The Bouncing Ball Lab- Loss of Energy

In summary, the conversation revolves around a lab where a golf ball is bounced at different heights and the resulting changes in potential energy and velocity are calculated. The final question asks for the initial height needed for the ball to rebound to a specific height of 3ft. There is also a question about the conservation of energy and how it relates to the observed changes in potential energy. The student is struggling with finding the initial height and is seeking help before the paper is due at 8am the next day.
  • #1
1. Okay. So, my lab is to bounce a ball at a given high while i calculate the time, mass, and different heights. Given these I find the PE, Velocity, and Difference in PE. I've gotten most of the lab complete but there is a final question that asks "If you wanted the golf ball to rebound to a height of 3ft, which was the tested initial height, how high in units of ft would the golf ball need to be initially placed before released.
2. There is also a question that asks: "Calculate the difference in PE in J between the initial height and rebound height, and explain what happened to account for the loss of height in terms of conservation of energy?" I understand how to find the difference the PE from the initial height and the PE after it was rebounded but what does she mean by the conservation of energy thing?

3. For the golf ball I have an initial height of .91m, a PE of .4 J, a velocity of 2.33 m/s, avg rebound height of .56m w/ a PE of .25 J, and the difference is .15 J.

4. I am not sure where to start, really. I thought of possibly doing .4J/.25J and plugging that into PE=mgH but I'm not sure if that'd give me the answer. If anyone could please help me that'd be great. This paper is due at 8am tomorrow morning. Thanks!
Additional info: M=45g Initial height 1 yd travel time: .39sec.
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  • #2
8am in which time zone? ;)

I thought of possibly doing .4J/.25J and plugging that into PE=mgH
You cannot use a ratio as an energy value.
You can assume that this ratio is the same for each bounce (it won't be, but it is a good approximation). What was the fraction of energy lost you observed? If it is the same for every bounce, ...

but what does she mean by the conservation of energy thing?
Did you hear of conservation of energy? You start with .4J and end up with .25J, could this be an issue?
  • #3
mfb said:
8am in which time zone? ;)

You cannot use a ratio as an energy value.
You can assume that this ratio is the same for each bounce (it won't be, but it is a good approximation). What was the fraction of energy lost you observed? If it is the same for every bounce, ...

Did you hear of conservation of energy? You start with .4J and end up with .25J, could this be an issue?

Sorry, Eastern Time Zone. Clemson, SC. Well what i did was (.045kg)(9.8m/s^s)(.91)=.40 kgm^s/s^s=.40J Then, (.045kg)(9.8m/s^2)(.56m)= .25J. So, .40J-.25J= .15J. And, i understand that the energy lost will not be the same, as the heights will be different with every bounce due to the loss of energy. I just can't seem to figure out the initial height. Any hints you can give me? I'm really stuck..
  • #4
All of my previous post is a collection of hints how to proceed...
  • #5

I would like to first commend you on completing most of the lab and gathering important data such as time, mass, and heights. It is important to always gather accurate data in order to draw meaningful conclusions.

To answer the first question, in order for the golf ball to rebound to a height of 3ft (0.91m), it would need to be initially placed at a height of 1 yard (0.91m) before being released. This is because in order for an object to rebound to a certain height, it needs to have an initial potential energy equal to or greater than the potential energy at the desired rebound height.

For the second question, the conservation of energy refers to the principle that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. In the case of the bouncing ball, the initial potential energy (PE) is converted into kinetic energy (KE) as the ball falls, and then back into potential energy as it rebounds. However, due to factors such as air resistance and friction, some of the initial potential energy is lost and cannot be converted back into potential energy during the rebound. This results in a decrease in rebound height and a difference in potential energy between the initial and rebound heights.

To calculate the difference in potential energy, you can use the formula PE = mgh, where m is the mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height. In this case, you can subtract the initial potential energy (PE) from the potential energy at the rebound height to find the difference in potential energy lost. This difference in potential energy can be explained by the loss of energy due to air resistance and friction.

In terms of your additional information, it is important to use consistent units when calculating and comparing values. You have provided the initial height in meters, but the travel time in seconds and the mass in grams. It would be helpful to convert all units to either meters or yards to ensure accuracy in your calculations.

In conclusion, it is important to consider the principles of energy conservation when analyzing the results of your bouncing ball lab. By understanding the concept of energy conversion and loss, you can better explain the difference in potential energy and the decrease in rebound height. I hope this explanation helps and good luck with your paper.

FAQ: The Bouncing Ball Lab- Loss of Energy

1. What is the Bouncing Ball Lab and why is it important?

The Bouncing Ball Lab is an experiment designed to demonstrate the concept of loss of energy in a bouncing ball. It is important because it helps us understand the principles of energy conservation and the factors that affect the energy of a system.

2. How is energy lost in a bouncing ball?

Energy is lost in a bouncing ball due to various factors such as air resistance, friction, and deformation of the ball's surface. These factors cause the ball to lose kinetic energy as it bounces, resulting in a lower bounce height with each subsequent bounce.

3. What variables affect the loss of energy in a bouncing ball?

The loss of energy in a bouncing ball can be affected by several variables, including the surface of the ball, the height from which it is dropped, the material of the surface it bounces on, and the air pressure and temperature in the environment.

4. How is the loss of energy calculated in the Bouncing Ball Lab?

The loss of energy in the Bouncing Ball Lab can be calculated by measuring the initial and final bounce heights of the ball and using the formula: Loss of Energy = Initial Energy - Final Energy. The initial energy is equal to the potential energy at the highest point of the first bounce, while the final energy is equal to the potential energy at the highest point of the last bounce.

5. What are some real-world applications of understanding the loss of energy in a bouncing ball?

Understanding the loss of energy in a bouncing ball can have various real-world applications, such as designing sports equipment like basketballs and tennis balls with optimal bounce properties, improving the efficiency of energy transfer in machinery, and understanding the behavior of objects in motion in different environments.

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