The Connectedness of the Graph of a Continuous Map in Hausdorrf Spaces

  • Thread starter happysauce
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In summary: Actually since this is the inverse image of f, then wouldn't that mean that Γ−1(U) and Γ−1(V) are disjoint and open in X and their union is the whole space X? Contradicting the fact that X was... connected.Yes, that's correct. Since U and V are open in Y and f is continuous, their inverse images are open in X. And since X is connected, this means that there can't be a separation of X into two disjoint open sets. But if you had Γ^{-1}(U) and Γ^{-1}(V) as disjoint open sets, then you would have such a separation of X. Hence, the only way to avoid this is to
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let f:X→Y we a continuous map. Let

a) Show that if X is connected, then Γ is connected.
b) Show that if Y is hausdorrf then Γ is a closed subset of X×Y.

Homework Equations

thm: if X is connected the image of a continuous map f:X→Y is connected.
thm: The product space of two connected spaces is connected.
thm: X is hausdorrf iff the diagonal is closed (?)
def: A space is hausdorrf if each pair of distinct points have neighborhoods that are disjoint.

The Attempt at a Solution

a) Since f:X→Y is continuous, the image is going to be connected. Therefore image(f(X))[itex]\subset[/itex] Y is connected. Also given two connected spaces the product space is also connected, therefore X×image(f(X)) is connected. Therefore Γ is connected? This seemed too easy so I am not sure if I left a huge hole here...

b) Y is hausdorrf. Therefore given any points y1≠y2 we can find a disjoint neighborhoods U and V around y1 and y2 respectfully. I also know that the diagonal, D, is closed, {(y,y)|y is in Y}. Not sure what to do next. Maybe consider the complement and try to do a proof similar to the diagonal proof? The complement of D would be open. I don't think Y being hausdorrf implies that f(x1) and f(x2) have disjoint neighborhoods so I'm not sure where to go next.

Edit: *Being Hausdorrf implies that sequences converge to at most one point. *Does this mean that f(x_n) converges to f(x) in this case? *

I don't want any flat out answers, I just want to know what I should be looking for.
Also new here to the physics forums, if my write up is awful please tell me :)
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  • #2
happysauce said:

Homework Statement

Let f:X→Y we a continuous map. Let

a) Show that if X is connected, then Γ is connected.
b) Show that if Y is hausdorrf then Γ is a closed subset of X×Y.

Homework Equations

thm: if X is connected the image of a continuous map f:X→Y is connected.
thm: The product space of two connected spaces is connected.
thm: X is hausdorrf iff the diagonal is closed (?)
def: A space is hausdorrf if each pair of distinct points have neighborhoods that are disjoint.

The Attempt at a Solution

a) Since f:X→Y is continuous, the image is going to be connected. Therefore image(f(X))[itex]\subset[/itex] Y is connected. Also given two connected spaces the product space is also connected, therefore X×image(f(X)) is connected. Therefore Γ is connected? This seemed too easy so I am not sure if I left a huge hole here...

b) Y is hausdorrf. Therefore given any points y1≠y2 we can find a disjoint neighborhoods U and V around y1 and y2 respectfully. I also know that the diagonal, D, is closed, {(y,y)|y is in Y}. Not sure what to do next. Maybe consider the complement and try to do a proof similar to the diagonal proof? The complement of D would be open. I don't think Y being hausdorrf implies that f(x1) and f(x2) have disjoint neighborhoods so I'm not sure where to go next.

Edit: *Being Hausdorrf implies that sequences converge to at most one point. *Does this mean that f(x_n) converges to f(x) in this case? *

I don't want any flat out answers, I just want to know what I should be looking for.
Also new here to the physics forums, if my write up is awful please tell me :)

I might have it. consider y≠f(x) then (y,f(x)) is in the complement of Γ. Take y in U and f(x) in V. Since Y is hausdorrf x and f(x) have disjoint nighborhoods in Y. Suppose U[itex]\cap[/itex] V ≠∅ then there exists x=f(x), which is a contradiction, therefore given any ordered pair (y,f(x)) the neighborhood UxV is open in the complement of the graph? Therefore the graph is closed?
  • #3
happysauce said:
a) Since f:X→Y is continuous, the image is going to be connected. Therefore image(f(X))[itex]\subset[/itex] Y is connected. Also given two connected spaces the product space is also connected, therefore X×image(f(X)) is connected. Therefore Γ is connected?
How did you conclude that? It's certainly not true that an arbitrary subset of a connected set is connected.

Try working with the definition. Assume [itex]\Gamma(X)[/itex] is disconnected. Then [itex]\Gamma(X)[/itex] is the disjoint union of two open sets [itex]U[/itex] and [itex]V[/itex]. What can you say about the inverse images, [itex]\Gamma^{-1}(U)[/itex] and [itex]\Gamma^{-1}(V)[/itex], of these sets?
  • #4
jbunniii said:
How did you conclude that? It's certainly not true that an arbitrary subset of a connected set is connected.

Try working with the definition. Assume [itex]\Gamma(X)[/itex] is disconnected. Then [itex]\Gamma(X)[/itex] is the disjoint union of two open sets [itex]U[/itex] and [itex]V[/itex]. What can you say about the inverse images, [itex]\Gamma^{-1}(U)[/itex] and [itex]\Gamma^{-1}(V)[/itex], of these sets?

I concluded this with a theorem from my book. "The image of a connected space under a continuous map is connected." So I thought maybe given X is connected the image of f was connected, and I just threw in the subset of Y because every point in the graph is an element in XxY.

And to answer your question.
Γ−1(U) and Γ−1(V) are disjoint and open in X?
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  • #5
happysauce said:
I concluded this with a theorem from my book. "The image of a connected space under a continuous map is connected." So I thought maybe given X is connected the image of f was connected, and I just threw in the subset of Y because every point in the graph is an element in XxY.

And to answer your question.
Γ−1(U) and Γ−1(V) are disjoint and open in X?

Actually since this is the inverse image of f, then wouldn't that mean that Γ−1(U) and Γ−1(V) are disjoint and open in X and their union is the whole space X? Contradicting the fact that X was connected?

FAQ: The Connectedness of the Graph of a Continuous Map in Hausdorrf Spaces

What does it mean when a graph is connected?

When a graph is connected, it means that there is a path between every pair of vertices in the graph. In other words, starting at any vertex, you can traverse the edges of the graph and reach any other vertex in the graph. This also means that there are no isolated or disconnected vertices in the graph.

How can you determine if a graph is connected?

One way to determine if a graph is connected is by performing a depth-first search or breadth-first search starting from any vertex. If all vertices can be reached from the starting vertex, then the graph is connected. Another way is by using a connectivity algorithm, such as Kosaraju's algorithm, which can determine the connectivity of a graph in linear time.

What is the difference between a connected graph and a strongly connected graph?

In a connected graph, there is a path between every pair of vertices. In a strongly connected graph, not only is there a path between every pair of vertices, but there is also a path from every vertex to every other vertex. This means that a strongly connected graph is also cyclic, where every vertex is reachable from every other vertex.

Can a directed graph be connected?

Yes, a directed graph can be connected. In a directed graph, there is a directed edge between two vertices, meaning the edge has a specific direction. A directed graph is considered connected if there is a path from every vertex to every other vertex, following the direction of the edges.

What is the significance of a graph being connected?

A connected graph has many practical applications, such as in transportation networks, social networks, and computer networks. It allows for efficient communication and transportation between different nodes or vertices in the graph. Additionally, the connectivity of a graph can affect the complexity of algorithms and problems that are based on graph theory.

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