Testing Quantum vs. Classical Physics Predictions of Which-Way Double Slit

In summary, the conversation discusses the effects of placing polarizing filters at each slit in an interference experiment. When the filters are set to be parallel, there is no knowledge of which slit the particle goes through and an interference pattern is observed. However, when the filters are set to be crossed, there is complete knowledge of which slit the particle goes through and no interference pattern is observed. The conversation also delves into the differences between quantum and classical physics predictions for this scenario, with quantum physics predicting the destruction of the interference pattern due to the possibility of obtaining "which-way" information, and classical physics predicting the interference pattern will disappear due to the superposition of wave vectors. The conversation also suggests a way to test these predictions by adding a polar
  • #1
DrChinese said:
Suppose I place polarizing filters at each slit. If they are set to be parallel (0 degrees difference), then I get no knowledge of which slit the particle goes through. There IS an interference pattern. If they are set to be crossed (90 degrees difference), then I potentially get complete knowledge of which slit the particle goes through. Of course, now there is NO interference pattern. And as I vary the relative angle setting of the polarizers between 0 and 90 degrees, the pattern morphs from one to the other.

... The ONLY thing changing is our potential knowledge of which slit. Note that we don't need to actually KNOW which slit the particle went through for the pattern to change. Merely that we could obtain it with the setup is enough.
If we add polarizers to the slits like DrChinese describes above, I believe there is a difference in predicted outcomes between quantum physics and classical physics. A difference I believe can be tested.

Both quantum and classical physics predict that the interference pattern will disappear. Quantum physics tells us this happens because we have potential which-way information. In classical physics we have to analyze the split wave vectors to understand what happens. When the waves hit the screen in phase, http://www.enzim.hu/~szia/cddemo/edemo4.htm, the superpositioned wave will be the same as the initial one (pre slits). When they're completely out of phase, the resulting wave vector will oscillate orthogonally to the initial one. In the minimas, where the phase shift is 1/4 or 3/4, the resulting wave vector will spin, ie the superpositioned wave will be circularly polarized, http://www.enzim.hu/~szia/cddemo/edemo5.htm. All superpositions in between those will be some transition between the initial, orthogonal and circular oscillation. But in no case will there ever be destructive interference, hence no interference pattern.

In the quantum scenario, if we fire photons through the slits one at a time, each photon will pass the slits and hit the screen polarized either horizontally or vertically. The possibility of obtaining this polarization is what destroys the interference pattern.

In the classical scenario, if we fire extremely week light waves through the slits, each one will split in a horizontal and a vertical component, which will superposition at the screen more or less phase shifted. Depending on the phase shift, the vector oscillation will be more or less rotated / circularly polarized.

Testing these two predictions should be easy. We add a polarizing filter in front of the slits to polarize the initial light diagonally. We then remove a strip in the center of the screen and we replace it with a second filter. We add a detector behind the screen to count photons / light waves. http://insector.se/slit_setup.jpg.

Quantum physics predict that all photons hitting the center strip will be either horizontally or vertically polarized, so no matter what orientation we set on polarizer B, approximately half should pass through.

Classical physics predict that all the superpositioned waves hitting the center strip will be mainly diagonally polarized. So if we orient polarizer B in line with polarizer A, a majority of the light will pass through. If we orient B orthogonally to A, only a minimum amount (if any) will pass through.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hydr0matic said:
Quantum physics predict that all photons hitting the center strip will be either horizontally or vertically polarized, so no matter what orientation we set on polarizer B, approximately half should pass through.

Classical physics predict that all the superpositioned waves hitting the center strip will be mainly diagonally polarized. So if we orient polarizer B in line with polarizer A, a majority of the light will pass through. If we orient B orthogonally to A, only a minimum amount (if any) will pass through.

You have to treat both cases in the same way. In classical physics you say that you get diagonally polarized light when it is incident to the polarizer. In order to get light with diagonal polarization the horizontal and vertical component must overlap, e.g. at the polarizer.

The same applies to the photon too. The left path with horizontal polarization and the right path with vertical polarization overlap at the polarizer yielding a diagonal polarization.
  • #3
After some thinking I am not so sure about my answer anymore, in particular about the photon having diagonal polarization as a result of the overlap. Sorry! :redface:
  • #4
Edgardo said:
After some thinking I am not so sure about my answer anymore, in particular about the photon having diagonal polarization as a result of the overlap. Sorry! :redface:
Appreciate the comments, no need to be sorry :smile: .. Perhaps someone with better knowledge on the subject can weigh in. if the photon will have diagonal polarization, how could one detect which-way info?
  • #5
Anyone who can settle this?

Looking for the accurate quantum mechanical prediction...
The photon's wavefunction passes both slits, and then interferes in the center of the screen. Will the split probability waves superposition into a 100% probability of diagonal polarization, or will the photons be 50/50 vertical or horizontal when they hit the screen?

FAQ: Testing Quantum vs. Classical Physics Predictions of Which-Way Double Slit

1. What is the difference between quantum and classical physics?

Quantum physics is a branch of physics that describes the behavior of particles at the subatomic level. It is based on the principles of uncertainty and superposition, which state that particles can exist in multiple states at the same time. Classical physics, on the other hand, deals with the behavior of larger objects and follows the laws of classical mechanics, such as Newton's laws of motion.

2. What is the "which-way" double slit experiment?

The "which-way" double slit experiment is a thought experiment that demonstrates the wave-particle duality of light. It involves shining a beam of light through two parallel slits and observing the interference pattern that is created on a screen behind the slits. By placing detectors at the slits, scientists can determine which path the photons took and the interference pattern disappears, showing the particle-like nature of light.

3. Why is it important to test quantum and classical physics predictions?

Testing quantum and classical physics predictions allows us to better understand the fundamental laws of the universe and how they apply to different scales. It also helps us confirm the validity of these theories and identify any discrepancies or limitations in our current understanding.

4. How do scientists test the predictions of quantum and classical physics in the which-way double slit experiment?

In the which-way double slit experiment, scientists can vary the experimental setup by changing the distance between the slits, the type of particles used, or by adding detectors at the slits. By comparing the results of these variations with the predictions of both quantum and classical physics, scientists can see which theory best explains the observed phenomena.

5. What have scientists found in testing quantum vs. classical physics predictions in the which-way double slit experiment?

Scientists have found that in the which-way double slit experiment, the predictions of quantum physics hold true for particles at the subatomic level, while the predictions of classical physics hold true for larger objects. This supports the idea of wave-particle duality and the idea that different physical laws apply at different scales.

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