Terrorists: Cult of Human Sacrifice?

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  • Thread starter franznietzsche
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In summary: Isn't it more likely that those who are drawn to extremism are looking for a sense of purpose or belonging ?
  • #1

Interesting article, i think he makes a good point. Discuss.
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  • #2
Franz, why do you emediatly discount it when I say it, but when you read it in a yahoo article it's now a 'good point'?
It's cause you see me as a liberal isn't it?
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  • #3
Smurf said:
Franz, why do you emediatly discount it when I say it, but when you read it in a yahoo article it's now a 'good point'?
It's cause you see me as a liberal isn't it?

Link to the thread where i said this? I don't recall it, soto answer i would have to reread what both of us said.

I probably should have said he makes a "good case," as that is what i meant.
  • #4
Imho, the text mixes correct observations with blatant speculations and all that wrapped in this typical "I'm going to repeat my opinion time after time until you believe it" style of writing.

There is absolutely no development of any reasoning between the correct observation that Islam is trying to find it's way in the current world and the bold statement that "the aztecs are back". Why not blame it on something else, like "a gigantic world spanning alliance of Jews who control everything in the world" (Irony all over) ? Or is that one a bit old fashioned ?


  • #5
It's time to put aside the international-relations texts that have failed the world so miserably. We must confront the elementary problem of our times: Frightened human beings and the longing for easy answers that lead to the most repugnant forms of faith.

I think this article is misguided at best and purposey misleading at worst. What do you do when all you have is a simple armoury of knives, granades, cars and yourselves, while your invader has the ability to fly their B-2 from Missouri all to way to places like Afghanistan to drop horse feed and bombs at the request of their agent made via a satellite call? Nationalism, buddy, is that such a dirty word?
  • #6
You hear the dispassionate voice, discussing the sighting mechanism, controlled by satellites, the accuracy, the focus of the onboard cameras, and then you see the rocket leave the drone plane, and silently, but savagely kill a group of strangers on some foreign ground. This is us.

To quote TS Eliot,(somewhat)

We are the hollow men, we are the oil men
Headpiece filled with straw alas!
Our voices when we whisper together are
As quiet and meaningless as wind through dry grass,
As rats feet in broken glass...
  • #7
Well, they do claim that killing the infidels will gaurantee their way into paradise. "Sacrificing" their enemies is the road to heaven for them. That is how they get recruits. This is obviously a perversion of Islam, but what is their motivation? In his tapes bin Laden does not just make political demands, he demands conversion of the US as well. To him, it is truly a religious war, not merely political.
  • #8
franznietzsche said:
In his tapes bin Laden does not just make political demands, he demands conversion of the US as well. To him, it is truly a religious war, not merely political.

Just a thought, but if bin Laden were to fight an obviously (and only a) political war, would he be able to recruit as he well as he does ?

FAQ: Terrorists: Cult of Human Sacrifice?

1. What is the definition of a "terrorist"?

A terrorist is an individual or group that uses violence, intimidation, and fear to achieve political, religious, or ideological goals. Their actions are intended to create a sense of terror and disrupt the normal functioning of society.

2. How does a cult play a role in terrorist groups?

A cult refers to a group of individuals who share strong beliefs and follow a charismatic leader. In some cases, terrorist groups can exhibit cult-like characteristics, such as blind obedience to a leader, isolation from society, and a strong us-versus-them mentality. These elements can contribute to the radicalization and extreme actions of terrorist groups.

3. What is the significance of human sacrifice in terrorist groups?

Human sacrifice is a ritualistic act of killing a person for religious or ideological reasons. In some terrorist groups, human sacrifice is used as a means of demonstrating loyalty, commitment, and willingness to carry out extreme actions for the cause. It can also be used as a way to instill fear and control over members.

4. How do terrorist groups recruit members for their cult-like activities?

Terrorist groups often use various tactics to recruit members, including exploiting vulnerabilities, targeting marginalized individuals, and offering a sense of belonging and purpose. They may also use propaganda and misinformation to manipulate and radicalize individuals.

5. What steps can be taken to prevent the growth of terrorist groups and their cult-like activities?

Preventing the growth of terrorist groups and their cult-like activities requires a multi-faceted approach. This can include addressing root causes of radicalization, promoting education and critical thinking, implementing effective counterterrorism measures, and promoting tolerance and understanding among different groups. It is also important to address any underlying social, political, and economic issues that may contribute to the rise of terrorist groups.

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