Tetrahedral and square planar crystal fields?

In summary: For square planar crystal fields, why do we discard the ligands along the z-axis? Why not discard the ligands along the x-axis or the y-axis?
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This is two questions really in crystal-field theory.

For tetrahedral crystal fields, why are the 't' and 'e' orbital sets switched in energy with the case in octahedral crystal fields?

For square planar crystal fields, why do we discard the ligands along the z-axis? Why not discard the ligands along the x-axis or the y-axis?


Chemistry news on Phys.org
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Bipolarity said:
For tetrahedral crystal fields, why are the 't' and 'e' orbital sets switched in energy with the case in octahedral crystal fields?

That's not true, in general. You have to distinguish between the formal symmetry label of the complex and the concrete arrangement of the ligands. T_d is a subgroup of O_h, so there are complexes of tetrahedral symmetry with the same splitting pattern as octahedral ones. Think of eight ligands sitting at the corners of a cube (this arrangement has O_h symmetry). The field of this configuration will lead to the same splitting pattern as that of charges sitting on the corners of a tetrahedron, which is obtained by removing every second ligand.
So the real question is why the splitting is reversed when going from octahedral to cubic complexes. This is easy to understand: The potential due to the charges has a minimum at the cubic corners in case of the octahedral coordination and maximum at the centers of the faces. In the case of cubic coordination it is just the other way round. So the effective potential seen by the orbitals is just inversed when going from cubic to octahedral complexation.
  • #3
DrDu said:
That's not true, in general. You have to distinguish between the formal symmetry label of the complex and the concrete arrangement of the ligands. T_d is a subgroup of O_h, so there are complexes of tetrahedral symmetry with the same splitting pattern as octahedral ones. Think of eight ligands sitting at the corners of a cube (this arrangement has O_h symmetry). The field of this configuration will lead to the same splitting pattern as that of charges sitting on the corners of a tetrahedron, which is obtained by removing every second ligand.
So the real question is why the splitting is reversed when going from octahedral to cubic complexes. This is easy to understand: The potential due to the charges has a minimum at the cubic corners in case of the octahedral coordination and maximum at the centers of the faces. In the case of cubic coordination it is just the other way round. So the effective potential seen by the orbitals is just inversed when going from cubic to octahedral complexation.

Thank you! What about for square planar fields?


FAQ: Tetrahedral and square planar crystal fields?

1. What is the difference between tetrahedral and square planar crystal fields?

Tetrahedral and square planar crystal fields are two different types of arrangements of ligands around a central metal ion. In a tetrahedral crystal field, the ligands are arranged at the corners of a tetrahedron, while in a square planar crystal field, they are arranged at the corners of a square. This results in different geometries and energies for the metal ion and its ligands.

2. How do tetrahedral and square planar crystal fields affect the electronic structure of a metal ion?

The arrangement of ligands in a crystal field can affect the electronic structure of a metal ion by creating a split in the energy levels of the d-orbitals. In a tetrahedral crystal field, the d-orbitals are split into two sets of three, while in a square planar crystal field, they are split into two sets of two. This splitting of energy levels can influence the reactivity and physical properties of the metal ion.

3. What factors determine whether a metal ion will prefer a tetrahedral or square planar crystal field?

The geometry of the ligands and the size of the metal ion are the main factors that determine whether a metal ion will prefer a tetrahedral or square planar crystal field. Smaller metal ions tend to prefer tetrahedral coordination, while larger metal ions tend to prefer square planar coordination. The nature of the ligands and the type of bonding also play a role in determining the preferred crystal field.

4. Can a metal ion switch between tetrahedral and square planar crystal fields?

In some cases, a metal ion can switch between tetrahedral and square planar crystal fields. This is known as geometrical isomerism and occurs when the ligands are flexible enough to change their orientation. For example, a metal ion in a tetrahedral crystal field can switch to a square planar crystal field if the ligands rotate around the central metal ion.

5. How do tetrahedral and square planar crystal fields affect the color and magnetic properties of metal complexes?

The arrangement of ligands in a crystal field can impact the color and magnetic properties of metal complexes. In general, square planar complexes tend to have stronger colors and higher magnetic moments compared to tetrahedral complexes. This is due to the different energy levels and electron configurations of the d-orbitals in each crystal field, which influence the absorption of light and the magnetic response of the metal complex.
