Tensor Products - Dummit and Foote - Section 10-4, Theorem 8, page 362

In summary: S$-module homomorphism.This is easy to do:$\displaystyle \iota(n) = n$so $\iota$ is an $S$-module homomorphism.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Dummit and Foote, Section 10 on tensor products of modules.

I am at present trying to understand the use of Theorem 6 (D&F, page 354 - see attachment) in Theorem 8 (D&F page 362, see attachment).

The proof of Theorem 8 in D&F Chapter 10 (see attachment) reads as follows:


Proof: Suppose \(\displaystyle \phi : \ N \to L \) is an R-module homomorphism to the S-module L.

By the universal property of free modules (Theorem 6 in Section 3) there is a Z-module homomorphism from the free Z-module F on the set S x N to L that sends each generator \(\displaystyle (s,n) \) to \(\displaystyle s \phi (n) \). ... ...


I am trying to see how the use of Theorem 6 applies and operates in the proof of Theorem 8 - so I am essentially trying to "tie up" or "tie together" the symbols and structures of Therem 6 with those of Theorem 8.

Now we know that in Theorem 8 " ... there is a Z-module homomorphism from the free Z-module F on the set S x N to L ..."

Thus for the map \(\displaystyle A \to F(A) \) in Theorem 6

we have the map

\(\displaystyle S \times N \to F(S \times N) \) in Theorem 8, but this map is not showing in the diagram for Theorem 8 on page 362 (see attachment). ?

To link up to \(\displaystyle S \oplus_R N = F(S \times N)/H \) we would need to extend our map above from \(\displaystyle F(S \times N) \) to \(\displaystyle F(S \times N)/H \) and then apply \(\displaystyle \Phi \) to map to L, thus:

\(\displaystyle S \times N \to F(S \times N) \to F(S \times N)/H = S \oplus_R \to L \)

But how does this fit with the figure for Theorem 8 on page 362 which shows the maps

\(\displaystyle N \to S \oplus_R N \to L \) and \(\displaystyle N \to L \)

So basically I am asking for guidance and help on how the use of Theorem 6 "works" in Theorem 8. In other words, how exactly does it apply? What elements does it apply to and how are its preconditions satisfied?

Hoping someone can help.

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  • #2
Huh. I think I understand your confusion, so let's see where we can go with this.

What we have from Theorem 6 is this:

The universal property of free ($\Bbb Z$-) modules tells us if $f$ is ANY mapping:

$f:S\times N \to L$

that there is a UNIQUE $\Bbb Z$-module homomorphism $\Phi: F_{\Bbb Z}(S \times N) \to L$(that is to say, an abelian group homomorphism) with:

$f(s,n) = \Phi(s,n)$

Now since in this case (Theorem 8), the set $L$ is also an $S$-module, and we are given an $R$-module homomorphism $\phi:N \to L$ we can define the mapping:

$f(s,n) = s\phi(n)$.

Now, just to be clear, here: the inclusion mapping $S \times N \to F_{\Bbb Z}(S \times N)$ and $f$ are just plain ol' functions, the only homomorphism we have so far is $\Phi$ (which is just a homomorphism of abelian groups).

Can we use this to define a new $\Bbb Z$-module homomophism:

$\Phi':F_{\Bbb Z}(S \times N)/H \to L$?

Well, all we need is for $\Phi'$ to be well-defined on cosets of $H$. And this is going to be true if $H \subseteq \text{ker}(\Phi)$.

It clearly suffices to verify this for any generator of $H$.

Now $\Phi((s_1+s_2,n) - (s_1,n) - (s_2,n)) = \Phi(s_1+s_2,n) - \Phi(s_1,n) - \Phi(s_2,n)$ (since $\Phi$ is additive)

$= (s_1+s_2)\phi(n) - s_1\phi(n) - s_2\phi(n) = 0$ (since $L$ is an $S$-module).


$\Phi((s,n_1+n_2) - (s,n_1) - (s,n_2)) = \Phi(s,n_1+n_2) - \Phi(s,n_1) - \Phi(s,n_2)$

$= s\phi(n_1+n_2) - s\phi(n_1) - s\phi(n_2) = s\phi(n_1) + s\phi(n_2) - s\phi(n_1) - s\phi(n_2) = 0$ (since $\phi$, being an $R$-module homomorphism, is additive).


$\Phi((sr,n) - (s,rn)) = \Phi(sr,n) - \Phi(s,rn) = (sr)\phi(n) - s\phi(rn)$

$= (sr)\phi(n) - s(r\phi(n)) = 0$ (since $\phi$ is $R$-linear, and $L$ is an $S$-module).

