x)_{1}\mathm{d}x +(\star\mathm{d}x)_{2}\mathm{d}y[/tex]. Write the equations:

[tex]\sigma^{i}\wedge\omega^{j} = \sum_{k}(\star \sigma^{i})_{i}\nu[/tex]

That reduces to, in our case:

[tex]\mathm{d}x\wedge\mathm{d}x = (\star \mathm{d}x)_{1}\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y[/tex]


[tex]\mathm{d}x\wedge\mathm{d}y = (\star \mathm{d}x)_{2}\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y[/tex]

The two wedge products are: [tex]\mathm{d}x\wedge\mathm{d}x = 0[/tex] and [tex]\mathm{d}x\wedge\mathm{d}y = \mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y[/tex] hence:

[tex]0 = (\star \mathm{d}x)_{1}\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y \Rightarrow (\star \mathm{d}x)_{1}=0[/tex]


[tex]1\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y = (\star \mathm{d}x)_{2}\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y\Rightarrow (\star \mathm{d}x)_{2} = 1[/tex]

Notice that I am using the short notation: [tex]\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y = \mathm{d}x\wedge\mathm{d}y[/tex], instead of what is used in the definition of the wedge product: [tex]\mathm{d}x\wedge\mathm{d}y=\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y-\mathm{d}y\mathm{d}x[/tex].

Hence the Hodge dual becomes:

[tex]\star\mathm{d}x = (\star \mathm{d}x)_{1} \mathrm{d}x + (\star \mathm{d}x)_{2} \mathrm{d}y= \mathrm{d}y[/tex].

Now for [tex]\mathrm{d}y[/tex]

Everything goes the same way until we get the two equations:

[tex]\mathm{d}y\wedge\mathm{d}x = (\star \mathm{d}y)_{1}\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y[/tex]


[tex]\mathm{d}y\wedge\mathm{d}y = (\star \mathm{d}y)_{2}\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y[/tex]

The two wedge products are: [tex]\mathm{d}y\wedge\mathm{d}x = -\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y[/tex] and [tex]\mathm{d}y\wedge\mathm{d}y = 0[/tex] hence:

[tex]-\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y = (\star \mathm{d}y)_{1}\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y \Rightarrow (\star \mathm{d}y)_{1}=-1[/tex]


[tex]0 = (\star \mathm{d}y)_{2}\mathm{d}x\mathm{d}y\Rightarrow (\star \mathm{d}y)_{2} = 0[/tex]

Hence the Hodge dual becomes:

[tex]\star\mathm{d}y = (\star \mathm{d}y)_{1} \mathrm{d}x + (\star \mathm{d}y)_{2} \mathrm{d}y= -\mathrm{d}x[/tex].

I hope this helps.

You have a pdf by Tevian Dray, from the Oregon State University, explaining this in a more higher level way, I think it might be good to take a look.



-artur palha
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  • #3
Thank you for the detailed explanation! I really appreciate it. It was very helpful.

I came across hodge duals while revising the topic of exterior algebra for tensors, and thought it might be a good exercise to derive (rather, directly write down) the tensor components of a hodge dual through generalized exterior algebra. Any pointers as to how to extend your post to write down the duals of non-simple vectors? I have either gotten myself stuck or missing something obvious, in my derivation above.

The components of the hodge dual should turn out like this:
*A^{j_1, j_2,..., j_{n-p}} = \frac{(-1)^s}{(n-p)!}\ \epsilon ^{i_1,...,i_p,j_1,...,j_{n-p}}\ A_{i_1,...,i_p}

s= number of (-1) in the metric [tex]g_{ij}[/tex]
[tex]\epsilon^{i_1,...,i_p,j_1,...,j_{n-p}}[/tex] = Levi-Civita symbol
  • #4
guhan said:
This may not be a differential geometry question (and a posting of this in Linear & Abstract Algebra forum didnt help either) but Hodge dual is used in diff geom in a slightly different form. Hence posting here:

If A is a p-vector, then the hodge dual, [tex]*A[/tex] is a (n-p)-vector and is defined by:
[tex] A\ \wedge\ B = (*A,B)E \ \ ,\ \forall B\in \Lambda ^{(n-p)} [/tex]

[tex]\ where,\ \ E = e_1 \wedge\ ... \ \wedge e_n [/tex]

