Tensor Product of Two Finitely Generated Modules Over a Local Ring

In summary, the problem can be solved using the Nakayama lemma by showing that either $M=\mf mM$ or $N=\mf mN$, and this can be done by defining an $R$-bilinear map between $M$ and $N$ and showing that it is surjective, which implies that both $M$ and $N$ are 0. Another approach is to directly use the fact that $M\otimes_R N$ is a finitely generated $R$-module with a basis of 0, which implies that either $M$ or $N$ must be 0.
  • #1
Gold Member
Problem. Let $R$ be a local ring (commutative with identity) ans $M$ and $N$ be finitely generated $R$-modules.
If $M\otimes_R N=0$, then $M=0$ or $N=0$.

The problem clearly seems to be an application of the Nakayama lemma. If we can show that $M=\mathfrak mM$ or $N=\mathfrak mN$, where $\mathfrak m$ is the unique maximal ideal of $M$, then by Nakayama we would have $M=0$ or $N=0$, for the Jacobson radical of $M$ is nothing but $\mathfrak m$ itself.
I am thinking the following: We can define an $R$-bilinear map $M\times N\to M/\mf m M/\otimes_{R/\mf m} N/\mf mN$, where hte latter gets an $R$-module structure by restriction of scalars via the map $R\to R/\mf m$. The map is defined by declaring $(\bar m, \bar n)\mapsto \bar m\otimes \bar n$. This can be checked to be well-defined and $R$-bilinear. Thus we get an $R$-linear map $M/\mf mM \otimes_{R} N/\mf mN\to M/\mf mM\otimes_{R/\mf m} N/\mf mN$. This map is surjective and since the domain is $0$, so is the target and we are done.[FONT=MathJax_Math-italic].efined simply a. This map is surjectiv and thus the latter is 0.

[/FONT]Is this correct? Is there a better way to see the same thing? Thank you.
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  • #2

Your approach is correct and a good application of the Nakayama lemma. Another way to see this is by using the fact that $M\otimes_R N$ is a finitely generated $R$-module since $M$ and $N$ are both finitely generated. Since $M\otimes_R N=0$, this means that $M\otimes_R N$ is a finitely generated $R$-module with a basis of 0, which implies that $M=0$ or $N=0$ by definition. This approach is more direct and does not require the use of the Nakayama lemma. However, your approach is more general and can be applied in situations where $M\otimes_R N$ is not necessarily a finitely generated $R$-module.

FAQ: Tensor Product of Two Finitely Generated Modules Over a Local Ring

1. What is a tensor product of two finitely generated modules over a local ring?

A tensor product of two finitely generated modules over a local ring is a new module that is constructed from the two original modules using a special operation called the tensor product. This operation takes two modules and combines them in a way that preserves their individual structures and allows for the study of their combined properties.

2. What is a local ring?

A local ring is a type of algebraic structure that consists of a commutative ring with a unique maximal ideal. This means that there is a special element in the ring that is not contained in any other proper ideal of the ring. Local rings are important in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, and they are used to study properties of modules and other algebraic structures.

3. Why is the tensor product important in the study of modules over a local ring?

The tensor product is important because it allows for the study of combined properties of two modules over a local ring. This is useful because many algebraic structures, such as rings and modules, can be decomposed into simpler components, and the tensor product provides a way to understand the interactions between these components.

4. How is the tensor product of two finitely generated modules over a local ring calculated?

The tensor product is calculated using a specific formula that involves the generators of the two modules and the structure of the local ring. This formula is based on the concept of bilinear maps, which are maps that take two inputs and produce a single output. In the case of the tensor product, the inputs are elements from the two modules and the output is a new element in the tensor product module.

5. What are some applications of the tensor product in mathematics?

The tensor product has many applications in mathematics, particularly in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. It is used to study the structure of modules, rings, and other algebraic structures, and it has important connections to concepts such as homomorphisms, dual spaces, and homological algebra. The tensor product also has applications in other areas of mathematics, such as topology and differential geometry.
