The Bombing of Dresden in 1945: Justified or War Crime?

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In summary: Dresden in 1945 was not a war crime according to the historical context of WWII. The Allies, specifically the US and UK, believed that bombing civilian populations would break the will to fight of the nation being bombed. However, this tactic was not effective and is now considered morally wrong. The bombing of Dresden was done under the concept of total war, but it was not justified as it caused unnecessary destruction and loss of civilian lives. The bombing of other cities, including Tokyo, followed a similar pattern. Despite this, it was not seen as a war crime at the time. The use of nuclear bombs in Japan was seen as an improvement in efficiency, but not in the death rate. The bombing of Dresden is still a debated topic and
  • #36
It is said that WWII was won with Russian blood and American trucks.
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  • #37
Integral said:
It is said that WWII was won with Russian blood and American trucks.


  • #38
fourier jr said:
...& the germans weren't convicted of war crimes for bombing urban civilian targets because they could have shown that the allies did more of it, simple as that.
But you said that the Germans would have tried allies for war crimes for such actions. Just doing a little more (and while that's arguable, its not really significant - a crime is a crime is a crime, and how many times you do it only affects the punishment) wouldn't make the situation different. You're saying the Germans would have held a double-standard while the allies wouldn't have (didn't). That shows that the Allies had moral superiority - and I agree.
if the nazis were put on trial for that though, it would have set a legal precedent, and the germans would have been able to put on trial some of the allies (like churchill)
But again - only if the winner of the war allowed it. Again, this contradicts the typical "the winner decides what is right" argument. You're implying that the allies would have been equitable, or by not prosecuting Germans for attacking civilians, actually were equitable. Again, when the winner is truly immoral, "legal precident" simply doesn't apply. They do whatever they want.
klusener said:
Having experienced a corrupt government, I would look at that and say wouldn't that court be lenient on its own citizen than if that citizen/soldier was tried on an international court, isn't this what the US is refusing to do?
Certainly, it could be - it isn't a perfect process, but it is a step up from the multitude of countries who would never even consider prosecuting their own soldiers. It simply depends on how much integrity the government/legal system has. However, I would say that as long as the US makes a reasonable effort (yeah, I know, how do you define "reasonable?"), the US doesn't need to enter the world court. The World Court has some problems when applied to the US because of who the US is: being the big boys on the block, everyone is gunning for us. The EU, for example, was created largely to be an economic force to oppose the US. The UN works by majority rule (mostly), and let's face it: the majority of the countries in the world are not responsible enough to have the same vote as, say, France or Germany. That the world court would be dominated by 3rd world dictatorships is our fear, and it is a legitimate one: we would be their biggest target.
Integral said:
It is said that WWII was won with Russian blood and American trucks.
And to make it worse (could it be?) even the majority of the Russian "soldiers" were soldiers in name only - they were quite literally civilians rounded up, handed guns (or told to follow a guy with a gun) and forced to fight, with guns pointed at them from in front and behind.
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  • #39
russ_watters said:
And to make it worse (could it be?) even the majority of the Russian "soldiers" were soldiers in name only - they were quite literally civilians rounded up, handed guns (or told to follow a guy with a gun) and forced to fight, with guns pointed at them from in front and behind.

True,yet Russians won the war,by confirming the rule:"In war,quantity prevails upon quality".

  • #40
dextercioby said:
True,yet Russians won the war,by confirming the rule:"In war,quantity prevails upon quality".


IIRC, more Russians died in the war than people from all other countries combined, military and civilians.
  • #41
franznietzsche said:
IIRC, more Russians died in the war than people from all other countries combined, military and civilians.

--- and, there're indications/suggestions that Joe ran up a larger score than the Wehrmacht and SS --- little motivational policies like "Get killed and we send your family to the Gulags." Joe ran up a 2-3:1 edge that way through 1940-41.
  • #42
Bystander said:
--- and, there're indications/suggestions that Joe ran up a larger score than the Wehrmacht and SS --- little motivational policies like "Get killed and we send your family to the Gulags." Joe ran up a 2-3:1 edge that way through 1940-41.

I didn't say anything about who killed them, i just said that more russians died in the war (18 million IIRC) than the total dead from all other countries combined.

Over the course of his reign old joe was 'responsible' for some 20 million deaths.

Note: these statistics are from different sources, possibly are supposed to be the sam number I'm not really sure, this is all haphazardly off the top of memory, so if anyone knows these figures better, please correct me.
  • #43
No.Approx.20million Russians died in WWII,while at global level approx.100 million lost their lives...20% is somehow MUCH LESS than 50%.

  • #44
Yeah, China didn't fare so well at the hands of the Japanese either...

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