Testing Flat Plate in Wind Tunnel: Uncertainty & Lift Analysis

  • Thread starter sid_galt
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of increasing lift instead of decreasing at higher angles in a wind tunnel test of a flat plate. The uncertainty in measurement is 50 g, with a maximum lift of 250 g. The use of smoke or tethers to detect separation is suggested, and the use of smoke is found to reveal that the wing is stalling at around 20 degrees. The use of flow straighteners is suggested to reduce turbulence from the fan, and it is mentioned that there may be a possibility of exciting a natural frequency in the plate. The sensor used is mechanical, and it is also mentioned that the tunnel may be creating ground effect.
  • #1
I am trying to test a flat plate in a wind tunnel. The uncertainty in measurement is 50 g and the maximum lift comes to 250 g. The problem is that even after 25-30 degrees as the angle keeps on increasing, the lift too keeps on increasing instead of decreasing and tops at around 45-50 degrees and then decreases.
Any idea why this could be happening?
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  • #2
It seems like you are not measuring lift any longer, but the reaction force due to the momentum of the oncoming air stream. Are you using a smoke wand or do you have tethers on the back face of the plate so you can see when separation is occurring?
  • #3
I am not using smoke currently but will be doing so tomorrow. I was thinking of burning wood behind the fan but I doubt it would give fine streamlines. Would it? If not then I will go for the smoke wands (they are oil burning wires right?).But isn't this the way lift is measured in actual wind tunnels. The lift in professional wind tunnels must be dropping at stall. Otherwise how do they obtain their measurements for angles at or greater than the stall angle.
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  • #4
I tried smoke and although it is showing very faint contrails, it was enough to see that the wing was stalling.

On the other hand, how do I get the reading for stall on the sensor.

The balance I am using gives an uncertainty of about 20-25 g for measurement but the vibrations in the tunnel are increasing this to 45-50 g.
Any thoughts on reducing this.

The fan is a bit close to the wing section, approx. 3 ft. away. Is it too close? What should be the ideal distance?
  • #5
I'm glad the smoke worked for you. Hopefully the onset of stall was well below the 45° point.

Sid said:
On the other hand, how do I get the reading for stall on the sensor.
What sensor are you referring to? The lift force sensor?

Sid said:
The balance I am using gives an uncertainty of about 20-25 g for measurement but the vibrations in the tunnel are increasing this to 45-50 g.
Any thoughts on reducing this.
Does your tunnes have any egg crates/flow straighteners in it? I am assuming that it is a straight section tunnel, not a closed circuit tunnel. Is it an old piece of equipment? It could be anything.

Sid said:
The fan is a bit close to the wing section, approx. 3 ft. away. Is it too close? What should be the ideal distance?
Since I don't know the size of your tunnel it is tough to say. It does sound a bit close to me. That, to me, further adds to the need for flow straighteners.
  • #6
Thank you for the reply.

FredGarvin said:
I'm glad the smoke worked for you. Hopefully the onset of stall was well below the 45° point.
Yeah. It was around 20 degrees.

FredGarvin said:
What sensor are you referring to? The lift force sensor?

FredGarvin said:
Does your tunnes have any egg crates/flow straighteners in it? I am assuming that it is a straight section tunnel, not a closed circuit tunnel. Is it an old piece of equipment? It could be anything.

It is a straight section tunnel rather small in length.
It has gauzed wire between the fan and the wing section. By egg crates do you mean a honeycomb? I tried making one but failed because the pressure loss was getting too high.

FredGarvin said:
Since I don't know the size of your tunnel it is tough to say. It does sound a bit close to me. That, to me, further adds to the need for flow straighteners.

The size is 2 by 2 ft cross section and 4 ft length.
  • #7
By egg crates I do mean honeycomb. I would think that if you are that close to the fan, you are getting way too much turbulence from the fan. I think you would benefit from getting some kind of flow straightener in there. Perrhaps if you increased the cell size and cut down on the length from what you tried before you could reduce the delta p across it.

There is also a possibility that you have, by pure luck, excited a mode (natural frequency) in the plate.

Is your sensor a mechanical or digital type?
  • #8
It's a mechanical sensor.

As for natural frequency, I don't think so as I tried the experiment with two different sections of different shapes and materials and the trend was still the same - the lift was not decreasing at stall.
  • #9
Is it a blow down or suck through tunnel. I am a TA using a open loop tunnel and the turbulence can be quite severe (and frustrating) when the plate is to close to the wall you might be creating 'ground effect' do you measure drag force too?

Related to Testing Flat Plate in Wind Tunnel: Uncertainty & Lift Analysis

1. What is the purpose of testing a flat plate in a wind tunnel?

The purpose of testing a flat plate in a wind tunnel is to understand how the plate behaves under different airflow conditions. This information can then be used to design and optimize the aerodynamics of various objects, such as aircraft wings or car bodies.

2. What is uncertainty in wind tunnel testing and why is it important to consider?

Uncertainty in wind tunnel testing refers to the potential errors or variations in the data collected during the experiment. It is important to consider because it can affect the accuracy and reliability of the results. By understanding and accounting for uncertainty, researchers can ensure that their data is as accurate as possible.

3. How is lift measured in wind tunnel testing of a flat plate?

Lift is typically measured using a force balance, which consists of strain gauges and load cells attached to the flat plate. These sensors measure the amount of force exerted on the plate by the airflow, which can then be used to calculate the lift generated.

4. What factors can affect the lift analysis of a flat plate in a wind tunnel?

There are several factors that can affect the lift analysis of a flat plate in a wind tunnel, including the shape and angle of the plate, the speed and direction of the airflow, and the surface roughness of the plate. It is important to control and account for these variables in order to obtain accurate results.

5. How can the results of wind tunnel testing of a flat plate be applied in real-world applications?

The results of wind tunnel testing can be used to optimize the design of various objects that rely on aerodynamics, such as aircraft, cars, and buildings. By understanding how a flat plate behaves in different airflow conditions, engineers can make informed decisions on the shape and orientation of these objects to improve their efficiency and performance.

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