This means that $\Phi'$ is indeed well-defined on cosets of $H$ as:

$\displaystyle \Phi'\left(\sum_k a_k(s_k,n_k) + H\right) = \Phi\left(\sum_k a_k(s_k,n_k)\right)$

Now, we have that $F_{\Bbb Z}(S \times N)/H$ *is* $S \otimes_R N$, so we have established that we do have a $\Bbb Z$-module homomorphism:

$S \otimes_R N \to L$.

That's half the battle right there. Now we only need to show that $\Phi'$ is, in fact an $S$-module homomorphism, which the next part of the proof in D&F does quite well.


That doesn't quite address your question, because we have shown we have the right kind of $S$-module homomorphism, but our mapping just goes from $S \times N \to L$ and not $N \to L$.

However, we have the subset $\{1\} \times N$ of $S \times N$, and surely the map:

$S \times N \to S \otimes_R N$ given by:

$(s,n) \mapsto s\otimes n$

when restricted to $\{1\} \times N$ can be thought of as a map $N \to S \otimes_R N$.

So really, the only piece missing is to show that:

$\iota:N \to S \otimes_R N$ given by $\iota(n) = 1\otimes n$ is an $R$-module homomorphism.

This boils down to:

$\iota(n_1+n_2) = 1\otimes(n_1+n_2) = 1\otimes n_1 + 1\otimes n_2 = \iota(n_1) + \iota(n_2)$

$\iota(rn) = 1\otimes(rn) = r(1\otimes n) = r\iota(n)$

which follows from the bilinearity of $\otimes$, so that $\iota$ is indeed an $R$-module homomorphism.

Put another way: the missing presence of $S$ in the commutative diagram is due to the fact that, as an $S$-module, $S$ is generated by a singleton set, {1}.

You may wish to convince yourself that, as SETS, the set:

$\{x\} \times Y$ and the set $Y$ are isomorphic

(that is, that $f:\{x\} \times Y \to Y$ given by: $f(x,y) = y$ is a bijection).

It should not be surprising that this is so:

$|\{x\}\times Y| = |\{x\}|\ast |Y| = 1\ast|Y| = |Y|$.

(visually, if you imagine embedding the real line as the $y$-axis in the plane and "translating it" by $x$, the resulting line is in one-to-one correspondence with the real line, a similar construction can be done with higher dimensions).

Heuristically, we think of $\otimes$ as a "product" and so when we want to pick a single element from a ring as "representative" we want to pick a UNIT. When we extend by scalars, we need a "ring in the middle" (something that works as a LEFT ring for the right factor of the tensor product, and a RIGHT ring for the left factor of the tensor product), because what we are doing is essentially constructing a "bi-module".

Working with rings with unity gives us a "default ring element to tensor by", and working with commutative rings let's us not worry about the left-versus-right issue. Perhaps you can see the the default "additive element" 0, of a ring, would not work out very well in the tensor construction: bilinearity forces $0\otimes n = 0(1\otimes n) = 0$ (since this is true of any $S$-module).
  • #3
Deveno said:
Huh. I think I understand your confusion, so let's see where we can go with this.

What we have from Theorem 6 is this:

The universal property of free ($\Bbb Z$-) modules tells us if $f$ is ANY mapping:

$f:S\times N \to L$

that there is a UNIQUE $\Bbb Z$-module homomorphism $\Phi: F_{\Bbb Z}(S \times N) \to L$(that is to say, an abelian group homomorphism) with:

$f(s,n) = \Phi(s,n)$

Now since in this case (Theorem 8), the set $L$ is also an $S$-module, and we are given an $R$-module homomorphism $\phi:N \to L$ we can define the mapping:

$f(s,n) = s\phi(n)$.

Now, just to be clear, here: the inclusion mapping $S \times N \to F_{\Bbb Z}(S \times N)$ and $f$ are just plain ol' functions, the only homomorphism we have so far is $\Phi$ (which is just a homomorphism of abelian groups).

Can we use this to define a new $\Bbb Z$-module homomophism:

$\Phi':F_{\Bbb Z}(S \times N)/H \to L$?

Well, all we need is for $\Phi'$ to be well-defined on cosets of $H$. And this is going to be true if $H \subseteq \text{ker}(\Phi)$.

It clearly suffices to verify this for any generator of $H$.

Now $\Phi((s_1+s_2,n) - (s_1,n) - (s_2,n)) = \Phi(s_1+s_2,n) - \Phi(s_1,n) - \Phi(s_2,n)$ (since $\Phi$ is additive)

$= (s_1+s_2)\phi(n) - s_1\phi(n) - s_2\phi(n) = 0$ (since $L$ is an $S$-module).


$\Phi((s,n_1+n_2) - (s,n_1) - (s,n_2)) = \Phi(s,n_1+n_2) - \Phi(s,n_1) - \Phi(s,n_2)$

$= s\phi(n_1+n_2) - s\phi(n_1) - s\phi(n_2) = s\phi(n_1) + s\phi(n_2) - s\phi(n_1) - s\phi(n_2) = 0$ (since $\phi$, being an $R$-module homomorphism, is additive).


