Tensor products of representation - Weyl spinors and 4vectors

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of direct products of representation in group theory and provides examples using right Weyl spinors. It also discusses the transformation properties of spinors and the interpretation of \tau_{mn} in terms of matrices or vector spaces. There is a disagreement about the interpretation of \tau_{mn} as either a matrix or a vector, and the discussion also mentions the importance of understanding the spin-1/2 representation as a 2-component object.
  • #1
Hi guys!
I'm having some problems in understanding the direct products of representation in group theory.

For example, take two right weyl spinors.
We can then write[tex]\tau_{0\frac{1}{2}}\otimes\tau_{0\frac{1}{2}}=\tau_{00}\oplus\tau_{01}[/tex]
Now they make me see that [itex](\sigma_2\psi_R^*)^+\sigma_2\psi_L=-\psi_R^+\psi_L[/itex] (where σ_2 is the second Pauli matrices, + indicates the adjoint and ψ_R is a right weyl spinor (and so is [itex]\sigma_2\psi_R^*[/itex])) and since this is invariant they say that this is the [itex]\tau_{00}[/itex].
Then since [tex]\Delta(\psi_L^+\sigma^\mu\psi_L)=\Lambda^\mu{}_\nu (\psi_L^+\sigma^\mu\psi_L)[/tex] (where [itex]\sigma^\mu=(1,-\sigma_k)[/itex] with 1 as the identity 2x2 matrix and σ as the pauli matrices, and Δ is the total variation of the field) transforms as a vector (with the Lorentz matrix) [itex]\tau_{11}[/itex] is a vector.

Now, there are some things i miss from the discussion above.

First of all, the [itex]\tau_{mn}[/itex] shouldn't indicate the matrices that act on the spinors? Here I'm treating those as the spinors themselves!

In second place, I cannot figure out why [itex]\psi_L^+\sigma^\mu\psi_L[/itex] should itself be a 4vector, since a [itex]\tau_{01}[/itex] acts on (or IS, i don't know) on 3 vectors.

To close, let me make another example:
In an exercise there was told that a second rank tensor [itex]t_{\mu\nu}[/itex] transforms according to the reducible representation [itex]T=\tau_{\frac{1}{2}\frac{1}{2}}\times\tau_{\frac{1}{2}\frac{1}{2}}[/itex] of the Lorentz group O(1,3).
It was asked to find the representation into the sum of irriducible representation.
It's said that the decomposition is [tex]T=\tau_{00}\otimes\tau_{10}\otimes\tau_{01}\otimes\tau_{11}\otimes[/tex]
where the scalar is the trace of the tensor, the [itex]\tau_{10}\otimes\tau_{01}[/itex] os the antisymmetric tensor and the last one is the traceless symmetric tensor.
This is ok, since i guess that this is the only interpretation that make the dimension match.

But here again is the interpretation of the [itex]\tau_{\frac{1}{2}\frac{1}{2}}[/itex] that messes me up: if i treat them as the elements on which the matrices acts upon they are 4-vectors [itex]a^\mu[/itex], and this is ok since the tensor product of two 4vectors is a matrices which can be decomposed into its trace, symmetric and antisymmetric part.
But if I see as matrices I lose all the sense of the exerciseThanks a lot for the attention!
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  • #2
Honestly, I think you should be using the Weyl dotted/undotted indices. It's much more clear.

Of course, any spinor being a spinor tensor, thus a multilinear mapping, it has a matriceal representation, where possible.

[itex] \tau [/itex] is the spinor, in the sense that [itex] \displaystyle{\tau_{\displaystyle{\alpha\dot{\beta}}}} [/itex] are the 4 matrix elements of a (1/2,1/2) spinor in a standard basis of a tensor product of 2 2-dimensional vector spaces, one vector space for the left spinors, one for the right spinors.

ψ+LσμψL is a 4-tuple of complex scalars, which transforms as a 4-vector under restricted Lorentz transformations. All spinorial indices are summed over, the only free index is a vectorial one. Thus it is a genuine 4-vector.

