Tesseract or time which is the fourth dimension

This is an abstract concept that has nothing to do with the way we perceive space, but the math is valid.In summary, the concept of dimension refers to the number of coordinates necessary to specify an object of interest. In geometry, this can be seen as the number of axes in a coordinate system, while in physics, it is often related to the number of dimensions in a vector space. In the case of spacetime, it is commonly accepted that four dimensions are needed to fully define an event, with three for space and one for time. However, in other areas of physics, such as thermodynamics, a higher number of dimensions may be needed to fully describe a system.
  • #1
mitch bass
I am hoping someone can help me to develop a working definition for the term "dimension". In the past I was taught that there is the first dimension which is a single point, the second dimension is defined as this single point being extended in such a way that a second dimensional object would consist of a point that extends into a line which ends in a right angle and that right angle ends in a right angle and that right angle ends in a right angle until the fully defined second dimensional shape is a plane, the third dimension continues working with this concept so that every end point of the plane extends into a right angle so that the plane becomes a cube. Going with this concept a fourth dimensional object I have heard called the name tesseract. The tesseract being a third dimensional object which is extended into right angles at every end point like the two dimensions before it.

My confusion is as follows:

I know "time" is often called THE FOURTH DIMENSION. Is this because one working definition for a dimension is a way to define a position? For example: "A" exists at x, y, z coordinates WHEN -- and then a time is given without which the location could fall short of indicating position (unless object "A" somehow exists from the beginning of time for all eternity, that is the only exception I can think of where time is not required to pinpoint location...but even then perhaps. .. .

Part of my confusion in understanding how the term dimension is defined is a result of what I have heard about string theory in which it is suggested that if string theory has any validity it requires 32 dimensions. Are these dimensions an extension of the tesseract, going with the idea that each higher dimension is generated by extending the previous dimensions corners into right angles to itself? But then if this is so, how does time come under the definition of a fourth dimension?

If string theory requires 32 dimensions, and having 32 dimensions is something considered, than even if the fourth dimension is time, how does one define the fifth dimension?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi mitch bass,
I think '4 dimensions' or 'the 4th dimension' is loose speaking. A correct statement is "The dimension of this vector space is 4", or "This is a 4-dimensional vector space".
  • #3
I'll try to answer the original question:

You can identify space with a 3-dim vector space. Because 3 real numbers x,y,z (called coordinates) are enough to locate any point in space. Let's write down the corners of a cube:

We can, of course, think of a vector space that requires 4 coordinates. Without using imagination, we know that a 'cube' in this space would look like this:
This object is called a 'hypercube' or tesseract.

Now to physics. Of course, not any object that has 4 components is a vector. It must have certain properties, which I will not go into now. However, consider an event that takes place at the position (x,y,z) in space, and at a time t. In Special Relativity, it has been found out that the object
can be treated as a vector. Where i is the imaginary unit (i^2=-1), and c is the vacuum lightspeed.
From this stems the statement that "spacetime can be identified with a 4-dimensional vector space".
  • #4
"Dimension" is the number of coordinates necessary to specify an object of interest. If we are working in plane geometry, we can set up an x-y coordinate system and identify every point with two coordinates: two dimensions. In solid geometry we need three. Physicists are interested in "events"- something that happens at a specific place in a specific time. Since it take three coordinates to identify the place and one to identify the time, physicists normally work in 4 dimensions.

On the other hand, in thermodynamics, it is not unusual to work in "3n" dimensions where n is the number of individual particles involved: that is one "point" specifies the position of every particle.

FAQ: Tesseract or time which is the fourth dimension

1. What is a tesseract?

A tesseract is a four-dimensional geometric shape, also known as a hypercube. It is a three-dimensional cube extended into the fourth dimension.

2. How is time related to the fourth dimension?

In physics, time is considered the fourth dimension. It is a fundamental component of the space-time continuum, which describes the fabric of the universe.

3. Can we physically experience the fourth dimension?

No, as three-dimensional beings, we are limited to experiencing the three dimensions of space. However, some scientists and mathematicians believe that the fourth dimension may exist in a mathematical or theoretical sense.

4. How is the fourth dimension different from the other dimensions?

The fourth dimension is different from the other dimensions because it represents time, which has a unidirectional flow. The first three dimensions, on the other hand, represent physical space, which can be traversed in multiple directions.

5. What is the significance of understanding the fourth dimension?

Understanding the fourth dimension can help us better understand the nature of the universe and how it operates. It can also aid in the development of scientific theories and technologies, such as space travel and time dilation.

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