The Circle and the Square - How do I get a max value from a min value problem?

In summary, two students have different goals for a homework assignment. Min wants to minimize the sum of the areas of the circle and square, while Max wants to maximize the sum of the areas of the circle and square. There must only be one equation that will be minimized and maximized, and the domain is carefully considered.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A piece of wire 50 cm long is to be cut into two pieces. (X and 50-x)
One piece (X) will form a circle; the other (50-x) will be bent to form a square.
Two students, Max and Min, have different goals. Min wants to minimize the sum of the areas of the circle and square. Max wants to maximize the sume of the areas of the circle and square.

There must only be one (an) equation that will be minimized and maximized.

Hint: You must consider the domain carefully in this situation [D(0,50) ?]

Homework Equations

Circumference:X = 2*pi*R
Area of the Circle:A = pi*R^2
Area of the Square: A = S^2
Length of a side of a square: S = (50-X)/4

The Attempt at a Solution

First, I found the minimum of the problem:
Circumference -
X = 2*pi*R
X/(2*pi) = R

A = pi*R^2
A = pi*(x/(2*pi))^2
Length of a side: 4s = (50-x)
s = (50-x)/4

Area = S^2
Area = ((50-x)/(4))^2

Total Area (T.A) = A of Circle + A of Square
T.A = pi*(x/(2*pi))^2 + ((50-X)/4)^2
T.A = (4*x^2 + pi*(50-x)^2))/(16*pi)

T.A is approximately 87.52 with x approximately being 22. The answers were obtained by using my graphing calculator and rounding to the hundredths.

The domain I am guessing for this function of T.A is 0<x<50.

But, I haven't got the slightest clue on how to get a maximum from this problem... Any help would be appreciated.
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  • #2
I would say the domain is 0<=x<=50, you should be allowed to put all of the wire into one shape if you want to achieve the max. Which one should you put all of it into (i.e. look at the endpoints of the domain as I think the hint is suggesting).
  • #3
NastyAccident said:
The domain I am guessing for this function of T.A is 0<x<50.

But, I haven't got the slightest clue on how to get a maximum from this problem... Any help would be appreciated.

Don't forget that, because you are working with a *finite* domain for x, the critical point that you solved for only represents the value of x where d(T.A.)/dx = 0 in the interval. That is the local minimum for your total area function.

Have you learned about *global* or absolute minima and maxima of a function on an interval? Check the value of T.A. at the endpoints of your interval and compare them with your critical value and with each other.
  • #4
If f(x) is given on an interval [a, b], both max and min must occur:
1) in the interior (a,b) where f '(x)= 0 or
2) in the interior (a,b) where f '(x) does not exist (not relevant here) or
3) at an endpoint.

Find the points where f '(x)= 0, evaluate f at those points and a and b and pick out the highest and lowest.
  • #5
Unfortunately, we have not yet learned derivatives... Which is what is 'making this problem' hard.

I've decided to just call 49 my local maximum instead of doing 49.9999 repeating. Any other comments / suggestions would be welcome...

Thanks for the help so far!
  • #6
If you are considering only integer values of x that are not equal to zero or fifty, that's correct. Otherwise it's completely wrong. 49.1 is bigger. What's stopping you from saying the max is at x=50?
  • #7
Dynamicsolo, here is my two cents eventho I have not done max and min problems for years.
Plot you equation of TA=f(x) in the interval of 0<x<50 and see how it curves. We know that is is a parabolic curve and the max value should be evident but not necessarily useful. If you can use excel, it can plot for you quickly.
  • #8
have you covered maxima & minima yet?

FAQ: The Circle and the Square - How do I get a max value from a min value problem?

What is the Circle and Square problem?

The Circle and Square problem is a mathematical problem that involves finding the maximum value from a given minimum value. It is often used in optimization and decision-making scenarios.

What is the significance of finding the maximum value from a minimum value?

In many real-life situations, we are faced with finding the best possible outcome from a set of options. This is where the Circle and Square problem comes in, as it helps us determine the maximum potential of a given situation.

What are the steps involved in solving the Circle and Square problem?

The first step is to clearly define the problem and determine the minimum value. Next, we need to find the relationship between the minimum value and the maximum value. This can be done through mathematical equations or graphing. Finally, we can use this relationship to find the maximum value.

What are some real-life applications of the Circle and Square problem?

The Circle and Square problem can be applied in various fields such as economics, engineering, and operations research. It can be used to optimize resource allocation, determine the most profitable production levels, and make informed decisions in business and finance.

Are there any limitations to the Circle and Square problem?

Yes, the Circle and Square problem assumes a linear relationship between the minimum and maximum values. In real-life scenarios, this relationship may not always be linear, which can affect the accuracy of the solution. Additionally, the problem may become more complex when dealing with multiple variables.