As for the product of 2 (1/2,1/2) representations, what are you doing here ? Well, the tensor product of 2 vector spaces leads to a 4x4 matrix which can be decomposed into a traceless symmetric one, a trace times the unit matrix and an antisymmetric matrix.

Working with spinors is not different than working with ordinary vectors, because spinors are vectors or tensors from special linear spaces, the smallest one having 2 independent vectors which form a basis. My advice is not to supress the Weyl/Dirac indices, because these tell you which spinorial space is involved and how the spinor tensors behave under SL(2,C) or SO0(1,3).
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  • #3
It is convenient to use the notation
[tex]D^{(J,K)}, \ \ \mbox{or} \ (J,K),[/tex]
to describe representation space of dimension
This is a linear vector space spanned by geometrical objects (spinorial tensors) labelled by [itex]2J[/itex] undotted and [itex]2K[/itex] dotted indices. So, you can think of [itex]D^{(J,K)}[/itex] either as vector with [itex](2J+1)(2K+1)[/itex] components, or [itex](2J+1)\times (2K+1)[/itex] matrix.
See posts # 24, 25 and 29 in

  • #4
Thanks for the answers fellas, but I'm going to need some extra help here!

I still have a hard time figuring out what is [itex]\tau_{mn}[/itex].
I mean, should i see it as a regular matrix or instead as an element like [itex]\tau_{mn}=\left(\begin{align}\psi_1\\\psi_2\\...\\\psi_{m+n}\end{align}\right)[/itex]?

Reading these phrases from your posts

τ is the spinor, in the sense that ταβ˙ are the 4 matrix elements of a (1/2,1/2) spinor in a standard basis of a tensor product of 2 2-dimensional vector spaces, one vector space for the left spinors, one for the right spinors.


This is a linear vector space spanned by geometrical objects (spinorial tensors) labelled by 2J undotted and 2K dotted indices. So, you can think of D(J,K) either as vector with (2J+1)(2K+1) components, or (2J+1)×(2K+1) matrix.
I'd say that this point of view is quite irrilevant, since they are both allowed.
So a left spinor [itex]\tau_{\frac{1}{2},0}[/itex] can be seen as a 2-component column vector [tex]\tau_{\frac{1}{2},0}=\left(\begin{align}\psi_1\\\psi_2\end{align}\right)[/tex] or like a (2x1) matrix, which has the same form.

But for a [itex]\tau_{\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}}[/itex] spinor?
In that case i should have, for the vectorial point of view
[tex]\tau_{\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}}=\left(\begin{align}\psi_1\\\psi_2\\\psi_3\\\psi_4\end{align}\right)[/tex]and for the matricial pov:
[tex]\tau_{\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}}=\left(\begin{align}\psi_1&\psi_2\\\psi_3&\psi_4\end{align}\right)[/tex] which seems quite different to me!
How can i think of them as the same thing?
If I act on them with a matrix i would get completely different result!
(And how would they transform like?)

To Sam: I red your posts in the link you proposed me, they're quite clear but another thing i cannot catch is the (very important) sentence I've underlined below
The spin-1/2 representation, (1/2,0), corresponds to a 2-component object; the fundamental rep of the left SU(2).
at the beginning of post 25

Thanks a lot!
  • #5
teddd said:

But for a [itex]\tau_{\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}}[/itex] spinor?
In that case i should have, for the vectorial point of view
[tex]\tau_{\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}}=\left(\begin{align}\psi_1\\\psi_2\\\psi_3\\\psi_4\end{align}\right)[/tex]and for the matricial pov:
[tex]\tau_{\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}}=\left(\begin{align}\psi_1&\psi_2\\\psi_3&\psi_4\end{align}\right)[/tex] which seems quite different to me!
How can i think of them as the same thing?
If I act on them with a matrix i would get completely different result!
(And how would they transform like?)[...]

They are not the same thing, but related, and you can see it because the (1/2,1/2) spinor is a scalar from the point of view of SL(2,C), because it carries no free Weyl index. I have attached the calculation. The 'object' in the squared brackets is the 4-tuple. So it's a 4-tuple of numbers which form a genuine 4 vector and can be placed in a matrix either as a column vector, or as a 2x2 matrix with the Infeld-van der Waerden symbols.


