Testing rear window defroster grid

In summary: my's method of checking for window defroster grid failures is to measure the resistance, current, and voltage drop of good wires and compare them to those with at least one broken wire. he is also thinking about to make a tool with sensors to detect the flow of current in each heating wire.
  • #1
Lans mnet
I would like to develop a testing method to detect window defroster grid failures. Rear windows has 12 heating wires painted to the glass and cca. 2% are faulty pieces.
I tried to measure the resistance, current and voltage drop of good parts and compare results with those where was at least 1 broken wire, but the difference was smaller than the tolerance specified by the supplier. (Other problem is that the resistance is greatly depending on the temperature)
Now we are testing visually with a thermo foil but it takes more time and sometimes the operator mistakes or can forget to correctly check thermo foil. It is also very important to not hurt parts during the testing process, so best option would be contactless testing if possible... :)
I'am thinking about to make a tool with 12 sensors, 1 sensor to every each heating wire to sense a flowing current in a wire. But I'am not sure that there is any sensor avaible in the market for such a purpose. Finally PLC have to check the outputs of every sensors, if all the 12 wires are good (current is flowing through them) gives visual signal or in case of failure sound alarm or red light flashing.

Here is the specification of rear window defroster:
Power: 167,37W ±10%
Current: 12,87A ±1A
Resistance: 1,0 Ohm -10%/+20%
Wire thickness: 0,48mm
In the attachment you can find technical drawing of the window.

Any ideas and suggestions are welcome.



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  • #2
A thermal image camera would be the simplest method by far. There are even smart phone apps to do that. There are also inexpensive USB thermal imagers.
  • #3
Here's an approach, not a solution

Are you testing these in a manufacturing environment before application to the window?

I'd think a hall sensor could detect the field from an amp or maybe less
especially if you apply AC to the heater.

5mm away from an amp gives 0.4 gauss per this page

and this gizmo would give a couple millivolts of signal at that field strength

you'd take the sensor output , filter it for the excitation frequency, amplify , and indicate on a meter or go-nogo light.

i'm thinking a test jig with one sensor per wire
but it could as easily be a single sensor in a handheld battery powered wand that you sweep over the heater array.

That sort of opamp project is a LOT of fun, and good experience for a young engineer.

I've used this filter up in th 25khz range with excellent results
from http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm359.pdf

more here http://www.ti.com/lit/an/snoa666b/snoa666b.pdf

The humble LM386 audio amp has pins that let you tailor its frequency response, and it's designed for battery operation as well as AC signals..who knows, you might even be able to make it work at line frequency
that'd sure simplify your power driver .

Anyhow - my point is, let the heater show you its magnetic shadow. A wire that's open will have no magnetic shadow.

old jim

Related to Testing rear window defroster grid

1. How does a rear window defroster work?

A rear window defroster works by heating up the grid of thin, electrically conductive wires that are embedded in the rear window. These wires act as a heating element and warm up the window, melting any ice or snow that has accumulated on it.

2. Can I use a rear window defroster if my window has a crack?

No, it is not recommended to use a rear window defroster if your window has a crack. The electrical current flowing through the grid of wires can cause the crack to expand, leading to further damage to the window.

3. How do I know if my rear window defroster is working?

You can test your rear window defroster by turning it on and feeling the window with your hand. If the window feels warm, then the defroster is working. You can also try using it on a cold, frosty morning to see if it effectively clears the window.

4. What happens if the rear window defroster grid is damaged?

If the grid of wires in your rear window defroster is damaged, it may not work properly. This can lead to reduced visibility in cold weather and potentially increase the risk of accidents. It is important to have any damage to the grid repaired as soon as possible.

5. Can I repair a damaged rear window defroster grid myself?

It is not recommended to attempt to repair a damaged rear window defroster grid yourself. The grid is made up of delicate wires and any attempt to fix it without the proper tools and knowledge could cause further damage. It is best to take your vehicle to a professional for repairs.