I am having trouble in deriving the tensor components of the dual (n-p)-vector - [tex]*A[/tex] in an orthonormal basis.
Specifically, I am getting stuck when I write down the components of the (n,0)-tensor on both sides and then comparing the coefficients - because, the LHS involves the antisymmetrization, [tex] A^{[i_1 ... i_p}B^{j_1 ... j_{n-p} ] }\ .[/tex]

I proceeded as follows, taking B to be a simple (n-p)-vector of orthonormal basis vectors...
[tex] i.e.\ \ Let\ B\ =\ e_{i_{p+1}}\ \wedge\ e_{i_{p+2}}\ \wedge\ ... \wedge\ e_{i_n}
\ =\ \frac{1}{n!} \epsilon^{i_{p+1}, ... ,i_n}\ e_{i_{p+1}} \otimes ... \otimes e_{i_n} [/tex]
where [tex] \epsilon [/tex] (epsilon) is the Levi-Civita symbol and [tex] e_{i_x} [/tex] (subscripted e) are the o.n. basis vectors.

[tex] LHS [/tex]
[tex]=\ A\ \wedge\ B\ [/tex]
[tex]=\ A^{[i_1 ... i_p}B^{j_1 ... j_{n-p} ] }\ e_{i_1}\otimes ... \otimes e_{i_p}\otimes e_{i_{p+1}} \otimes ... \otimes e_{i_n} [/tex]
[tex] =\ \left(\ \frac{1}{n!} \sum_\sigma\ (-1)^\sigma\ A^{i_{\sigma (1)} ... i_{\sigma (p)}}\ \epsilon ^ {i_{\sigma (p+1)} ... i_{\sigma (n)}}\ \right)\ \ e_{i_1}\otimes ... \otimes e_{i_p}\otimes e_{i_{p+1}} \otimes ... \otimes e_{i_n} [/tex]

[tex] RHS [/tex]
[tex] =\ (*A,B)\ E [/tex]
[tex] =\ (*A,B)\ e_1 \wedge\ ... \ \wedge e_n [/tex]
[tex] =\ \left(\ (*A,B)\ \frac{1}{n!}\ \epsilon^{i_1, ... ,i_p,i_{p+1}, ... ,i_n}\ \right) e_{i_1}\otimes ... \otimes e_{i_p}\otimes e_{i_{p+1}} \otimes ... \otimes e_{i_n} [/tex]
[tex] =\ \left(\ \frac{1}{n!}\ \left(\ (n-p)!\ *A^{j_1,...,j_{n-p}} \epsilon_{j_1, ... ,j_{n-p}}\ \right)\ \epsilon^{i_1, ... ,i_p,i_{p+1}, ... ,i_n}\ \right) e_{i_1}\otimes ... \otimes e_{i_p}\otimes e_{i_{p+1}} \otimes ... \otimes e_{i_n} [/tex]

Any pointers on how to proceed further to get the components of [tex]*A^{i_1,...,i_{n-p}}[/tex] ?

  • #5

I was doing some more reading and I found something that might be useful to your problem.

Take a look at chapter 4 of this book:

Differential geometry for physicists

Bo-Hu Hou
Bo-Yuan Hou

-artur palha

Related to Tensor components of a Hodge dual

1. What is a Hodge dual?

The Hodge dual is a mathematical operation that maps a tensor field to another tensor field of different rank. It is commonly used in differential geometry and physics to simplify calculations involving multiple dimensions.

2. What are tensor components?

Tensor components are the individual values that make up a tensor. They represent the magnitude and direction of a physical quantity and can be represented as a multi-dimensional array of numbers.

3. How are tensor components of a Hodge dual calculated?

The tensor components of a Hodge dual are calculated using the Hodge star operator, which is a linear transformation that maps a p-form to a (n-p)-form, where n is the dimension of the space. The formula for calculating the components depends on the specific tensor field being considered.

4. What is the significance of tensor components of a Hodge dual?

The tensor components of a Hodge dual are important in many areas of mathematics and physics, including differential geometry, electromagnetism, and general relativity. They allow for the simplification of complicated calculations and provide a way to express physical quantities in a concise and elegant manner.

5. What are some real-world applications of tensor components of a Hodge dual?

The Hodge dual has many practical applications, including in computer graphics, image processing, and computer vision. It is also used in physics to describe electromagnetic fields and in general relativity to describe the curvature of spacetime. Additionally, the Hodge dual plays a crucial role in the formulation of Maxwell's equations and the Einstein field equations.

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