Terminal angular velocity of Disc in magnetic field

In summary, "terminal angular velocity" refers to the maximum rotational speed of a disc in a magnetic field. It can be calculated using the formula ω = qB/m, and can be affected by the strength of the magnetic field, charge and mass of the disc, and external forces. The terminal angular velocity is directly proportional to the disc's kinetic energy and is not constant, but will continue to increase until it reaches its maximum determined by the mentioned factors.
  • #1
Homework Statement
A metallic disc of radius r is made of a material of negligible resistance and can rotate about a conducting horizontal shaft. A smaller non conducting disc of radius a is fixed onto the same shaft and has a massless cord wrapped around it, which is attached to a small object of mass m
as shown. Two ends of a resistor of resistance R are connected to the perimeter of the disc and to the shaft by sliding contacts. The system is then placed into a uniform horizontal magnetic field B
and the mass m is released. Find the terminal angular velocity with which the disc will rotate finally.
(Take r=10cm, a=2cm, R=1100Ω, B=0.2T, m=50gm, g=10m/s2)
Relevant Equations
Image result for A metallic disc of radius r is made of a material of negligible resistance and can rotate about a conducting horizontal shaft
Torque appiled by smaller disc = mga
emf of disc due to B = Bwr2/2
Current I = Bwr2/2R
force = IBr
= Bwr3/2r
torque = rF
= Bwr4/2r

mga = Bwr4/2r
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hello @Advay ,
:welcome: !​

Not bad for a first post, but: what is your question ?

If you are soliciting comments/questions:
  • What happened to R ? And B ?$$\quad I = B\omega r^2/2R \quad \&\quad F = IBr \quad = \quad ?? $$
  • Do the dimensions come out right ?
  • Why do you say
Advay said:
torque = rF

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Related to Terminal angular velocity of Disc in magnetic field

1. What is terminal angular velocity of a disc in a magnetic field?

The terminal angular velocity of a disc in a magnetic field is the maximum rotational speed that the disc can achieve when subjected to a magnetic field. It is the point at which the disc can no longer accelerate and reaches a constant rotational speed.

2. How is the terminal angular velocity of a disc in a magnetic field calculated?

The terminal angular velocity of a disc in a magnetic field can be calculated using the equation: ω = qB/m, where ω is the angular velocity, q is the charge of the disc, B is the magnetic field strength, and m is the mass of the disc.

3. What factors affect the terminal angular velocity of a disc in a magnetic field?

The terminal angular velocity of a disc in a magnetic field is affected by the strength of the magnetic field, the charge and mass of the disc, and the distance between the disc and the magnetic field source. Other factors such as friction and air resistance may also play a role.

4. How does the terminal angular velocity of a disc in a magnetic field relate to its shape?

The shape of the disc does not directly affect the terminal angular velocity in a magnetic field. However, the distribution of mass and charge within the disc can impact its rotational speed and therefore affect the terminal angular velocity.

5. What applications does the concept of terminal angular velocity in a magnetic field have?

The concept of terminal angular velocity in a magnetic field has various applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and technology. It is used in devices such as electric motors, generators, and particle accelerators, and is also relevant in studying the behavior of charged particles in magnetic fields.
