Textbook to help me understand eigenvectors and diagonalization

In summary, the book Math Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences by Mary Boas is a well known book that is used in many physics programs to teach their math courses. However, the confusion comes from the fact that very few explanation is given, which is a consequence of the vast amount of material covered. The book has several applications, including eigenvalues and eigenvectors, which are used to solve differential equations, find solutions to systems of differential equations, and more.
  • #1
Hi, I'm currently self-teaching myself some mathematics needed to study physics. I'm working through the book Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences by Mary L Boas. The book is a well known one, and it's used in many physics programs to teach their math courses.

However, I've read the section on eigenvectors and diagonalization many times, and I still feel like I don't really understand what's going on.

Is there a book (or even better, a free online textbook) where these subjects are explained in a clear way? I don't want a very abstract book destined to math majors, I'd like something written for physics/engineering students.

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
Do you know what is causing your confusion?

First off, you could always just look at a pure linear algebra text like Strang, Anton or Lay.

Second, you may want to look at a quantum mechanics book and see those topics in a physical context. A classical mechanics book would also have it when discussing rotational dynamics of rigid bodies.
  • #3
The confusion mostly comes from the fact that very few explanation is given in the book, which is a consequence of the vast amount of material covered. Somehow I don't feel like eigenvectors/diagonalization can reastically be exlpained in 5-6 pages.

I'll try to find one of the books you listed at my university's library, thank you.
  • #4
Well, what exactly is causing your confusion? How a matrix can be diagonalized, what an eigenvector is, how we find them?
  • #5
I understand how to diagonalize, how to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors, but I don't understand what they're used for. I know that the vectors in the first system that are parallel to the eigenvectors will simply be shrunk/extended without being rotated or reflected, but that's pretty much it. What's the point of finding the eigenvectors?
  • #6
From what I can tell (speaking from probably about a year more experience than what you have, so there are most likely some details missing), one of the main benefits of diagonalization is it allows you to simplify an operator; instead of having a very messy matrix, you can simplify it greatly and find it's eigenvalues very easily.

Eigenvalues and vectors have a lot of applications. For differential equations, if you have a system of differential equations then you can represent the system through a matrix, and find solutions from the eigenvalues/vectors of the matrix (simplified greatly, but more detail here http://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/Classes/DE/SolutionsToSystems.aspx)

As for other applications, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of operators give measurable values in Quantum Mechanics (note that functions are vectors in Quantum, but to understand why takes a little more theoretical understanding of Linear Algebra).

For a more mathematical application, if you have a diagonalizable matrix, you can use eigenvectors to create a basis for the vector space you're working with (and vice versa; they're equivalent) this is nice when working in a new mathematical system. For instance, in quantum we use this to help find all of the possible solutions to the 1-dimensional harmonic oscillator.
  • #7
Thanks for the explanations, and for the link. On that website I found paul's notes on eigenvectors and they were much clearer than my book!

FAQ: Textbook to help me understand eigenvectors and diagonalization

1. What is the purpose of learning about eigenvectors and diagonalization?

Eigenvectors and diagonalization are important concepts in linear algebra that have many applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. They allow us to simplify and understand complex systems by representing them in a more manageable form.

2. How do eigenvectors and diagonalization relate to each other?

Eigenvectors are the basis for diagonalization. When a matrix is diagonalized, it is represented in terms of its eigenvectors and corresponding eigenvalues. This allows us to easily perform calculations on the matrix and gain insights into its properties.

3. What is an eigenvalue and how is it calculated?

An eigenvalue is a scalar that represents the scale factor of an eigenvector when a linear transformation is applied to it. It is calculated by solving the characteristic equation of a matrix, which is obtained by subtracting the eigenvalue from the main diagonal and taking the determinant of the resulting matrix.

4. How can I determine the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a matrix?

The eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a matrix can be calculated by solving the characteristic equation, or by using a computer software such as MATLAB or Mathematica. It is also possible to find approximate solutions using numerical methods.

5. Are there real-world applications of eigenvectors and diagonalization?

Yes, there are many real-world applications of eigenvectors and diagonalization. They are used in image and signal processing, data compression, quantum mechanics, and many other fields. For example, in quantum mechanics, eigenvectors and eigenvalues are used to represent the possible states of a quantum system.

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