$\Phi((sr,n) - (s,rn)) = \Phi(sr,n) - \Phi(s,rn) = (sr)\phi(n) - s\phi(rn)$

$= (sr)\phi(n) - s(r\phi(n)) = 0$ (since $\phi$ is $R$-linear, and $L$ is an $S$-module).

This means that $\Phi'$ is indeed well-defined on cosets of $H$ as:

$\displaystyle \Phi'\left(\sum_k a_k(s_k,n_k) + H\right) = \Phi\left(\sum_k a_k(s_k,n_k)\right)$

Now, we have that $F_{\Bbb Z}(S \times N)/H$ *is* $S \otimes_R N$, so we have established that we do have a $\Bbb Z$-module homomorphism:

$S \otimes_R N \to L$.

That's half the battle right there. Now we only need to show that $\Phi'$ is, in fact an $S$-module homomorphism, which the next part of the proof in D&F does quite well.


That doesn't quite address your question, because we have shown we have the right kind of $S$-module homomorphism, but our mapping just goes from $S \times N \to L$ and not $N \to L$.

However, we have the subset $\{1\} \times N$ of $S \times N$, and surely the map:

$S \times N \to S \otimes_R N$ given by:

$(s,n) \mapsto s\otimes n$

when restricted to $\{1\} \times N$ can be thought of as a map $N \to S \otimes_R N$.

So really, the only piece missing is to show that:

$\iota:N \to S \otimes_R N$ given by $\iota(n) = 1\otimes n$ is an $R$-module homomorphism.

This boils down to:

$\iota(n_1+n_2) = 1\otimes(n_1+n_2) = 1\otimes n_1 + 1\otimes n_2 = \iota(n_1) + \iota(n_2)$

$\iota(rn) = 1\otimes(rn) = r(1\otimes n) = r\iota(n)$

which follows from the bilinearity of $\otimes$, so that $\iota$ is indeed an $R$-module homomorphism.

Put another way: the missing presence of $S$ in the commutative diagram is due to the fact that, as an $S$-module, $S$ is generated by a singleton set, {1}.

You may wish to convince yourself that, as SETS, the set:

$\{x\} \times Y$ and the set $Y$ are isomorphic

(that is, that $f:\{x\} \times Y \to Y$ given by: $f(x,y) = y$ is a bijection).

It should not be surprising that this is so:

$|\{x\}\times Y| = |\{x\}|\ast |Y| = 1\ast|Y| = |Y|$.

(visually, if you imagine embedding the real line as the $y$-axis in the plane and "translating it" by $x$, the resulting line is in one-to-one correspondence with the real line, a similar construction can be done with higher dimensions).

Heuristically, we think of $\otimes$ as a "product" and so when we want to pick a single element from a ring as "representative" we want to pick a UNIT. When we extend by scalars, we need a "ring in the middle" (something that works as a LEFT ring for the right factor of the tensor product, and a RIGHT ring for the left factor of the tensor product), because what we are doing is essentially constructing a "bi-module".

Working with rings with unity gives us a "default ring element to tensor by", and working with commutative rings let's us not worry about the left-versus-right issue. Perhaps you can see the the default "additive element" 0, of a ring, would not work out very well in the tensor construction: bilinearity forces $0\otimes n = 0(1\otimes n) = 0$ (since this is true of any $S$-module).
Thank you so much for the extensive help ... I am indeed confused and struggling ... I will now work through you post very carefully ...

Thank you again ...


Related to Tensor Products - Dummit and Foote - Section 10-4, Theorem 8, page 362

1. What is a tensor product?

A tensor product is a mathematical operation that combines two vector spaces to form a new vector space. It allows us to create new objects (tensors) that have properties from both original vector spaces.

2. How is the tensor product defined in Dummit and Foote?

In Section 10-4, Theorem 8 on page 362, Dummit and Foote define the tensor product of two vector spaces V and W over a field F as the quotient space of the free vector space generated by the Cartesian product V x W, modulo a certain subspace called the tensor product of V and W.

3. What are some properties of tensor products?

Some properties of tensor products include bilinearity, associativity, and commutativity (under certain conditions). Tensor products also satisfy the universal property, meaning that any bilinear map from the Cartesian product of two vector spaces to a third vector space factors uniquely through the tensor product.

4. How is the tensor product related to other mathematical concepts?

The tensor product is closely related to other mathematical concepts such as direct sums, direct products, and dual spaces. It is also used in various areas of mathematics, including linear algebra, differential geometry, and algebraic geometry.

5. What are some applications of tensor products?

Tensor products have many applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. They are used in the study of multilinear algebra, representation theory, and differential geometry. In physics, tensor products are used to describe physical quantities that have both magnitude and direction, such as forces and moments. They are also used in signal processing, image processing, and machine learning.

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