The Center of the Earth and Black holes and Gravity

In summary, the conversation explores the concept of a pendulum falling through a tunnel that goes through the center of the Earth. It is discussed how the pendulum would behave in free fall, and whether its swings would be identical in photos taken before and after the fall. The idea of dual pendulums with opposite swings canceling each other out is also mentioned. The conversation ultimately poses the question of whether the positions of the pendulum swings would be identical due to coincidence or other factors.
  • #1
the original Bulk
a related thought experiment to a tunnel through Earth through which a person falls to the other side, is what if it was a pendulum falling through the planet?

first, a pendulum is at 90 degs to the G field; 2nd, as soon as the pendulum BEGINS to fall through, it is in free fall, and it will continue its last swing in the same direction, at the same speed as it had when it began to fall, describing a circle. the pendulum's ACCELERATION will decrease until reaching the center of the Earth whereupon it will begin DECELLERATING until reaching the other side of the earth, all the while continuing describing the same circle. IF then, it is stopped, it will once again begin operating as a pendulum.
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  • #2
the original Bulk said:
a related thought experiment to a tunnel through Earth through which a person falls to the other side, is what if it was a pendulum falling through the planet?

first, a pendulum is at 90 degs to the G field; 2nd, as soon as the pendulum BEGINS to fall through, it is in free fall, and it will continue its last swing in the same direction, at the same speed as it had when it began to fall, describing a circle. the pendulum's ACCELERATION will decrease until reaching the center of the Earth whereupon it will begin DECELLERATING until reaching the other side of the earth, all the while continuing describing the same circle. IF then, it is stopped, it will once again begin operating as a pendulum.
What is ie pendulum mounted on ?
  • #3
It's a thought experiment. There would be other forces at work. For example, precession of the pendulum itself due to the circular motion of the end of the pendulum ( action has equal but opposite reaction.) Also, the pendulum would have to end up right-side-up at the antipode (other side of the planet), before it was grabbed, else, it would simply fall back through the earth. If the pendulum was mounted on a frame, these vectors would affect the whole apparatus accordingly.

Previous posts compared a person falling through the Earth with a pendulum at rest on the planet surface; so, I sought to toss the pendulum down the hole and derive what would happen. I wanted to keep it as simple as possible, discounting other considerations.

Noting the difference between velocity and acceleration / deceleration, is key: both man and pendulum achieve maximum VELOCITY at the center of the planet. The rate of acceleration upon beginning their downward journey is 32 ft per second per second. This rate begins to attenuate as they fall and more mass is above them until at the center the rate of ACCELERATION is zero though their velocity is greatest. Passing the center, the reverse happens, kinetic energy begins to turn back into potential until reaching the other side when motion stops, and potential is greatest again. Assuming an ideal pendulum and ignoring other forces, said pendulum would resume its normal operation.
  • #4
What object is the pendulum circling about ?
  • #5

Now, let's change the thought experiment, again using ideal conditions. Assume there are dual identical pendulums set in a framework that balances their combined forces such that only gravity affects them, but their swing is exactly opposite. A photo is taken at the moment they are dropped. As before, they fall through the Earth reach the other side, they are then allowed to fall back through the Earth and then return to their original positions, when another photo is taken at the exact moment of their return.

Since the only force acting upon the dual pendulums was gravity would the positions of the pendulum swings be identical in both photos?

If so, why? If not, why not?

Remember, as they are in free-fall during their journey through the Earth and back, their swings become circular motions but because they are in opposite directions, their vectors cancel each other out, leaving only the force of gravity acting upon them.

I'd say there would be no difference in their swings; the photos would be identical. It would be as if the dual pendulums had never fallen through the Earth and back.

Can anyone prove or disprove this hypothesis?
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  • #6
SammyS said:
What object is the pendulum circling about ?

So, the pendulum(s) only swing back forth at the surface of the earth; once dropped down the hole they are in free-fall, they no longer swing back and forth but continue in the direction of the swing at the moment they were dropped, thus making complete circles instead of back and forth motions. In the case of identical pendulums whose swings are in opposite direction with equal momentum, their angular momentum vectors cancel out.

see my post on dual pendulums.
  • #7
the original Bulk said:
Since the only force acting upon the dual pendulums was gravity would the positions of the pendulum swings be identical in both photos?

Other than because of coincidence, why would they be?
  • #8
Drakkith said:
Other than because of coincidence, why would they be?

Why would they not be, since they were synchronized (though in opposite directions) in Earth's 1 G field before dropping into the hole, stayed in Earth's field until they passed all the way through the planet and back, returning to their precise starting point?
  • #9
Because they are counter rotating. I would think it would just be coincidence that they would be back at their identical positions when they return to the starting point.
  • #10
the original Bulk said:
a related thought experiment to a tunnel through Earth through which a person falls to the other side, is what if it was a pendulum falling through the planet?

first, a pendulum is at 90 degs to the G field; 2nd, as soon as the pendulum BEGINS to fall through, it is in free fall, and it will continue its last swing in the same direction, at the same speed as it had when it began to fall, describing a circle. the pendulum's ACCELERATION will decrease until reaching the center of the Earth whereupon it will begin DECELLERATING until reaching the other side of the earth, all the while continuing describing the same circle. IF then, it is stopped, it will once again begin operating as a pendulum.
Please post the accepted scientific sources for this. Please read our rules. We do not do thought experiments or philosophy. We deal only in accepted known science.

the original Bulk said:
It's a thought experiment. There would be other forces at work. For example, precession of the pendulum itself due to the circular motion of the end of the pendulum ( action has equal but opposite reaction.) Also, the pendulum would have to end up right-side-up at the antipode (other side of the planet), before it was grabbed, else, it would simply fall back through the earth. If the pendulum was mounted on a frame, these vectors would affect the whole apparatus accordingly.

Previous posts compared a person falling through the Earth with a pendulum at rest on the planet surface; so, I sought to toss the pendulum down the hole and derive what would happen. I wanted to keep it as simple as possible, discounting other considerations.

Noting the difference between velocity and acceleration / deceleration, is key: both man and pendulum achieve maximum VELOCITY at the center of the planet. The rate of acceleration upon beginning their downward journey is 32 ft per second per second. This rate begins to attenuate as they fall and more mass is above them until at the center the rate of ACCELERATION is zero though their velocity is greatest. Passing the center, the reverse happens, kinetic energy begins to turn back into potential until reaching the other side when motion stops, and potential is greatest again. Assuming an ideal pendulum and ignoring other forces, said pendulum would resume its normal operation.
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Related to The Center of the Earth and Black holes and Gravity

1. What is the center of the Earth made of?

The center of the Earth is mostly made up of iron and nickel, with a solid inner core and a liquid outer core. The Earth's crust and mantle make up the rest of the layers surrounding the core.

2. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. It is formed when a massive star dies and collapses in on itself, creating a singularity with infinite density and zero volume.

3. How does gravity work?

Gravity is a force that attracts objects with mass towards each other. The strength of the gravitational force depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them. The larger the mass and the closer the distance, the stronger the gravitational force.

4. Can anything escape from a black hole?

No, nothing can escape from a black hole once it has passed the event horizon, which is the point of no return. This includes light, which is why black holes appear black and invisible to the human eye.

5. Is there a center of a black hole?

According to our current understanding of physics, the center of a black hole is a singularity, which is a point of infinite density and zero volume. However, this concept is still not fully understood and is a topic of ongoing research and debate among scientists.

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