The Beginning: What Started Everything and Is There an End?

  • Thread starter Quantum_Prodegy
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of time and its beginning, or lack thereof. The question of whether there was a specific starting point for everything and the definition of "nothing" are also brought up. The conversation also delves into the idea of a higher power and their role in the creation of the universe. Ultimately, the conversation concludes that these mysteries cannot be fully resolved and it is futile to dwell on them.
  • #1
Thinking about the following makes my head spin...I'd be interested to hear what other people have to say. This is not mean to be a religious topic, I just want to know what others think about these...mysteries.

Was there a beginning, a specific point in time where everything started, prior to which there was nothing? (By the way...what is nothing?)

If there was a beginning...
How and why did it begin? Wait a minute, how did it begin if there was nothing before it? Does this mean that there is an end? whoa... :bugeye: if there is an end, what is there afterwards? (and back to the nothing question we go)

If there wasn't a beginning...
WHAT? How can something not have a beginning?

Don't you just love these questions? They drive me insane :confused:
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  • #2
Quantum_Prodegy said:
Thinking about the following makes my head spin...I'd be interested to hear what other people have to say. This is not mean to be a religious topic, I just want to know what others think about these...mysteries.

Was there a beginning, a specific point in time where everything started, prior to which there was nothing? (By the way...what is nothing?)

If there was a beginning...
How and why did it begin? Wait a minute, how did it begin if there was nothing before it? Does this mean that there is an end? whoa... :bugeye: if there is an end, what is there afterwards? (and back to the nothing question we go)

If there wasn't a beginning...
WHAT? How can something not have a beginning?

Don't you just love these questions? They drive me insane :confused:

This is just like pondering over the beginning of time.

How did matter come into existence? If it came spontaneously, then when did this happen? What was there before it? When did space come into existence? What was there before the existence of space? If there was nothing then why there was nothing?

These questions cannot be resolved, neither by God nor Man. They lead us to ad infinitum.

I think it's useless to think about it.
  • #3
I really don't believe in an all powerful being, but I would be interested to hear any other explanations.
  • #4
sid_galt said:
I think it's useless to think about it.

I think not...

Many interesting discussions can spring from trying, just don't expect ever to succeed and If you do, make sure to let me know...
  • #5
Quantum_Prodegy said:
Was there a beginning, a specific point in time where everything started, prior to which there was nothing? (By the way...what is nothing?)

If you consider time as the measure of change than this starting point in time becomes irrelevant, time will start when the universe starts and before this there is no time. If you'd like to read up on time I like this link :

Quantum_Prodegy said:
If there was a beginning...
How and why did it begin? Wait a minute, how did it begin if there was nothing before it? :
I'm not a physics expert but I believe the casimir effect describes matter popping in and out of existence, try the physics boards for this :frown:
  • #6
before time began, there was no such thing as time, so u can't say when it began, because that would mean u were saying that time began within a time.

basically time didnt have what we know as a beginning.

FAQ: The Beginning: What Started Everything and Is There an End?

1. What is the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang theory is the widely accepted scientific explanation for the beginning of the universe. It proposes that the universe began as a singularity, a point of infinite density and temperature, and expanded rapidly about 13.8 billion years ago. This expansion continues to this day.

2. Is the Big Bang theory the only explanation for the beginning of the universe?

No, there are alternative theories such as the Steady State theory and the Oscillating Universe theory. However, the Big Bang theory is the most supported by observational and experimental evidence.

3. Can we ever know what caused the Big Bang?

Currently, we do not have a definitive answer for what caused the Big Bang. The laws of physics that we understand break down at the singularity, making it difficult to determine what caused the universe to expand. Some theories propose that there was no cause and the universe has always existed.

4. Will the universe ever end?

There are several theories about the ultimate fate of the universe. The most widely accepted is the "heat death" scenario, in which the universe continues to expand and eventually reaches a state of maximum entropy, where all energy is evenly distributed and no work can be done. However, other theories propose a "Big Crunch" scenario where the universe collapses in on itself due to gravity.

5. How do scientists study the beginning of the universe?

Scientists use a combination of observational data, theoretical models, and experiments to study the beginning of the universe. This includes studying the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is leftover radiation from the Big Bang, as well as conducting experiments with particle accelerators to recreate conditions similar to the early universe. Scientists also use mathematical models and simulations to understand the behavior of the universe in its early stages.

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