Test to see if Latex is Working

  • LaTeX
  • Thread starter Philosophaie
  • Start date
  • Tags
    Latex Test
In summary: In the app the ##\LaTeX## just doesn't work. You just get the corresponding TeX code ie. ## \LaTeX# #
  • #1
**g_{ij} = **
**g^{ij} = **
**\Gamma_{ij}^{k} = **
<tex>R^{i}_{jkl} = </tex>
<tex>R_{ij} = </tex>
<tex>R = </tex>
<tex>T_{ij} = </tex>
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

##g_{ij} = \\
g^{ij} = \\
\Gamma_{ij}^{k} =##
[tex]R^{i}_{jkl} = [/tex]
$$R_{ij} = $$
[tex]R = \\
T_{ij} = [/tex]

Subscripts and superscripts seem to be working yep. even ##_\mu \xi ^\nu## stuff

use the quote button under this post to see how I did that ;)
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  • #3
Philosophaie said:
**g_{ij} = **
**g^{ij} = **
**\Gamma_{ij}^{k} = **
You are using the wrong symbols. Use two # symbols to start and end an inline equation, two $ symbols to start and end a display mode equation.

Here are your expressions properly written as as inline expressions (double #): ##g_{ij} = ## ##g^{ij} = ## ##\Gamma_{ij}^{k} = ##

And here as display mode (double $):
$$g_{ij} = $$ $$g^{ij} = $$ $$\Gamma_{ij}^{k} = $$

<tex>R^{i}_{jkl} = </tex>
<tex>R_{ij} = </tex>
<tex>R = </tex>
<tex>T_{ij} = </tex>
Once again, wrong syntax. Use square brackets rather than angle brackets.

Your expressions with square brackets:
[tex]R^{i}_{jkl} = [/tex]
[tex]R_{ij} = [/tex]
[tex]R = [/tex]
[tex]T_{ij} = [/tex]
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  • #5
An easy way to see if you have written the correct code is using the preview post button in Go Advanced posting screen.
EDIT: And if what you are using is the app then you will need to switch to a browser to see the codes as intended.
  • #6
Enigman said:
And if what you are using is the app then you will need to switch to a browser to see the codes as intended.

Are you referring to viewing LaTeX in preview mode, or in actual posts? (I've never used the app.)
  • #7
jtbell said:
Are you referring to viewing LaTeX in preview mode, or in actual posts? (I've never used the app.)

In the app the ##\LaTeX## just doesn't work. You just get the corresponding TeX code ie. ## \LaTeX# #
But this is in the previous version of the android app, haven't got around to updating it yet.

FAQ: Test to see if Latex is Working

1. How do I know if latex is working on my computer?

To test if latex is working on your computer, you can open a text editor and type in a simple latex code, such as "\documentclass{article} \begin{document} Hello World \end{document}". Save the file with a .tex extension and compile it using a latex compiler. If a pdf file is generated with "Hello World" written in it, then latex is working on your computer.

2. What is the difference between latex and other document preparation systems?

Latex is a typesetting system that uses markup language to create documents. It is different from other document preparation systems, such as Microsoft Word, because it separates the content and formatting of a document. This allows for more precise and consistent formatting, especially for scientific and technical documents.

3. How do I install latex on my computer?

There are different ways to install latex depending on your operating system. For Windows users, you can download and install MiKTeX or TeX Live. For Mac users, you can use MacTeX. For Linux users, you can use your distribution's package manager to install texlive. You can also use online editors like Overleaf to create and compile latex documents.

4. Can I use latex to create presentations?

Yes, you can use latex to create presentations using the beamer package. Beamer allows you to create professional-looking slides with various customization options. However, it may have a steeper learning curve compared to other presentation software.

5. Are there any free resources to learn latex?

Yes, there are many free resources available to learn latex. Some popular ones include the official latex documentation, online tutorials and guides, and community forums. You can also find many latex templates and examples online to help you get started.

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