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  • #6
Thanks for the pics dextercioby, but i don't know the notation you use (as well as the language)

The thing that confuses me is that i know that the [itex]\tau_{mn}[/itex] are the representation of the lorentz group, but i cannot see them as spinors/vectors!
The spinors are the things that [itex]\tau_{\frac{1}{2},0}[/itex] (or [itex]\tau_{0,\frac{1}{2}}[/itex]) act on!

How is that??
  • #7
I think it has to do with what a representation is: A mapping from the group SL(2,C) to a the group of linear operators acting on a tensor product of complex linear spaces. A spinor is not the mapping, but the linear operator which acts on this tensor product. Choosing a basis in this tensor product yields components for these operators which can then be interpreted in terms of matrices, if the tensor rank is not higher than 2.
  • #8
This makes sense. But it's like choosing a basis in a hilbert space, and to express any operator in function of it.

But still, the operator remains the operator, and it acts on elements of the Hilbert space itelf!

It's quite strange: the matrices of SL(2,C) act on spinors, how can they be the spinors themselves??

Thanks again for your patience!
  • #9
teddd said:
This makes sense. But it's like choosing a basis in a hilbert space, and to express any operator in function of it.[...]

Good analogy.

teddd said:
[...]It's quite strange: the matrices of SL(2,C) act on spinors, how can they be the spinors themselves[...]

They are not. The group of 2x2 matrices of complex numbers which have unit determinant is mapped onto some group of linear operators acting on a tensor product of linear spaces. It's not mapped onto itself. The elementary spinor is a 2x1 matrix (left spinor) which is NOT a member of SL(2,C). The representation matrix, however, IS a 2x2 matrix which is an element of SL(2,C) and it's the reason we say that <left Weyl spinors transform under SL(2,C) in the fundamental representation>.
  • #10
Ok, so a left/right spinor is an element of a tensor product of linear spaces, precisely two of them, one for each component of the spinor itself.

The matricies under which they transform are obtained from a mapping from the SL(2,C) group.

But again, what is the representation matrix exactly? And what does it represent?
  • #11
No, the fundamental spinor, let's choose it left, is a matrix with one column and 2 lines. The space of such matrices is 2 dimensional. The tensor product appears only when considering spinors of higher rank, for example (1/2,1/2) which is the tensor product of 2 spinors, one left and one right.

The spinors bear physical significance only when interpreted in a theory of quantum mechanics. The representation matrix appears only when questions how the state of a quantum system, initially considered in one inertial reference system is viewed from another inertial reference system linked to the first one through a Lorentz transformation. The 2 spinors are linked through this representation matrix.
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Related to Tensor products of representation - Weyl spinors and 4vectors

1. What is a tensor product of representations?

A tensor product of representations is a mathematical operation that combines two representations of a group into a new representation. It is commonly used in physics to describe the symmetries of physical systems.

2. How do Weyl spinors and 4-vectors relate to each other in a tensor product?

In a tensor product, Weyl spinors and 4-vectors are combined to create a new representation that describes the symmetries of a system with both spin and momentum. This allows for a more comprehensive description of physical systems.

3. What is the significance of using Weyl spinors in a tensor product?

Weyl spinors are used in a tensor product because they are the fundamental building blocks of spinors, which describe the spin properties of particles. This makes them essential for studying the symmetries of physical systems.

4. Can a tensor product of Weyl spinors and 4-vectors be used to describe relativistic systems?

Yes, a tensor product of Weyl spinors and 4-vectors can be used to describe relativistic systems. This is because the combination of these two representations allows for a comprehensive description of both spin and momentum, which are essential for studying relativistic effects.

5. Are there any real-world applications of tensor products of representation - Weyl spinors and 4-vectors?

Yes, there are many real-world applications of tensor products of representation - Weyl spinors and 4-vectors. For example, they are used in particle physics to study the symmetries of particles and in general relativity to describe the symmetries of spacetime. They also have applications in condensed matter physics and quantum information theory.

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